Hi, I'm Anatole V [Anatoly E. Voevudko, PhD], residing in the USA. My 1K bigger user page easy to find on OEIS Wiki.
I was starting programming in the machine code for mainframe IBM 370. In last 2 decades I've
created more then 30 websites (partially or in full). In addition, I've always been
a scientist interested in AI. NT, etc.
I've already contributed here on RC more than 90 solutions.
My Rosettacode Wiki contributions
Summary of contributions
Tasks: 2 (2 are coming after file upload would be allowed again).
PARI/GP solutions: 49 (but read above).
JavaScript solutions: 12 (read above).
Gnuplot solutions: 11 (read above).
R solutions: 21 (read above).
Discussions (just a few)
My Rosettacode Wiki Tasks
Kronecker product
Kronecker product RC page
Kronecker product based fractals
Kronecker product based fractals RC page
Tasks 3-4 (Coming soon)
My Rosettacode Wiki Solutions
Helper functions for Rosettacode Wiki contributions
Sequences, etc.
Ludic numbers in PARI/GP v.1,2 RC page
Hailstone sequence in PARI/GP RC page
Stern-Brocot sequence in PARI/GP RC page
Stern-Brocot sequence in R RC page
Fractran in PARI/GP RC page
Convert seconds to compound duration in PARI/GP RC page
Towers of Hanoi in PARI/GP RC page
Terminal control/Ringing the terminal bell in PARI/GP RC page
Array map in PARI/GP RC page
Bernoulli numbers in R RC page
Proper divisors in R RC page
Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications in R RC page
Faulhaber's formula in PARI/GP RC page
Versions #1 and #2.
Kronecker product in PARI/GP RC page
Versions #1 and #2.
Kronecker product in JavaScript RC page
Versions #1 and #2.
String functions
Repeat a string in PARI/GP RC page
Reverse a string in PARI/GP RC page
Substring of a string in PARI/GP RC page
Tokenize a string in PARI/GP v.1,2 RC page
Jaro distance in PARI/GP RC page
Levenshtein distance in PARI/GP RC page
CSV data manipulation in PARI/GP RC page
Fractals, trees and other plotting
Draw a cuboid in PARI/GP RC page
Constrained random points on a circle in gnuplot RC page
Barnsley fern fractal in PARI/GP RC page
Barnsley fern fractal in JavaScript RC page
Barnsley fern fractal in R RC page
Barnsley fern fractal in gnuplot RC page
Sierpinski carpet fractal in PARI/GP RC page
Sierpinski carpet fractal in gnuplot RC page
Version #1.
Versions #2 and #3.
Sierpinski carpet fractal in R RC page
Versions #1 and #2.
Sierpinski triangle fractal in PARI/GP RC page
Sierpinski triangle in R RC page
Chaos Game (Sierpinski triangle) in PARI/GP RC page
Chaos Game (Sierpinski triangle) in R RC page
Chaos Game (Sierpinski triangle) in gnuplot RC page
Sierpinski pentagon in JavaScript RC page
Dragon curve v.3 in PARI/GP RC page
Dragon curve in gnuplot RC page
Dragon curve in JavaScript RC page
Dragon curve in R v.#2 RC page
The Archimedean spiral in PARI/GP RC page
The Archimedean spiral in JavaScript RC page
Polyspiral in PARI/GP RC page
Plotting helper functions
Plot the line from x1,y1 to x2,y2.
Convert degrees to radians.
Convert Polar coordinates to Cartesian.
Version #1. Polyspiral (a spiral made of multiple line segments).
Version #2. Multi-spiral figure translated from zkl.
Polyspiral in gnuplot RC page
Plotting a polyspiral file-function for the load command
Plotting many versions of a polyspiral.
Plotting a polyspiral file-function for the load command (for animation)
Plotting many polyspirals and other pictures for animation.
Creating 2 animated gif-files.
Showing 2 animated gif-files.
Polyspiral in JavaScript RC page
Ulam spiral in PARI/GP RC page
Ulam spiral in R RC page
Ulam spiral in JavaScript RC page
Fibonacci word/fractal in PARI/GP v.1,2 RC page
Fibonacci word/fractal in JavaScript RC page
Fibonacci word/fractal in R RC page
Plotting helper functions
Check if x,y are inside matrix mat[x,y]] (+/- p levels deep).
Simple plotting using a square matrix mat (filled with 0/1).
Writing file fn containing X,Y coordinates from matrix mat.
Plotting from a file written by the wrtmat().
Brownian tree in PARI/GP versions #1 - #4
Version #1. Translated from AutoHotkey.
Version #2. Translated from Octave.
Version #3. Translated from Seed7.
Version #4. Translated from PureBasic.
Brownian tree in gnuplot RC page
Plotting helper file for load command
Plotting from any data-file with 2 columns (space delimited), and writing to png-file.
Versions #1 - #4. Plotting from PARI/GP generated dat-files
Brownian tree in R RC page
Plotting helper functions
plotmat(): Simple plotting using a square matrix mat (filled with 0/1).
plotv2(): Simple plotting using 2 vectors (dumped into ".dmp" file by plotmat()).
Brownian tree versions #1 - #4.
Fractal tree in PARI/GP RC page
Fractal tree in R RC page
Pythagoras tree in PARI/GP RC page
Pythagoras tree in R RC page
Voronoi diagram v.2 in JavaScript RC page
Voronoi diagram in R RC page
Kronecker product based fractals in PARI/GP RC page
Kronecker product based fractals in JavaScript RC page
Kronecker product based fractals in R RC page