Talk:Digital root/Multiplicative digital root
The second task "tabulate MP versus the first five numbers having that MP" is inconsistent with the sample output. Assuming the output values are correct, the task should say "tabulate MDR versus the first five numbers having that MDR", and the "MD" column in the output should be "MDR". --Globules 06:00:08, 20 April 2014 (UTC)
- I've fixed that. Values with an MP of 9 seem to be rather large (I stopped looking at 20000000). --Rdm (talk) 08:39, 20 April 2014 (UTC)
I've promoted this to a task. It's got a clear description, and it's got more than 4 implementations in different languages. –Donal Fellows (talk) 15:58, 27 April 2014 (UTC)
The product of decimal digits must be a humble numbers ( 2^a*3^b*5^c*7^d )
Decimal digits 2..9 are humble numbers
1 does not change anything. 0 stops.
<lang pascal>program MultRoot;
{$ENDIF} uses
//mul digit of 277777788888899 = 4996238671872 lnMax = ln(4996238671873);//ln(High(Uint64));
tnm = record nmNum : Uint64; nmLnNum : double; nmPots: array[0..3] of byte; nmMulRoot, nmMulPers : Int16; end; tHumble = array[0..4679{15540}] of tnm;
Humble : tHumble; idx: Uint32;
Procedure QuickSort ( Left, Right : LongInt ); Var
i, j : LongInt; pivot : Uint64; tmp : tnm;
i:=Left; j:=Right; pivot := Humble[(Left + Right) shr 1].nmNum; Repeat While pivot > Humble[i].nmNum Do inc(i); While pivot < Humble[j].nmNum Do dec(j);
If i<=j Then Begin tmp:=Humble[i]; Humble[i]:=Humble[j]; Humble[j]:=tmp; dec(j); inc(i); End; Until i>j; If Left<j Then QuickSort(Left,j); If i<Right Then QuickSort(i,Right);
function GetMulDigits(n:Uint64):UInt64; //inserting only numbers without any '0' var
i,q :Uint64;
i := 1; repeat q := n div 10; i := (n-10*q)*i; n := q; until (i= 0) OR (n= 0); GetMulDigits := i;
procedure Insert(prime,NumIdx:Uint32); var
lnPot, lnPotSum:double; potNum : Uint64; i,j,pot :Uint32;
i := idx+1; pot := 0; potNum := 1; lnPot := ln(prime); lnPotSum := 0.0; repeat inc(pot); potNum := potNum*prime; lnPotSum := pot*lnPot; if lnPotSum>lnMax then BREAK; for j := 0 to idx do begin //ends in '0' 2^x*5*y //x,y > 0 will stay 0 if (numIdx = 2) AND (Humble[j].nmPots[0]<> 0) then continue; Humble[i] := Humble[j]; with Humble[i] do begin if (Potnum>0) AND (nmLnNum+lnPotSum < lnMax) then begin nmLnNum := nmLnNum+lnPotSum; nmNum := nmNum*potNum; nmPots[NumIdx] := pot; nmMulRoot := -1; nmMulPers := 0; inc(i); end; end; end; until false; idx := i-1;
writeln('insert powers of ',prime,' new count ',idx);
procedure OutHumble(h:tnm); var
s : string[23]; n,last : UInt64; i,p : Uint32; ch: char;
with h do begin write(h.nmMulPers:3,' : '); n := nmNum; For i := 0 to 3 do write(nmPots[i]:3); //creating smallest number which digits multiply to n setlength(s,23); //extract '9' s[1] := ' '; p:= 2; while nmPots[1]>1 do begin s[p] :=('9');inc(p); nmPots[1] := nmPots[1]-2; end; //'8' while nmPots[0]>2 do begin s[p] :=('8');inc(p); nmPots[0] := nmPots[0]-3; end; //'7' while nmPots[3]>0 do begin s[p] :=('7');inc(p); nmPots[3] := nmPots[3]-1; end; //'6' while (nmPots[0]>0) AND (nmPots[1]>0) do begin s[p] :=('6');inc(p); nmPots[0] := nmPots[0]-1; nmPots[1] := nmPots[1]-1; end; //'5' while (nmPots[2]>0)do begin s[p] :=('5');inc(p); nmPots[2] := nmPots[2]-1; end; //'4' while (nmPots[0]>1)do begin s[p] :=('4');inc(p); nmPots[0] := nmPots[0]-2; end; //'3' if (nmPots[1]>0) then begin s[p] :=('3');inc(p); end; //'2' if nmPots[0]>0 then begin s[p] :=('2');inc(p); end; i := 2; p := p-1; setlength(s,p); //swap digits
while i
= 10 then write(s,'->',n) else write(' ',n); last := n; // n := GetMulDigits(n); if last <> n then begin repeat write('->',n); last := n; n := GetMulDigits(n); until last=n; end; writeln; end; end; var n,last : Uint64; i,j : Uint32; begin Humble[0].nmNum :=1; Insert(2,0); Insert(3,1); Insert(5,2); Insert(7,3); //remove numbers with one '0' digit j:= 0; For i := 0 to Idx do begin if GetMulDigits(Humble[i].nmNum) <> 0 then Begin Humble[j] := Humble[i]; inc(j); end; end; idx := j-1; writeln('remove numbers with "0" digit.Remaining ',idx); QuickSort(0,idx); For i := 0 to Idx do begin j :=0; n := Humble[i].nmNum; last := n; n := GetMulDigits(n); if last <> n then begin j := 1; repeat inc(j); last := n; n := GetMulDigits(n); until last=n; end; Humble[i].nmMulRoot:= n; Humble[i].nmMulPers:= j; end; For i := 0 to idx do OutHumble(Humble[i]); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} write(' done. Press <ENTER>');readln; {$ENDIF} end. Whats special about 277777788888899 277,777,788,888,899 </lang>
//Real time: 0.134 s User time: 0.094 s insert powers of 2 new count 42 insert powers of 3 new count 595 insert powers of 5 new count 833 insert powers of 7 new count 4679 remove numbers with "0" digit.Remaining 2096 mulpersistance : pot 2,3,5,7 0 : 0 0 0 0 1 0 : 1 0 0 0 2 0 : 0 1 0 0 3 0 : 2 0 0 0 4 0 : 0 0 1 0 5 0 : 1 1 0 0 6 0 : 0 0 0 1 7 0 : 3 0 0 0 8 0 : 0 2 0 0 9 2 : 2 1 0 0 26->12->2 2 : 1 0 0 1 27->14->4 2 : 0 1 1 0 35->15->5 2 : 4 0 0 0 28->16->6 2 : 1 2 0 0 29->18->8 2 : 0 1 0 1 37->21->2 2 : 3 1 0 0 38->24->8 .... 267777777899999->smallest number with mul dgt of -> humble 2^5*3^11*5^0*7^7 =4668421498272 6 : 5 11 0 7 267777777899999->4668421498272->74317824->37632->756->210->0 3 : 6 21 0 1 37889999999999->4686238234944->191102976->0 3 : 0 13 2 6 355777777999999->4689262665675->1567641600->0 3 : 31 7 0 0 68888888888999->4696546738176->1097349120->0 3 : 11 9 0 6 267777778889999->4742523426816->15482880->0 3 : 0 3 4 10 3555577777777779->4766769826875->10241925120->0 3 : 2 20 0 3 47779999999999->4783868198172->260112384->0 3 : 27 6 0 2 77888888888999->4794391461888->334430208->0 3 : 0 1 9 7 35555555557777777->4825447265625->129024000->0 3 : 23 5 0 4 267777888888899->4894274617344->130056192->0 4 : 13 6 0 7 277777778888999->4918172442624->6193152->1620->0 11 : 19 4 0 6 277777788888899->4996238671872->438939648->4478976->338688->27648->2688->768->336->54->20->0