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Talk:Atir Tahir

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 13:54, 19 September 2019 by Thundergnat (talk | contribs) (Smells suspiciously like an add for a commercial site)
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Too much like an ad, not enough like a task

Rosetta Code is not an advertising platform for a commercial service. I didn't delete this outright since it could be turned into a task, but as it stands, it reads too much like an ad. --Thundergnat (talk) 13:53, 19 September 2019 (UTC)

Secure your documents programmatically

Things are going digital. There are outstanding products/tools to pull you into the paperless era. We share information across the companies or anywhere in the form of different file formats. It could be a Spreadsheet, PDF or any other MS Office formats. But the biggest threat is security. Let's understand this with a use-case.

If you have a Word file or PDF and you want to secure it with a password before sharing it to the team, what will you do? Of course, you will protect it using MS Word (using a built-in feature). But what if you don't have MS Office or Adobe PDF installed on your machine?

There are few APIs/tools that provide facility to secure a lot of file formats. Have a look at the GroupDocs.Merger APIs for Java and .NET platform:

.NET Code Snippet <lang C#>string sourceFile = (@"D:/Data/sample.pdf"); string password = "iamironman"; Stream openFile = new FileStream(sourceFile, FileMode.Open); DocumentResult result = new DocumentHandler().AddPassword(openFile, password); Stream documentStream = result.Stream; var fileStream = File.Create(@"D:/Data/Output.pdf"); documentStream.CopyTo(fileStream); documentStream.Close();</lang>

Java Code Snippet <lang java>String sourceFile = "source file"; String password = "spidy"; AddPasswordOptions options = new AddPasswordOptions(FileFormat.Docx, password); InputStream documentExample = new FileInputStream(sourceFile); DocumentResult result = new DocumentHandler().addPassword(documentExample, options); OutputStream documentStream = result.getStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayStream = (ByteArrayOutputStream) documentStream; byte[] bytes = byteArrayStream.toByteArray(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(CommonUtilities.outputPath + fileName); fos.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); fos.close();</lang>

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