Syntax highlighting using Mediawiki formatting: Difference between revisions

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(Added Algol W)
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=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
'''begin''' ''comment syntax highlight an Algol W source using Mediawiki formatting''
'' the source is read from standard input and written to standard output''
'' ;''
''% Algol W strings are limited to 256 characters in length so source lines %''
''% are limited to 256 characters %''
'''integer''' lineWidth, errorCount, lowerA, upperA, linePos, kwMax;
'''integer''' MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH;
'''string'''(1) nl;
'''string'''(256) line;
'''string'''(1) currChar, commentEnd;
'''string'''(9) '''array''' kw ( 1 :: 64 );
'''logical''' inString, inComment;
''% returns true if currChar is in the inclusive range low to high, false otherwise %''
'''logical''' '''procedure''' range( '''string'''(1) '''value''' low, high ) ; currChar >= low '''and''' currChar <= high;
'''procedure''' nextChar ; ''% gets the next source character %''
'''if''' linePos = lineWidth '''then''' '''begin'''
currChar := nl;
linePos := linePos + 1
'''else''' '''if''' linePos > lineWidth '''then''' '''begin'''
readcard( line );
lineWidth := 256;
'''while''' lineWidth > 1 '''and''' line( lineWidth - 1 // 1 ) = " " '''do''' lineWidth := lineWidth - 1;
linePos := 1;
currChar := line( 0 // 1 )
'''else''' '''begin'''
currChar := line( linePos // 1 );
linePos := linePos + 1
'''end''' nextChar ;
''% returns true if the current character can start an identifier, false otherwise %''
'''logical''' '''procedure''' identifierStartChar ; range( "a", "z" ) '''or''' range( "A", "Z" );
''% returns true if the current character can be pat of an identifier, false otherwise %''
'''logical''' '''procedure''' identifierChar ; identifierStartChar '''or''' range( "0", "9" ) '''or''' currChar = "_";
'''procedure''' outAndNextChar ; '''begin''' ''% output currChar and get the next %''
'''if''' currChar = "'" '''then''' writeon( "'" )
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = "&" '''then''' writeon( "&" )
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = "<" '''then''' writeon( "<" )
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = ">" '''then''' writeon( ">" )
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = nl '''then''' '''begin'''
'''if''' inComment '''then''' writeon( "''" );
write( " " );
'''if''' inComment '''then''' writeon( "''" )
'''else''' writeon( currChar );
'''end''' outAndNextChar ;
'''procedure''' identifierOrKeyword ; '''begin''' ''% handle an indentifier or keyword %''
'''string'''(9) word, lWord;
'''integer''' wLength;
''% recursive keyword binary search %''
'''logical''' '''procedure''' isKeyword ( '''integer''' '''value''' low, high ) ;
'''if''' high < low '''then''' '''false'''
'''else''' '''begin'''
'''integer''' mid;
mid := ( low + high ) '''div''' 2;
'''if''' kw( mid ) > lWord '''then''' isKeyword( low, mid - 1 )
'''else''' '''if''' kw( mid ) = lWord '''then''' '''true'''
'''else''' isKeyword( mid + 1, high )
'''end''' binarySearchR ;
wLength := 0;
'''for''' chPos := 0 '''until''' 8 '''do''' '''begin'''
'''if''' identifierChar '''then''' '''begin'''
word( chPos // 1 ) := currChar;
lWord( chPos // 1 ) := '''if''' range( "A", "Z" ) '''then''' code( ( decode( currChar ) - upperA ) + lowerA )
'''else''' currChar;;
wLength := wLength + 1;
'''else''' '''begin'''
lWord( chPos // 1 ) := " ";
word( chPos // 1 ) := " "
'''end''' if_identifierChar__
'''end''' for_chPos ;
'''if''' identifierChar '''then''' '''begin'''
''% all keywords are <= 9 characters long so this must be an identifier %''
writeon( word );
'''while''' identifierChar '''do''' outAndNextChar
'''else''' '''if''' lWord = "comment" '''then''' '''begin'''
writeon( "''comment" );
commentEnd := ";";
inComment := '''true'''
'''else''' '''if''' isKeyword( 1, kwMax ) '''then''' '''begin'''
writeon( "'''" );
'''for''' chPos := 0 '''until''' wLength - 1 '''do''' writeon( word( chPos // 1 ) );
writeon( "'''" )
'''else''' '''begin''' ''% identifier %''
'''for''' chPos := 0 '''until''' wLength - 1 '''do''' writeon( word( chPos // 1 ) )
'''end''' if_various_words
'''end''' identifierOrKeyword ;
s_w := 0; i_w := 1; ''% output formarting %''
nl := code( 10 );
lowerA := decode( "a" );
upperA := decode( "A" );
''% allow the program to continue after reaching end-of-file %''
ENDFILE := EXCEPTION( '''false''', 1, 0, '''false''', "EOF" );
''% ensure the first call to nextChar reads the first line %''
lineWidth := 256;
linePos := lineWidth + 1;
currChar := " ";
'''begin''' ''% keywords %''
'''procedure''' K ( '''string'''(9) '''value''' kwStr ) ; '''begin'''
kwMax := kwMax + 1;
kw( kwMax ) := kwStr
'''end''' K ;
kwMax := 0;
'''end''' keywords ;
inString := inComment := '''false''';
'''while''' '''not''' XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) '''do''' '''begin'''
'''if''' inString '''then''' '''begin''' ''% in a string %''
inString := currChar '''not''' = """";
'''else''' '''if''' inComment '''then''' '''begin''' ''% in a comment %''
inComment := currChar '''not''' = ";" '''and''' currChar '''not''' = commentEnd;
'''if''' '''not''' inComment '''then''' writeon( "''" );
'''else''' '''if''' identifierStartChar '''then''' identifierOrKeyword
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = """" '''then''' '''begin''' ''% string literal %''
inString := '''true'''
'''else''' '''if''' currChar = "%" '''then''' '''begin''' ''% brief comment %''
writeon( "''" );
commentEnd := "%";
inComment := '''true''';
'''else''' outAndNextChar
'''end''' while_not_ar_eof ;
'''if''' inComment '''then''' write( "**** unterminated comment" )
'''else''' '''if''' inString '''then''' write( "**** unterminated string" )

Revision as of 19:47, 11 October 2023

Syntax highlighting using Mediawiki formatting is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

When formatting a page for display, Mediawiki allows the page to include bold and italic text by placing the bold/italic text within paired repeated-single quote characters - 3 single quotes for bold and 2 for italic, 5 for bold italic.
E.g.: '''bold-word''' and ''italic-word'' appears as bold-word and italic-word.

This could be used to provide simple syntax-highlighting without the use of the relatively more expensive <syntaxhighlight> tags or for languages not currently supported by Pygments. A few languages on Rosetta Code are currently using schemes like this.


The task is to write a syntax highlighter that given a source in your language will output a wiki formatted version of the source with the keywords/reserved words in bold and the comments in italics.
Note that each source line (including blank lines) should be output with a leading space, to ensure the source is treated as a single block.

Additionally, translate the following characters:

  • single-quote (') to &apos;
  • ampersand (&) to &amp;
  • less-than (<) to &lt;
  • greater-than (>) to &gt;

If your language doesn't have keywords/reserved words or comments, use your judgement on what to highlight in bold or italic : )

Presenting your source

Instead of showing your source within syntaxhighlight tags and having a separate output block, just show the source that would be output from your program when given its own source to process.
I.e., don't use syntaxhighlight tags.

See also


Handles upper-stropping Algol 68 sources (as used by ALGOL 68G and most other compilers).

CO Convert an upper-stropped Algol 68 source to "wiki" format
     each line is preceeded by a space,
     bold words are enclosed in ''' and ''' and comments in '' and ''
     ', &, < and > are converted to &apos; &amp; &lt; and &gt;
     everything else if output as is
     quote-stropping, point-stropping and res-stropping is not suppoered
  the source is read from stand in and written to stand out
  the last line in the file must end with a newline
  { and } are assumed to be alternatives for ( and ), if { } should be
      treated as comments ( as in ALGOL68RS/algol68toc )
          change rs style brief comments to TRUE

    BOOL   in string         := FALSE;
    BOOL   in brief comment  := FALSE;
    INT    rs comment depth  := 0;
    STRING comment delimiter := "";

    # TRUE if {} delimits a nestable brief comment, as in ALGOL 68RS and      #
    #      algol68toc, FALSE if {} are alternatives to () as in ALGOL 68G     #
    BOOL rs style brief comments = FALSE;

    BOOL at eof := FALSE;     # TRUE if EOF has been reached, FALSE otherwise #
    on logical file end( stand in              # set EOF handler for stand in #
                       , ( REF FILE f )BOOL:
                             # note that we reached EOF on the latest read    #
                             # and return TRUE so processing can continue     #
                             at eof := TRUE
    CHAR   nl        = REPR 10;                           # newline character #
    STRING line     := nl;                              # current source line #
    INT    pos      := LWB line;                   # current position in line #
    CHAR   c        := " ";                        # current source character #

    PROC next char = VOID:   # gets the next source character, stores it in c #
         IF pos <= UPB line THEN
             c := line[ pos ];          # not past the end of the source line #
             pos +:= 1
         ELIF        # past the end of the current source line - get the next #
             at eof := FALSE;
             read( ( line, newline ) );
             NOT at eof
             line +:= nl;                                 # have another line #
             c     := line[ pos := LWB line ];
             pos  +:= 1
             line := "";                                        # reached eof #
             c    := REPR 0
         FI # next char # ;
    PROC out char = ( CHAR ch )VOID:               # conveerts and outputs ch #
         IF   ch = nl  THEN
             IF NOT in brief comment AND rs comment depth = 0 AND comment delimiter = "" THEN
                 print( ( newline, " " ) )         # newline not in a comment #
             ELSE                                      # newline in a comment #
                 italic delimiter; print( ( newline, " " ) ); italic delimiter
         ELIF ch = "<" THEN print( ( "&lt;" ) )
         ELIF ch = ">" THEN print( ( "&gt;" ) )
         ELIF ch = "&" THEN print( ( "&amp;" ) )
         ELIF ch = "'" THEN print( ( "&apos;" ) )
         ELSE print( ch )
         FI # out char # ;
    # outputs the current character and gets the next                         #
    PROC out and next char = VOID: BEGIN out char( c ); next char END;
    # outputs a wiki start/end italic delimiter                               #
    PROC italic delimiter = VOID: print( ( "''" ) );
    # returns TRUE if the current character can start a bold word             #
    PROC have bold = BOOL: c >= "A" AND c <= "Z";
    PROC get bold word = STRING:          # gets a bold word from then source #
            STRING result := "";
            WHILE have bold OR c = "_" DO result +:= c; next char OD;
         END # get bold word # ;

    # copy the source to stand out, conveerting to wiki format                #
    next char;
    WHILE NOT at eof DO
        IF   in string THEN                           # currently in a string #
            in string := c /="""";
            out and next char
        ELIF in brief comment THEN             # currently in a brief comment #
            in brief comment := c /= "#";
            out and next char;
            IF NOT in brief comment THEN italic delimiter FI
        ELIF rs comment depth > 0 THEN # currently in a nesting {...} comment #
            IF c = "}" THEN rs comment depth -:= 1 FI;
            out and next char;
            IF rs comment depth < 1 THEN italic delimiter FI
        ELIF comment delimiter /= "" THEN           # in a CO/COMMENT comment #
            IF NOT have bold THEN
                out and next char               # haven't reached a bold word #
                STRING word = get bold word;    # at the start of a bold word #
                print( ( word ) );
                IF word = comment delimiter THEN
                    # reached the end of the comment                          #
                    italic delimiter;
                    comment delimiter := ""
        ELIF c = """" THEN        # start of a string or character denotation #
            out and next char;
            in string := TRUE
        ELIF c = "#" THEN         # start of a brief comment such as this one #
            italic delimiter;
            out and next char;
            in brief comment := TRUE
        ELIF c = "{" AND rs style brief comments THEN        # nestable brief #
            italic delimiter;         # comment ( ALGOL 68RS and algol68toc ) #
            out and next char;
            rs comment depth := 1
        ELIF have bold THEN                                # have a bold word #
            STRING word = get bold word;
            IF word /= "CO" AND word /= "COMMENT" THEN
                print( ( "'''", word, "'''" ) )       # non-comment bold word #
                italic delimiter;                   # start of a bold comment #
                print( ( word ) );
                comment delimiter := word
        ELSE                                                  # anything else #
            out and next char
    IF   in string               THEN print( ( "**** unterminated string",              newline ) )
    ELIF in brief comment        THEN print( ( "**** unterminated brief comment",       newline ) )
    ELIF rs comment depth > 0    THEN print( ( "**** unterminated {...} comment",       newline ) )
    ELIF comment delimiter /= "" THEN print( ( "**** unterminated ", comment delimiter, newline ) )



begin comment syntax highlight an Algol W source using Mediawiki formatting
              the source is read from standard input and written to standard output
    % Algol W strings are limited to 256 characters in length so source lines %
    % are limited to 256 characters %
    integer     lineWidth, errorCount, lowerA, upperA, linePos, kwMax;
    integer     MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH;
    string(1)   nl;
    string(256) line;
    string(1)   currChar, commentEnd;
    string(9)   array kw ( 1 :: 64 );
    logical     inString, inComment;
    % returns true if currChar is in the inclusive range low to high, false otherwise %
    logical procedure range( string(1) value low, high ) ; currChar >= low and currChar <= high;
    procedure nextChar ;               % gets the next source character %
        if      linePos = lineWidth then begin
            currChar := nl;
            linePos  := linePos + 1
        else if linePos > lineWidth then begin
            readcard( line );
            lineWidth := 256;
            while lineWidth > 1 and line( lineWidth - 1 // 1 ) = " " do lineWidth := lineWidth - 1;
            linePos   := 1;
            currChar  := line( 0 // 1 )
        else begin
            currChar := line( linePos // 1 );
            linePos  := linePos + 1
        end nextChar ;
    % returns true if the current character can start an identifier, false otherwise %
    logical procedure identifierStartChar ; range( "a", "z" ) or range( "A", "Z" );
    % returns true if the current character can be pat of an identifier, false otherwise %
    logical procedure identifierChar ; identifierStartChar or range( "0", "9" ) or currChar = "_";
    procedure outAndNextChar ; begin % output currChar and get the next %
        if      currChar = "'" then writeon( "&apos;" )
        else if currChar = "&" then writeon( "&amp;"  )
        else if currChar = "<" then writeon( "&lt;"   )
        else if currChar = ">" then writeon( "&gt;"   )
        else if currChar = nl  then begin
            if inComment then writeon( "''" );
            write( " " );
            if inComment then writeon( "''" )
        else writeon( currChar );
    end outAndNextChar ;
    procedure identifierOrKeyword ; begin % handle an indentifier or keyword %
        string(9) word, lWord;
        integer   wLength;
        % recursive keyword binary search %
        logical procedure isKeyword ( integer value low, high ) ;
            if high < low then false
            else begin
                integer mid;
                mid := ( low + high ) div 2;
                if      kw( mid ) > lWord then isKeyword( low,     mid - 1 )
                else if kw( mid ) = lWord then true
                else                           isKeyword( mid + 1, high    )
            end binarySearchR ;
        wLength := 0;
        for chPos := 0 until 8 do begin
            if identifierChar then begin
                word(  chPos // 1 ) := currChar;
                lWord( chPos // 1 ) := if range( "A", "Z" ) then code( ( decode( currChar ) - upperA ) + lowerA )
                                                            else currChar;;
                wLength := wLength + 1;
            else begin
                lWord( chPos // 1 ) := " ";
                word(  chPos // 1 ) := " "
            end if_identifierChar__
        end for_chPos ;
        if identifierChar then begin
             % all keywords are <= 9 characters long so this must be an identifier %
             writeon( word );
             while identifierChar do outAndNextChar
        else if lWord = "comment" then begin
             writeon( "''comment" );
             commentEnd := ";";
             inComment  := true
        else if isKeyword( 1, kwMax ) then begin
             writeon( "'''" );
             for chPos := 0 until wLength - 1 do writeon( word( chPos // 1 ) );
             writeon( "'''" )
        else begin % identifier %
             for chPos := 0 until wLength - 1 do writeon( word( chPos // 1 ) )
        end if_various_words
    end identifierOrKeyword ;
    s_w := 0; i_w := 1; % output formarting %
    MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH := 256;
    nl               := code( 10 );
    lowerA           := decode( "a" );
    upperA           := decode( "A" );
    % allow the program to continue after reaching end-of-file %
    ENDFILE := EXCEPTION( false, 1, 0, false, "EOF" );
    % ensure the first call to nextChar reads the first line %
    lineWidth := 256;
    linePos   := lineWidth + 1;
    currChar  := " ";
    begin    % keywords %
        procedure K ( string(9) value kwStr ) ; begin
            kwMax := kwMax + 1;
            kw( kwMax ) := kwStr
        end K ;
        kwMax := 0;
    end keywords ;
    inString := inComment := false;
    while not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) do begin
        if      inString            then begin % in a string %
            inString := currChar not = """";
        else if inComment           then begin % in a comment %
            inComment := currChar not = ";" and currChar not = commentEnd;
            if not inComment then writeon( "''" );
        else if identifierStartChar then identifierOrKeyword
        else if currChar = """"     then begin % string literal %
            inString := true
        else if currChar = "%"      then begin % brief comment %
            writeon( "''" );
            commentEnd := "%";
            inComment  := true;
        else outAndNextChar
    end while_not_ar_eof ;
    if      inComment then write( "**** unterminated comment" )
    else if inString  then write( "**** unterminated string"  )


Parsing of patterns may not be correct in all cases.

# convert an AWK source to wiki format
#    each line is preceeded by a space,
#    reserved words are enclosed in ''' and ''' and comments in '' and ''
#    ', &, < and > are converted to &apos; &amp; &lt; and &gt;
#    everything else if output as is
# the wiki source is written to stdout

    # reserved word list as in gawk and treating getline as reserved 
    kw = "BEGIN/BEGINFILE/END/ENDFILE/"                         \
         "break/case/continue/default/delete/do/while/else/"    \
         "exit/for/in/function/func/if/next/nextfile/switch/"   \
    n   = split( kw, reservedWords, "/" );
    for( w = 1; w <= n; w ++ )
        reserved[ reservedWords[ w ] ] = w;


    printf( " " );
    line = $0;
    gsub( /&/, "\\&amp;",  line );
    gsub( /</, "\\&lt;",   line );
    gsub( />/, "\\&gt;",   line );
    gsub( /'/, "\\&apos;", line );

    if( line != "" )
        c = "";
            if     ( c == "#" )
                # comment
                printf( "''#%s''", line );
                c = "";
            else if( c == "\"" )
                # string literal
                    if( c == "\\" )
                while( c != "\"" && c != "" );
                if( c != "\"" )
                    printf( "**** Unterminated string\n" );
                printf( "\"" );
            else if( c == "/" && lastC !~ /[A-Za-z0-9_.]/ )
                # pattern
                bracketDepth = 0;
                while( c != "" && ( c != "/" || bracketDepth > 0 ) )
                    if( c == "\\" || c == "[" )
                        if( c == "[" )
                            bracketDepth ++;
                    else if( c == "]" )
                        bracketDepth --;
                if( c != "/" )
                    printf( "**** Unterminated pattern\n" );
                printf( "/" );
            else if( c ~ /[A-Za-z]/ )
                # have a reserved word or identifier
                word = "";
                    word = word c;
                while( c ~ /[A-Za-z0-9_]/ );
                if( word in reserved )
                    word = "'''" word "'''";
                printf( "%s", word );
                # something else
        while( c != "" );
    printf( "\n" );


function outAndNextChar()
    printf( "%s", c );

function nextChar()
    if( c != " " )
        # the last character wasn't a space, save it so we can recognise patterns
        lastC = c;
    if( line == "" )
        # at end of line
        lastC = c = "";
        # not end of line
        c    = substr( line, 1, 1 );
        line = substr( line, 2 );

} # nextChar


#= Keywords in Julia. Handles two word reserved keywords. #= Also
   #= handles nested comments such as this. =# =#
const KEYWORDS = map(
    w -> Regex("^" * w * "\\W"),
        ], rev = true, by = length),
) # reorder to largest first then convert to Regex

""" Find the #= =# delineated comment, including nested versions """
function nestedcommentlimits(s::AbstractString, startcomment = "#=", stopcomment = "=#")
    either = Regex("$startcomment|$stopcomment", "sa")
    depth, startpos, stoppos = 0, 0, 0
    for (i, m) in enumerate(eachmatch(either, s))
        if m.match == startcomment
            startpos = startpos == 0 ? m.match.offset : startpos
            depth += 1
            stoppos = max(stoppos + 1, m.match.offset + 2)
            depth -= 1
        depth <= 0 && break
    return startpos, stoppos

   Given a string, output a string that has been modified by adding surrounding
   \'\' or \'\'\' bracketing for syntax highlighting of keywords and comments
function partialhighlight(txt)
    outtxt = Char[]
    idx, len = 1, length(txt)
    while idx <= len
        if !isvalid(txt, idx)
            idx += 1
        c = txt[idx]
        if c == '\\'
            push!(outtxt, c, txt[idx+1])
            idx += 2
        elseif c == '\"'
            if idx < len - 2 && c == txt[idx+1] == txt[idx+2]
                qlen = findfirst(r"(?<!\\)\"\"\""sa, txt[idx+3:end])
                qlen == nothing && error("error with terminator of quote at $idx")
                append!(outtxt, collect(replace(txt[idx:idx+qlen.stop+2], "\n" => "\n ")))
                idx += qlen.stop + 3
                qlen = findfirst(r"(?<!\\)\"", txt[idx+1:end])
                qlen == nothing && error("error with terminator of quote at $idx")
                append!(outtxt, collect(replace(txt[idx:idx+qlen.stop+1], "\n" => "\n ")))
                outtxt[end] == '\n' && push!(outtxt, ' ')
                idx += qlen.stop + 2
        elseif c == '#' && txt[max(1, idx - 1)] != '''
            if idx < len && txt[idx+1] == '='
                start, stop = nestedcommentlimits(txt[idx:end])
                s = replace(txt[idx:idx+stop-1], "\n" => "\n ")
                append!(outtxt, collect("$s"))
                idx += stop
                newlinepos = something(findfirst(==('\n'), txt[idx+1:end]), len - idx)       
                append!(outtxt, collect("$(txt[idx:idx+newlinepos-1])"))
                idx += newlinepos
        elseif c ∈ 'a':'z'
            for (j, reg) in enumerate(KEYWORDS)
                m = match(reg, txt[idx:end])
                if m != nothing
                    wlen = m.match.ncodeunits - 2
                    append!(outtxt, collect("$(txt[idx:idx+wlen])"))
                    idx += wlen + 1
                elseif j == lastindex(KEYWORDS)
                    push!(outtxt, c)
                    idx += 1
        elseif c in [''', '&', '<', '>']  
            s = c == ''' ? "'" : c == '&' ? "&" : c == '<' ? "<" : ">"
            append!(outtxt, collect(s))
            idx += 1
            push!(outtxt, c)
            idx += 1
        outtxt[end] == '\n' && push!(outtxt, ' ')
    return String(outtxt)

println(partialhighlight(read(PROGRAM_FILE, String)), "\n")


Note the utility I use for this on a day-to-day basis (pwa/p2js.exw/<Ctrl M>) must be easily over 50,000 lines of code by now...
The following is deliberately the simplest possible thing that gets the job done, and there are of course 1,001 things missing: No support for [multiline] shebangs, C-style comments, nested block comments, or (as noted) Eu-compatible block comments; and keywords c/should easily be several hundred entries long, and tested/constructed using A-Z and 0-9, ...

-- demo\rosetta\syntax_highlight.exw
-- =================================
string pgm = substitute(get_text(command_line()[$]),"\r\n","\n")
-- or(/for javascript compatibility) specify constant pgm = """...""" 
constant qqq = `""`&`"`, /* (split to assist with permitting ^^^) */
         keywords = {`and`,`assert`,`bool`,`command_line`,`constant`,`do`,`else`,`elsif`,`end`,
         htmlify = {"'&<>",{`apos`,`amp`,`lt`,`gt`}}
integer i = 1, l = length(pgm), word_start = 0
string out = " "

procedure spacenl(sequence s)
    for ch in s do
        integer k = find(ch,htmlify[1])
        if k then ch = '&' & htmlify[2][k] & ';' end if
        out &= ch
        if ch='\n' then out &= ' ' end if
    end for
end procedure

function do_string(integer i, ni, l, string stype)
    assert(ni>0,"%d quoted string not closed",{stype})
    ni += l
    return ni
end function

while i<=l do
    integer ch = pgm[i]
    if (ch>='a' and ch<='z') or ch='_' then
        if not word_start then word_start := i end if
        if word_start then
            string one_word = pgm[word_start..i-1]
            bool is_key = find(one_word,keywords)
            if is_key then out &= `'''` end if
            out &= one_word
            if is_key then out &= `'''` end if
            word_start = 0
        end if
        if ch='-' and i<l and pgm[i+1]='-' then
            -- nb: does not handle --/* style comments
            integer line_comment = i
            while i<l and pgm[i+1]!='\n' do i += 1 end while
            out &= `''`
            out &= `''`
        elsif ch='/' and i<l and pgm[i+1]='*' then
            -- nb: does not handle nested block comments
            integer block_comment = i
            i = match(`*/`,pgm,i+2)+1
            assert(i>1,"missing closing block comment")
            out &= `''`
            out &= `''`
        elsif ch='"' then
            if i+1<l and pgm[i..i+2]=qqq then
                i = do_string(i,match(qqq,pgm,i+3),2,"triple")
                i = do_string(i,find('"',pgm,i+1),0,"double")
            end if
        elsif find(ch,"`'") then
            string stype = iff(ch='`'?"backtick":"single")
            i = do_string(i,find(ch,pgm,i+1),0,stype)
        end if
    end if
    i += 1
end while
{} = wait_key()


Library: pygments

This solution builds on lexers available in Pygments by defining a formatter outputting simple MediaWiki markup, and a filter to translate characters to HTML escape sequences. Note that I've taken liberties with said escaping.

"""Syntax highlighting using Mediawiki formatting."""
from html import escape
from textwrap import indent
from io import StringIO

from pygments import highlight
from pygments.filter import Filter
from pygments.formatter import Formatter
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.token import Token

class MediaWikiFormatter(Formatter):
    """Format source code using MediaWiki markup."""

    name = "MediaWiki"
    aliases = ["mediawiki", "wiki"]
    filenames = []

    def __init__(self, **options):
        self.indent = options.get("indent", " ")

        self.styles = {
            Token: ("", ""),
            Token.Comment: ("''", "''"),
            Token.Keyword: ("'''", "'''"),
            Token.String.Doc: ("''", "''"),

    def format(self, token_source, outfile):
        buffer = StringIO()
        last_val = ""
        last_type = None

        for token_type, value in token_source:
            # Work up the token hierarchy until a style is found.
            while token_type not in self.styles:
                token_type = token_type.parent

            # Group consecutive tokens of the same type.
            if token_type == last_type:
                last_val += value
                if last_val:
                    style_begin, style_end = self.styles[last_type]
                    buffer.write(style_begin + last_val + style_end)

                last_val = value
                last_type = token_type

        # Flush remaining values.
        if last_val:
            style_begin, style_end = self.styles[last_type]
            buffer.write(style_begin + last_val + style_end)

        # Write indented lines to the output file.
                lambda _: True,

class HTMLEscapeFilter(Filter):
    """Convert the characters &, <, > and ' to HTML-safe sequences."""

    def __init__(self, **options):

    def filter(self, _, stream):
        for ttype, value in stream:
            yield ttype, escape(value)

def main(language_name="python", infile=None):
    formatter = MediaWikiFormatter()
    lexer = get_lexer_by_name(language_name)

    with open(infile or __file__) as fd:
        print(highlight(, lexer, formatter), end="")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Library: Wren-ioutil

Note that, rightly or wrongly, this code would not highlight keywords occurring in interpolated string expressions.

// Convert a Wren source to "wiki" format:
//   each line is preceded by a space
//   keywords are enclosed in ''' and ''' and comments in '' and ''
//   ', &, < and > are converted to &apos; &amp; &lt; and &gt;
//   everything else is output as is
// The source is read from a file and written to standard output.
// The file name should be passed as a command line argument.

import "./ioutil" for FileUtil
import "os" for Process

var keywords = [
    "as", "break", "class", "construct", "continue", "else", "false",
    "for", "foreign", "if", "in", "is", "import", "null", "return", 
    "static", "super", "this", "true", "var", "while"

var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_."

var highlight = { |lines|
    var inStr = false  // within a string literal
    var inRaw = false  // within a raw string literal
    var inCom = false  // within a multi-line comment
    var level = 0      // nesting level for multi-line comment
    for (line in lines) {
        System.write(" ")
        line = line.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("'", "&apos;")
                   .replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
        var word = ""
        var chrs = line.toList // convert to list of unicode characters
        var cc = chrs.count
        var i = 0
        if (inCom) System.write("''")
        while (i < cc) {
            var c = chrs[i]
            if (inCom) { // if inside a multi-line comment
                if (c == "/" && i < cc-1 && chrs[i+1] == "*") {
                    level = level + 1
                    i = i + 1
                } else if (c == "*" && i < cc-1 && chrs[i+1] == "/") {
                    level = level - 1
                    i = i + 1
                    if (level == 0) {
                        inCom = false
                } else {
            } else if (inStr && c == "\\" && i < cc-1 && chrs[i+1] == "\"") {
                /* escaped double quote in string literal */
                i = i + 1
            } else if (c == "\"") { // any other double quote
                if (i > 1 && chrs[i-2] == "\"" && chrs[i-1] == "\"") {
                    inRaw = !inRaw
                } else if (!inRaw) {
                    inStr = !inStr
            } else if (inStr || inRaw) { // otherwise if within a string just write it
            } else if (c == "/") { // forward slash
                if (i < cc-1 && chrs[i+1] == c) {
                    System.write("''" + chrs[i..-1].join() + "''")
                } else if (i < cc-1 && chrs[i+1] == "*") {
                    inCom = true
                    level = 1
                    System.write("''" + "/*")
                    i = i + 1
                } else {
            } else if (alphabet.contains(c)) { // if eligible, add to current word
                word = word + c
            } else if (keywords.contains(word)) { // if it's a keyword, embolden it
                System.write("'''" + word + "'''" + c)
                word = ""
            } else { // otherwise just write the word
                System.write(word + c)
                word = ""
            i = i + 1
        if (inCom) {
        } else if (word != "") {
            if (keywords.contains(word)) {
                System.write("'''" + word + "'''")
            } else {

var args = Process.arguments
if (args.count != 1) {
    /* make sure double quotes and keywords in raw strings are handled properly */
    Fiber.abort("""Please pass the file name to be highlighted "as" the only argument.""")
var lines = FileUtil.readLines(args[0])
/* this code should now be saved to
   /* a file named */
   syntax_highlighting.wren */