Syntax highlighting using Mediawiki formatting: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Python}}: Handle indentation in the formatter and set formatter name and aliases .)
(julia example)
Line 370:
} ''# nextChar''
''#= Keywords in Julia. Note that though two word keywords are listed, they ''
'' only work if the two words are separated by a single space character. ''
'' #= Handles nested comments such as this. =#''
'''const''' KEYWORDS = map(
w -> Regex("^" * w * "\\W"),
"abstract type",
"mutable struct",
"primitive type",
], rev = '''true''', by = length),
) ''# reorder to largest first to find `elseif` before `else`''
""" Find the #= =# delineated comment, including nested versions """
'''function''' nestedcommentlimits(s::AbstractString, startcomment = "#=", stopcomment = "=#")
either = Regex("$startcomment|$stopcomment", "sa")
depth, startpos, stoppos = 0, 0, 0
'''for''' (i, m) '''in''' enumerate(eachmatch(either, s))
'''if''' m.match == startcomment
startpos = startpos == 0 ? m.match.offset : startpos
depth += 1
stoppos = max(stoppos + 1, m.match.offset + 2)
depth -= 1
depth <= 0 && '''break'''
'''return''' startpos, stoppos
Given a string, output a string that has been modified by adding surrounding
'' or ''' bracketing for syntax highlighting of keywords and comments
'''function''' partialhighlight(txt)
outtxt = Char[]
escaped = '''false'''
idx, len = 1, length(txt)
'''while''' idx <= len
'''if''' !isvalid(txt, idx)
idx += 1
c = txt[idx]
'''if''' c == '\\'
push!(outtxt, c, txt[idx+1])
idx += 2
'''elseif''' c == '\"'
'''if''' idx < len - 2 && c == txt[idx+1] == txt[idx+2]
qlen = findfirst(r"(?<!\\)\"\"\""sa, txt[idx+3:'''end'''])
qlen == nothing &amp;&amp; error("error with terminator of quote at $idx")
app'''end'''!(outtxt, collect(txt[idx:idx+qlen.stop+2]))
idx += qlen.stop + 3
qlen = findfirst(r"(?<!\\)\"", txt[idx+1:'''end'''])
qlen == nothing &amp;&amp; error("error with terminator of quote at $idx")
app'''end'''!(outtxt, collect(txt[idx:idx+qlen.stop+1]))
idx += qlen.stop + 2
'''elseif''' c == &apos;''#'''
'''if''' idx &lt; len &amp;&amp; txt[idx+1] == &apos;=&apos;
start, stop = nestedcommentlimits(txt[idx:'''end'''])
s = replace(txt[idx:idx+stop-1], "\n" =&gt; "''\n''")
app'''end'''!(outtxt, collect("''$s''"))
idx += stop
newlinepos = findfirst(==(&apos;\n&apos;), txt[idx+1:'''end'''])
newlinepos == nothing &amp;&amp; error("unterminated double quote at $idx")
app'''end'''!(outtxt, collect("''$(txt[idx:idx+newlinepos-1])''"))
idx += newlinepos
'''elseif''' c ∈ &apos;a&apos;:&apos;z&apos;
'''for''' (j, reg) '''in''' enumerate(KEYWORDS)
m = match(reg, txt[idx:'''end'''])
'''if''' m != nothing
wlen = m.match.ncodeunits - 2
app'''end'''!(outtxt, collect("'''$(txt[idx:idx+wlen])'''"))
idx += wlen + 1
'''elseif''' j == lastindex(KEYWORDS)
push!(outtxt, c)
idx += 1
'''elseif''' c '''in''' [&apos;&apos;&apos;, &apos;&amp;&apos;, &apos;&lt;&apos;, &apos;&gt;&apos;]
s = c == &apos;&apos;&apos; ? "&apos;" : c == &apos;&amp;&apos; ? "&amp;" : c == &apos;&lt;&apos; ? "&lt;" : "&gt;"
app'''end'''!(outtxt, collect(s))
idx += 1
push!(outtxt, c)
idx += 1
'''return''' String(outtxt)
println(partialhighlight(read("onedrive/documents/julia programs/test1.jl", String)), "\n")
Note the utility I use for this on a day-to-day basis (pwa/p2js.exw/<Ctrl M>) must be easily over 50,000 lines of code by now...<br>