Sum to 100: Difference between revisions

Line 2,201:
3456788 = 1-2+3456789
3456786 = -1-2+3456789
===Batch processing===
By the simple expedient of storing all evaluations in an array (which is not so large) and then sorting the array, the required results appear in a blink. The source is essentially F77 except for the usage of an array assignment of OP = -1, array OPNAME extending from -1 to +1, a CYCLE statement rather than a GO TO, and the use of the I0 format code. Subroutine DEBLANK is straightforward, and omitted. It was only to remove spaces from the text of the expression. <lang Fortran> INTEGER NDIGITS,TARGET !Document the shape.
INTEGER*1 OP(NDIGITS) !A set of operation codes, associated with each digit.
INTEGER N,D,P,S !Number, digit, power, sign.
CHARACTER*1 OPNAME(-1:+1) !Encodement of the operations.
PARAMETER (OPNAME = (/"-"," ","+"/)) !These will look nice.
CHARACTER*20 TEXT !A scratchpad for the expression. Single digits only.
INTEGER I,L,H,ME !Assistants.
LOGICAL CURSE !Needed for a Comb Sort.
INTEGER LOOP,NHIT !Some counters.
INTEGER ENUFF !Collect the results.
PARAMETER (ENUFF = 20000) !Surely big enough...
INTEGER V,VV,PV,VE !For scanning the table.
INTEGER MSG !I/O unit number.
MSG = 6 !Standard output.
1 FORMAT ("To find expressions of ",I0," digits in order, "
1 "interspersed with + or -, adding to ",I0,/)
NHIT = 0 !No matches to TARGET.
LOOP = 0 !Because none have been made.
OP = -1 !Start the expression sequence.
Calculate the value of the expression given by OP(i) i pairs.
100 LOOP = LOOP + 1 !Here we go again.
N = 0 !Clear the number.
D = 0 !And the waiting digit.
S = SIGN(1,OP(1)) !Syncopation. -1 if OP(1) is -1, otherwise +1.
DO I = 1,NDIGITS !Step through the operations prefixed to each digit.
IF (OP(I).EQ.0) THEN !A no-operation?
D = D*10 + I !Yes. Glue the digits together.
ELSE !Otherwise, an add or subtract has been waiting.
N = N + S*D !Do it.
D = I !Grab the digit associated with the operation.
S = OP(I) !Recall how it begins.
END IF !So much for that step.
END DO !On to the next.
N = N + S*D !Don't forget the waiting digit.
VALUE(LOOP) = N !Save the value for later...
IF (N.EQ.TARGET) THEN !Well then?
NHIT = NHIT + 1 !Yay!
WRITE (TEXT,101) (OPNAME(OP(I)),I, I = 1,NDIGITS) !Translate the expression.
101 FORMAT (10(A1,I1)) !Single-character operation codes, single-digit number parts.
CALL DEBLANK(TEXT,L) !Squeeze out the no-operations, so numbers are together.
WRITE (MSG,102) NHIT,TEXT(1:L) !Result!
102 FORMAT (I5,": ",A) !This should do.
END IF !So much for that.
Concoct the next expression, working as if with a bignumber in base three, though offset.
200 P = NDIGITS !Start with the low-order digit.
201 OP(P) = OP(P) + 1 !Add one to it.
IF (OP(P).GT.1) THEN !Is a carry needed?
OP(P) = -1 !Yes. Set the digit back to the start.
P = P - 1 !Go up a power.
IF (P.GT.0) GO TO 201 !And augment the next digit up.
END IF !Once the carry fizzles, the increment is complete.
IF (OP(1).LE.0) GO TO 100 !A leading + is equivalent to a leading no-op.
Contemplate the collection.
300 WRITE (6,301) LOOP,NHIT
301 FORMAT (/,I0," evaluations, ",I0," hit the target.")
Crank up a comb sort.
H = LOOP - 1 !Last - First, and not +1.
IF (H.LE.0) STOP "Huh?" !Ha ha.
310 H = MAX(1,H*10/13) !The special feature.
IF (H.EQ.9 .OR. H.EQ.10) H = 11 !A twiddle.
CURSE = .FALSE. !So far, so good.
DO I = LOOP - H,1,-1 !If H = 1, this is a BubbleSort.
IF (VALUE(I) .GT. VALUE(I + H)) THEN !One compare.
CURSE = .TRUE. !One curse.
END IF !One test.
END DO !One loop.
IF (CURSE .OR. H.GT.1) GO TO 310 !Work remains?
Chase after some results.
H = 0 !Hunt the first omitted positive number.
VE = 0 !No equal values have been seen.
ME = 0 !So, their maximum run length is short.
PV = VALUE(1) !Grab the first value,
DO I = 2,LOOP !And scan the successors.
V = VALUE(I) !The value of the moment.
IF (V.LE.0) CYCLE !Only positive numbers are of interest.
IF (V.GT.PV + 1) THEN !Is there a gap?
IF (H.LE.0) H = PV + 1 !Recall the first such.
END IF !Perhaps a list of the first dew?
IF (V.EQ.PV) THEN !Is it the same as the one before?
VE = VE + 1 !Yes. Count up the length of the run.
IF (VE.GT.ME) THEN !Is this a longer run?
ME = VE !Yes. Remember its length.
VV = V !And its value.
END IF !So much for runs of equal values.
ELSE !But if it is not the same,
VE = 0 !A fresh count awaits.
END IF !So much for comparing one value to its predecessor.
PV = V !Be ready for the next time around.
END DO !On to the next.
Cast forth the results.
IF (ME.GT.1) WRITE (MSG,320) VV,ME + 1 !Counting started with the second occurrence.
320 FORMAT (I0," has the maximum number of attainments:",I0)
IF (H.GT.0) WRITE (MSG,321) H !Surely there will be one.
321 FORMAT ("The lowest positive sum that can't be expressed is ",I0)
WRITE (MSG,322) VALUE(LOOP - 9:LOOP) !Surely LOOP > 9.
322 FORMAT ("The ten highest sums: ",10(I0:","))
END !That was fun!</lang>
To find expressions of 9 digits in order, interspersed with + or -, adding to 100
1: -1+2-3+4+5+6+78+9
2: 12-3-4+5-6+7+89
3: 123-4-5-6-7+8-9
4: 123-45-67+89
5: 123+4-5+67-89
6: 123+45-67+8-9
7: 12+3-4+5+67+8+9
8: 12+3+4+5-6-7+89
9: 1+23-4+56+7+8+9
10: 1+23-4+5+6+78-9
11: 1+2+3-4+5+6+78+9
12: 1+2+34-5+67-8+9
13122 evaluations, 12 hit the target.
9 has the maximum number of attainments:46
The lowest positive sum that can't be expressed is 211
The ten highest sums: 3456786,3456788,3456790,3456792,3456801,12345669,12345687,23456788,23456790,123456789
