
From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 01:32, 22 July 2009 by rosettacode>Mwn3d (Not the way the task template works, change to interwiki links)
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Solve a partially filled-in normal 9x9 Sudoku grid and display the result in a human-readable format. Algorithmics of Sudoku may help implement this.


<lang AutoHotkey>puzzleEasy = ( LTrim 394 @@2 67@ @@@ 3@@ 4@@ 5@@ 69@ @2@

@45 @@@ 9@@ 6@@ @@@ @@7 @@7 @@@ 58@

@1@ @67 @@8 @@9 @@8 @@@ @26 4@@ 735 ) s := A_TickCount MsgBox % "Easy:`n" Sudoku( puzzleEasy ) "`nIterations: " ErrorLevel "`n`nSeconds: " (A_TickCount-s)/1000

Functions Start here

Sudoku( p ) { ;ErrorLevel contains the number of iterations p := RegExReplace(p, "[^1-9@]"), ErrorLevel := 0 ;format puzzle as single line string return Sudoku_Display(Sudoku_Solve(p)) }

Sudoku_Solve( p, d = 0 ) { ;d is 0-based
81 character puzzle string
(concat all 9 rows of 9 chars each)
givens represented as chars 1-9
fill-ins as any non-null, non 1-9 char
used internally. omit on initial call
81 char string with non-givens replaced with valid solution

If (d >= 81), ErrorLevel++ return p ;this is 82nd iteration, so it has successfully finished iteration 81 If InStr( "123456789", SubStr(p, d+1, 1) ) ;this depth is a given, skip through return Sudoku_Solve(p, d+1) m := Sudoku_Constraints(p,d) ;a string of this level's constraints. ; (these will not change for all 9 loops) Loop 9 { If InStr(m, A_Index) Continue NumPut(Asc(A_Index), p, d, "Char") If r := Sudoku_Solve(p, d+1) return r } return 0 }

Sudoku_Constraints( ByRef p, d ) {

returns a string of the constraints for a particular position

c := Mod(d,9) , r := (d - c) // 9 , b := r//3*27 + c//3*3 + 1 ;convert to 1-based , c++ return "" ; row: . SubStr(p, r * 9 + 1, 9) ; column: . SubStr(p,c ,1) SubStr(p,c+9 ,1) SubStr(p,c+18,1) . SubStr(p,c+27,1) SubStr(p,c+36,1) SubStr(p,c+45,1) . SubStr(p,c+54,1) SubStr(p,c+63,1) SubStr(p,c+72,1) ;box . SubStr(p, b, 3) SubStr(p, b+9, 3) SubStr(p, b+18, 3) }

Sudoku_Display( p ) { If StrLen(p) = 81 loop 81 r .= SubStr(p, A_Index, 1) (!Mod(A_Index, 9) ? "`n" : !Mod(A_Index,3) ? "`t" : "") return r } </lang>