String matching

Revision as of 05:25, 15 October 2010 by (talk)

Given two strings, demonstrate the following 3 types of matchings:

  1. Determining if the first string starts with second string
  2. Determining if the first string contains the second string at any location
  3. Determining if the first string ends with the second string
String matching
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Optional requirements: A) Print the location of the match for part 2 B) Handle multiple occurrences of a string for part 2.


<lang cpp>

  1. include <string>

using namespace std;

string s1="abcd"; string s2="abab"; string s3="ab"; //Beginning,s3.size(),s3)!=0; //End,s3.size(),s3)!=0; //Anywhere s1.find(s2)//returns string::npos int loc=s2.find(s3)//returns 0 loc=s2.find(s3,loc+1)//returns 2 </lang>


<lang java> "abcd".startsWith("ab") //returns true "abcd".endsWith("zn") //returns false "abab".contains("bb") //returns false "abab".contains("ab") //returns true int loc = "abab".indexOf("bb") //returns -1 loc = "abab".indexOf("ab") //returns 0 loc = "abab".indexOf("ab",loc+1) //returns 2 </lang>


<lang python> "abcd".startswith("ab") #returns true "abcd".endswith("zn") #returns false "bb" in "abab" #returns false "ab" in "abab" #returns true loc = "abab".find("bb") #returns -1 loc = "abab".find("ab") #returns 0 loc = "abab".find("ab",loc+1) #returns 2 </lang>