Stable marriage problem: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Haskell}}: replaced with more verbose and corrected version)
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Marriages are unstable</pre>
Marriages are unstable</pre>
{{incorrect|Haskell|Stability check should check <guy> prefers <gal> over <guys partner> AND (same) <gal> also prefers <guy> over her present partner.}}
<lang haskell>import Data.List
<lang haskell>import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord

mp = map ((head &&& tail). splitNames)
mp = map ((head &&& tail). splitNames)
Line 232: Line 230:
splitNames = map (takeWhile(`notElem`",:")). words
splitNames = map (takeWhile(`notElem`",:")). words

pref x y xs = fromJust (elemIndex x xs) < fromJust (elemIndex y xs)
indexList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [(a,Int)]

indexList = sort. flip zip [100,99..]
task ms fs = do
jos = fst $ unzip ms
runGS es js ms = do
update k rc@(v,_) = insert (v,k). delete rc
let (m:js') = js
prefers a b ps = lookup a ps > lookup b ps
(v:vm') = case lookup m ms of
Just xs -> xs
_ -> []
vv = fromJust $ lookup v fs
m2 = case lookup v es of
Just e -> e
_ -> ""
ms1 = insert (m,vm') $ delete (m,v:vm') ms

if null js then do
stableMarr xs ys = until(all (not.isSingle).fst) updState (ims,ifs) where
putStrLn ""
ims = map (second((,)"". indexList)) xs
putStrLn "=== Couples ==="
ifs = map (second((,)"". indexList)) ys
return es
isSingle = null.fst.snd
updState (ms,fs)
else if null m2 then
| null p = (update (v, update (-r) pc vm) mr ms, update (m,av) (v,vr) fs)
do putStrLn $ v ++ " with " ++ m
| prefers m p av = (update (v, update (-r) pc vm) mr $ update ("",pv) (p,pr) ms, update (m,av) (v,vr) fs)
runGS ( insert (v,m) es ) js' ms1
| otherwise = (update ("",update (-r) pc vm) mr ms, fs)
else if pref m m2 vv then
mr@(m,(_,vm)) = head $ dropWhile (not.isSingle) ms
do putStrLn $ v ++ " dumped " ++ m2 ++ " for " ++ m
pc@(v,r) = maximumBy (comparing snd) vm
runGS ( insert (v,m) $ delete (v,m2) es ) (if not $ null vm' then js'++[m2] else js') ms1
vr@(p,av) = fromJust $ lookup v fs
pr@(_,pv) = fromJust $ lookup p ms

else runGS es (if not $ null js' then js'++[m] else js') ms1
performTask = do

let (ms,fs) = stableMarr mp fp
cs <- runGS [] jos ms
m1 = "fred"
m2 = "ian"
mapM_ (\(f,m) -> putStrLn $ f ++ " with " ++ m ) cs
r1@(v1,vk1) = fromJust $ lookup m1 ms
putStrLn ""
r2@(v2,vk2) = fromJust $ lookup m2 ms
checkStab cs
ms' = map (second $ second(map (second abs))) $ update (v1,vk2) (m2,r2) $ update (v2,vk1) (m1,r1) ms
check xs ys = do
putStrLn ""
let marr = filter (\(_,_,_,b) -> b) $
putStrLn "Introducing error: "
map (\(f, (m,_)) -> (\(p1,pm) -> (m, f, p1, prefers f p1 pm )) $ fromJust $ lookup m xs) ys
let [r1@(a,b), r2@(p,q)] = take 2 cs
if not $ null marr then do
r3 = (a,q)
putStrLn "===> Marriages are unstable"
r4 = (p,b)
putStrLn $ intercalate " and " $ map (\(m,f1,f2,_) -> m ++ " likes " ++ f1 ++ " better than " ++ f2) marr
errcs = insert r4. insert r3. delete r2 $ delete r1 cs
else putStrLn "===> Marriages are stable"
putStrLn $ "\tSwapping partners of " ++ a ++ " and " ++ p
putStrLn "1. Engagements:"
mapM_ (\(a,(b,_)) -> putStrLn $ " " ++ a ++ " with " ++ b) ms
putStrLn $ (\((a,b),(p,q)) -> "\t" ++ a ++ " is now with " ++ b ++ " and " ++ p ++ " with " ++ q) (r3,r4)
putStrLn ""
check ms fs
checkStab errcs
putStrLn ""

putStrLn $ "2. Swapping partners " ++ v1 ++ " and " ++ v2 ++ " of " ++ m1 ++ " and " ++ m2
checkStab es = do
check ms' fs</lang>
fmt (a,b,c,d) = a ++ " and " ++ b ++ " like each other better than their current partners " ++ c ++ " and " ++ d
ies = uncurry(flip zip) $ unzip es -- es = [(fem,m)] & ies = [(m,fem)]
slb = map (\(f,m)-> (f,m, map (id &&& fromJust. flip lookup ies). fst.break(==m). fromJust $ lookup f fp) ) es
hlb = map (\(f,m)-> (m,f, map (id &&& fromJust. flip lookup es ). fst.break(==f). fromJust $ lookup m mp) ) es
tslb = concatMap (filter snd. (\(f,m,ls) ->
map (\(m2,f2) ->
((f,m2,f2,m), pref f f2 $ fromJust $ lookup m2 mp)) ls)) slb
thlb = concatMap (filter snd. (\(m,f,ls) ->
map (\(f2,m2) ->
((m,f2,m2,f), pref m m2 $ fromJust $ lookup f2 fp)) ls)) hlb
res = tslb ++ thlb
if not $ null res then do
putStrLn "Marriages are unstable, e.g.:"
putStrLn.fmt.fst $ head res

else putStrLn "Marriages are stable"</lang>
<lang haskell>*Main> performTask
<lang haskell>*Main> task mp fp
abi with abe
1. Engagements:
abe with ivy
cath with bob
bob with cath
hope with col
col with dee
ivy with dan
dan with fay
jan with ed
ed with jan
bea with fred
fred with bea
gay with gav
hope dumped col for ian
gav with gay
abi dumped abe for jon
hal with eve
ian with hope
eve with hal
jon with abi
dee with col
ivy dumped dan for abe
===> Marriages are stable
fay with dan

=== Couples ===
abi with jon
bea with fred
cath with bob
dee with col
eve with hal
fay with dan
gay with gav
hope with ian
ivy with abe
jan with ed

Marriages are stable

Introducing error:
Swapping partners of abi and bea
abi is now with fred and bea with jon

Marriages are unstable, e.g.:
2. Swapping partners bea and hope of fred and ian
bea and fred like each other better than their current partners abi and jon</lang>
===> Marriages are unstable
fred likes bea better than hope and ian likes hope better than bea</lang>
