Stable marriage problem: Difference between revisions

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# [ The Stable Marriage Problem]. (Eloquent description and background information).
# [ Gale-Shapley Algorithm Demonstration].
D v.2, adapted from the Python and Java versions.
<lang d>import std.stdio: writeln, writefln;
import std.array: popFront;
import std.algorithm: indexOf, swap;
import std.string: split, splitlines;
string[string] matchmaker(const string[][string] guyPrefers,
const string[][string] girlPrefers) {
string[string] engagedTo;
string[] freeGuys = guyPrefers.keys;
while (freeGuys.length) {
const auto string thisGuy = freeGuys[0];
const auto thisGuyPrefers = guyPrefers[thisGuy];
foreach (girl; thisGuyPrefers) {
if (girl !in engagedTo) { // girl is free
engagedTo[girl] = thisGuy;
} else {
string otherGuy = engagedTo[girl];
const string[] thisGirlPrefers = girlPrefers[girl];
if (thisGirlPrefers.indexOf(thisGuy) < thisGirlPrefers.indexOf(otherGuy)) {
// this girl prefers this guy to the guy she's engagedTo to
engagedTo[girl] = thisGuy;
freeGuys ~= otherGuy;
// else no change, keep looking for this guy
return engagedTo;
bool check(bool doPrint=false)(const string[string] engagedTo,
const string[][string] guyPrefers,
const string[][string] galPrefers) {
enum MSG = "%s likes %s better than %s and %s likes %s better than their current partner";
string[string] inverseEngaged;
foreach (k, v; engagedTo)
inverseEngaged[v] = k;
foreach (she, he; engagedTo) {
const auto sheLikes = galPrefers[she];
const auto sheLikesBetter = sheLikes[0 .. sheLikes.indexOf(he)];
const auto heLikes = guyPrefers[he];
const auto heLikesBetter = heLikes[0 .. heLikes.indexOf(she)];
foreach (guy; sheLikesBetter) {
const auto guysGirl = inverseEngaged[guy];
const auto guyLikes = guyPrefers[guy];
if (guyLikes.indexOf(guysGirl) > guyLikes.indexOf(she)) {
static if (doPrint)
writefln(MSG, she, guy, he, guy, she);
return false;
foreach (gal; heLikesBetter) {
const auto girlsGuy = engagedTo[gal];
const auto galLikes = galPrefers[gal];
if (galLikes.indexOf(girlsGuy) > galLikes.indexOf(he)) {
static if (doPrint)
writefln(MSG, he, gal, she, gal, he);
return false;
return true;
void main() {
auto guyData = "abe abi eve cath ivy jan dee fay bea hope gay
bob cath hope abi dee eve fay bea jan ivy gay
col hope eve abi dee bea fay ivy gay cath jan
dan ivy fay dee gay hope eve jan bea cath abi
ed jan dee bea cath fay eve abi ivy hope gay
fred bea abi dee gay eve ivy cath jan hope fay
gav gay eve ivy bea cath abi dee hope jan fay
hal abi eve hope fay ivy cath jan bea gay dee
ian hope cath dee gay bea abi fay ivy jan eve
jon abi fay jan gay eve bea dee cath ivy hope";
auto galData = "abi bob fred jon gav ian abe dan ed col hal
bea bob abe col fred gav dan ian ed jon hal
cath fred bob ed gav hal col ian abe dan jon
dee fred jon col abe ian hal gav dan bob ed
eve jon hal fred dan abe gav col ed ian bob
fay bob abe ed ian jon dan fred gav col hal
gay jon gav hal fred bob abe col ed dan ian
hope gav jon bob abe ian dan hal ed col fred
ivy ian col hal gav fred bob abe ed jon dan
jan ed hal gav abe bob jon col ian fred dan";
string[][string] guyPrefers, galPrefers;
foreach (line; guyData.splitlines())
guyPrefers[split(line)[0]] = split(line)[1..$];
foreach (line; galData.splitlines())
galPrefers[split(line)[0]] = split(line)[1..$];
auto engagedTo = matchmaker(guyPrefers, galPrefers);
string[] parts;
foreach (k; engagedTo.keys.sort)
writefln("%s is engagedTo to %s", k, engagedTo[k]);
bool c = check!(true)(engagedTo, guyPrefers, galPrefers);
writeln("Marriages are ", c ? "stable" : "unstable");
writeln("\n\nSwapping two fiances to introduce an error");
auto gals = galPrefers.keys.sort;
swap(engagedTo[gals[0]], engagedTo[gals[1]]);
foreach (gal; gals[0 .. 2])
writefln(" %s is now engagedTo to %s", gal, engagedTo[gal]);
c = check!(true)(engagedTo, guyPrefers, galPrefers);
writeln("Marriages are ", c ? "stable" : "unstable");
abi is engagedTo to jon
bea is engagedTo to fred
cath is engagedTo to bob
dee is engagedTo to col
eve is engagedTo to hal
fay is engagedTo to dan
gay is engagedTo to gav
hope is engagedTo to ian
ivy is engagedTo to abe
jan is engagedTo to ed
Marriages are stable
Swapping two fiances to introduce an error
abi is now engagedTo to fred
bea is now engagedTo to jon
fred likes bea better than abi and bea likes fred better than their current partner
Marriages are unstable</pre>
This is not a direct translation of [[#Python|Python]], but it's fairly close (especially the stability check).
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fred likes bea better than abi and bea likes fred better than their current partner
Marriages are unstable</pre>
<lang python>import copy
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