Special pythagorean triplet: Difference between revisions

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<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">
use std::collections::HashSet ;
fn main() {
let mut numbers : HashSet<u32> = HashSet::new( ) ;
for a in 1u32..=1000u32 {
for b in 1u32..=1000u32 {
for c in 1u32..=1000u32 {
if a + b + c == 1000 && a * a + b * b == c * c {
numbers.insert( a ) ;
numbers.insert( b ) ;
numbers.insert( c ) ;
let mut product : u32 = 1 ;
for k in &numbers {
product *= *k ;
println!("{:?}" , numbers ) ;
println!("The product of {:?} is {}" , numbers , product) ;
{375, 425, 200}
The product of {375, 425, 200} is 31875000
