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m (ImplSearchBot:0)
m (ImplSearchBot:0)
(29 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use MediaWiki::Bot;
use JSON qw/to_json from_json/;
our $editor;
# Handles interaction with the wiki.
our $starttime = time;
# Note that I had to modify HTTP::Message to make it work
our $pagesedited = 0;
# HTTP::Message silently failed when presented by MW
our $categorypulls = 0;
# with an encoding type of "application/json" or some such.
our $cachehits = 0;
our $task_count_change;
our $alltasks;
our %impldiff;
our %createdomitcategories;
our @initialcache;
our $alllanguages;
our @logoutput;
my %options;
my $usage = "Usage: $0 (username) (password) [posttosite]";
my $username = shift @ARGV;
# These are all the functions that break up our work
my $password = shift @ARGV;
# into logical chunks.
# Called in a *lot* of places to check the machine for overload.
defined $username
sub slumber
or die $usage;
# Snooze.
while(&snooze) {};
# A reversed snooze buton
defined $password
sub snooze
or die $usage;
open my $loadavg, '<', '/proc/loadavg'
or die "Failed to check load average: $!";
my $loadstr = <$loadavg>;
close $loadavg;
# Wait one minute for every process in the wait queue.
#my $json = new JSON;
my @avgs = split / +/, $loadstr, 3;
my $posttositesleeptime = shift @ARGV0;
my $starttime = time;
# Sleep at least one minute for each process in the wait queue.
my $pagesedited = 0;
$sleeptime = $avgs[0] * 60;
print "Creating editor\n";
my $editor = MediaWiki::Bot->new('ImpleSearchBot');
$editor->{debug} = 1;
# If we're currently under notable load
sub sanitizenamefs
if($sleeptime > 30)
print "Calculated sleeptime: $sleeptime\n";
print "Load averages: " . join(' ', @avgs) . " ... Sleeping $sleeptime seconds\n";
sleep $sleeptime;
return $sleeptime;
return 0;
# Builds a simple hash ref associating a page name with body.
# Used to help us prepare our postings in one pass, then commit them
# in a second pass.
sub build_posting
my $pagename = shift;
my $pagenamename =~ tr/:\//__/shift;
return my $pagenamebody = shift;
return {$name => $body};
# Prepares the template body for the unimplemented data.
sub postpage
sub prep_unimp_posting
my $pagename = shift;
my $pagedataimpldiff = shift;
my $remarklanguage = shift;
my $minoreditunimplisting = shift"";
foreach my $taskname (@$alltasks)
# If it's a category task, the task name will be slightly different.
my $baretaskname = $taskname;
$baretaskname =~ s/^Category://;
my $implpage = $taskname;
$implpage =~ s/^Category:(.*)/$1\/$language/;
# my $escapedImplPage = $implpage;
# $escapedImplPage =~ s/ /_/g;
unless( defined $posttosite )
my $link;
$pagename = &sanitizenamefs($pagename);
$link = "{{unimpl task link|$baretaskname|$language}}";
$pagename .= ".wikitxt";
# $link = "[http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?action=edit&title=$escapedImplPage $implpage]";
# Add the task to the unimplemented list, if it's unimplemented, and if it's not in the omit list.
unless(exists $impldiff->{$language}->{'impl'}->{$implpage} or exists $impldiff->{$language}->{'omit'}->{$implpage})
$unimplisting .= "* $link\n";
return &build_posting("Template:" . &get_unimpl_template_name($language), $unimplisting);
# Prepares the template body for the listings of omitted data for a page.
print "Saving: $pagename\n";
sub prep_omit_posting
my $implediff = shift;
my $language = shift;
my $omitlisting = "";
my $omittemplatename = &get_omit_template_name($language);
foreach my $taskname (@$alltasks)
# We want the task name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
my $baretaskname = $taskname;
$baretaskname =~ s/^Category://;
# Add the task to the omission list, if it's omitted.
my $escapedTaskName = $baretaskname;
$escapedTaskName =~ s/ /_/g;
$omitlisting .= "* [http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?action=edit&title=$escapedTaskName $baretaskname]\n"
if(exists $impldiff{$language}->{'omit'}->{$taskname})
# Note that there's no data in the template.
$implediff->{$language}->{'omit'} = 0
if( "" eq $omitlisting );
return &build_posting("Template:$omittemplatename", $omitlisting);
# Prepares the page body that folks look at to find out what changed for a language.
open my $outfile, '>', $pagename
sub prep_listing_posting
or warn "Failed to open $pagename: $!";
my $impldiff = shift;
my $language = shift;
my $targetcount = $impldiff->{$language}->{'target_count'};
my $unimpcount = $impldiff->{$language}->{'unimp_count'};
# Prepare template fields
my $langfield = "|$language";
my $unimpfield = "|$unimpcount";
my $tcfield = "|$targetcount";
my $impperccalc = 0;
$impperccalc = (($targetcount - $unimpcount) / $targetcount) * 100
unless ($targetcount == 0);
my $imppercfield = sprintf "|%u", $impperccalc;
# Prepare the listing page format.
my $pagedata = '{{unimpl_header' . $langfield . $unimpfield . $tcfield . $imppercfield . '}}';
$pagedata .= "{{" . &get_unimpl_template_name($language) . "$unimpfield}}";
if (0 != $impldiff->{$language}->{'omit'})
$pagedata .= "{{omit_header" . "$langfield}}";
$pagedata .= "{{" . &get_omit_template_name($language) ."}}";
$pagedata .= "{{unimpl_footer$langfield}}";
return &build_posting(&get_listing_name($language), $pagedata);
# Prepare the body of the omit category.
return unless defined $outfile;
sub prep_omit_cat_posting
my $implediff = shift;
my $language = shift;
return &build_posting(&get_omit_cat_name($language), "{{omit_cat|$language}}");
# Prepare the page title for the page folks look at to see what change what.
print $outfile $pagedata;
sub get_listing_name
close $outfile;
my $language = shift;
return "Tasks not implemented in $language";
print "Posting $pagename\n";
$editor->edit($pagename, $pagedata, "ImplSearchBot:$remark", $minoredit)
or warn "Failed to post page: " . $editor->{'errstr'};
# Prepare the template name for the omit listing body
sub getcacheddata
sub get_omit_template_name
my $dataname = shift;
my $language = shift;
my $filename = &sanitizenamefs("cache_" . $dataname . ".json");
return "unimp_omit_body_$language";
open my $infile, '<', $filename
or warn "Failed to load cached data $filename: $!";
# Prepare the template name for the unimplimended listing body
return undef unless defined $infile;
sub get_unimpl_template_name
my $language = shift;
return "unimp_body_$language";
# Return the name of the category to find the omitted pages for a particular language.
my $jsondata;
sub get_omit_cat_name
$jsondata .= $_ while <$infile>;
close $infile;
my $language = shift;
return from_json($jsondata);
return "Category:$language/Omit";
# Prepare all the pages associated with a specific language.
# Not doing anything with this yet. It's intended to allow us to compare site state between now and when we
sub process_language
# last ran, so that we can learn to avoid doing unnecessary work. (Server resources and bloated edit statistics...)
# Also, I plan on publishing the cache files in a version control system like SVN or Git, to allow multiple bots
# to share the data and to provide history. (It's the public target that necessitates using JSON instead of Data::Dumper)
# SVN has the advantage that I already know how to use it. Git has the advantage in that I can use GitHub and not tax
# my Slice with Git traffic, and I don't have to punch a hole in the firewall to access more services.
sub cachedata
my $dataname = shift;
my $dataimplediff = shift;
my $language = shift;
my $filename = &sanitizenamefs("cache_" . $dataname . ".json");
open my $outfile, '>', $filename
or warn "Failed to cache $filename: $!";
my $unimpl = &prep_unimp_posting($implediff, $language);
return unless defined $outfile;
my $omit = &prep_omit_posting($implediff, $language);
my $listing = &prep_listing_posting($implediff, $language);
my %langpostings = ( %$unimpl, %$omit, %$listing );
unless ( exists $createdomitcategories{&get_omit_cat_name($language)} )
my $omit_cat = &prep_omit_cat_posting($implediff, $language);
%langpostings = ( %langpostings, %$omit_cat );
return \%langpostings;
sub wikitxt_pathname {
print "Caching $filename:" . scalar $data . "\n";
my $page_name = $_[0];
print $outfile to_json($data);
"test/" . sanitizenamefs($page_name) . ".wikitxt";
close $outfile;
# Prepare and post all of the core pages for this run.
sub getcategory
sub processimplediff
my $categoryname = shift;
my $implediff = shift;
my @categorycontents = $editor->get_pages_in_category($categoryname);
my %work;
&cachedata($categoryname, \@categorycontents);
# Prepare all our work.
foreach my $language (keys %$implediff)
return @categorycontents;
# &out("Preparing data for:$language\n", 4);
my $workitem = &process_language($implediff, $language);
%work = ( %work, %$workitem );
# Now that we've prepared all our work, commit it.
foreach my $pagename (keys %work)
&postpage($pagename, $work{$pagename}, "Updating $pagename", 0);
# Return the Mediawiki editor object.
# Tell the editor to edit Rosetta Code. I'm sure Wikipedia didn't like
sub geteditor
# my initial attempts from before I added this line.
print "Trying to set wiki.\n";
# Attempt to log in.
print "Trying to log in.\n";
unless("Success" == $editor->login($username, $password))
# No, it's not the "(expr) or die" syntax. This will be clearer
# If we're not posting, and we're only drawing from cache
# for most folks who read the code.
# We don't actually need to pull from the wiki.
die "Unable to login: " . from_json($editor);
if( exists $options{'cacheonly'} )
return undef
unless exists $options{'post'};
# Handles interaction with the wiki.
# Note that I had to modify HTTP::Message to make it work
# HTTP::Message silently failed when presented by MW
# with an encoding type of "application/json" or some such.
&out("Creating editor\n", 3);
my $editor = MediaWiki::Bot->new('ImpleSearchBot');
$editor->{debug} = 1;
# Tell the editor to edit Rosetta Code. I'm sure Wikipedia didn't like
# my initial attempts from before I added this line.
&out("Trying to set wiki.\n",3);
# If we're not posting, we don't need to log in if we're pulling from cache.
# Otherwise, attempt to log in.
&out("Trying to log in.\n", 3);
my $loginres = $editor->login($options{'username'}, $options{'password'});
die "Unable to login: " . $loginres
unless $loginres == 0;
return $editor;
# Simple logging infrastructure. Current sends to STDWARN or STDOUT, which cron
# Get a complete listing of the tasks.
# emails to the user, which gets forwarded to Short Circuit. (Anyone want a copy?)
print "Getting tasks\n";
sub out
my @alltasks = &getcategory('Category:Programming Tasks');
my $string = shift;
my $loglevel = shift;
chomp $string;
push @logoutput, ($string);
# Get a complete listing of the languages.
print "Getting the languages.\n";
if($options{'verbosity'} >= $loglevel)
my @alllanguages = &getcategory('Category:Programming Languages');
if($loglevel == 1)
warn $string; # use stderr.
print "$string\n";
# Many popular filesystems can't andle : and \ in filenames.
# We want the language name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
# Since I plan to open the SVN repo we save to the rest of the world at some point,
$_ =~ s/^Category:// foreach (@alllanguages);
# I'm trying to make sure the files are representable.
sub sanitizenamefs
my $pagename = shift;
$pagename =~ tr/:\//__/;
return $pagename;
# Find all the entries that are in the second list ref, but not the first.
# Get a list of the languages for which we've already provided bodies for the related omit categories.
sub diffcat_simple
# Store it as a hash, so the lookup will be faster.
my %createdomitcategories = map {$_, 1} &getcategory('Category:Maintenance/OmitCategoriesCreated');
my $first = shift;
my $second = shift;
my %firsthash = map { $_, 1 } @$first;
my @new = ();
foreach my $secondelement (@$second)
push @new, $secondelement
unless exists $firsthash{$secondelement};
return @new;
# Find all the entries that are in one listref, but not the other.
print "Identifying implemented and omitted languages\n";
sub diffcat
foreach my $language (@alllanguages)
my %implemented = map {$_, 1} &getcategory("Category:$language");
my $first = shift;
my %omitted = map {$_, 1} &getcategory("Category:$language/Omit");
my $omitcountsecond = scalar keys %omittedshift;
my @onlyinfirst = &diffcat_simple($second, $first);
my @onlyinsecond = &diffcat_simple($first, $second);
return (\@onlyinfirst, \@onlyinsecond);
sub slurp_file {
my $pagename = "Tasks not implemented in $language";
print "Preparing data for:$pagename\n";
my $pathname = $_[0];
open(my $stream, "<", $pathname) or do {warn"Can't open '$pathname': $!\n";
my $ret;
while (1) {
my $len = read($stream, my $buf, 1024);
if (!defined($len)) { die "I/O error while reading '$pathname': $!"; }
elsif ($len == 0) { last }
else { $ret .= $buf }
# Post a page (or save it to disk, if we're testing.)
# Language metadata
sub postpage
my $taskcount = scalar @alltasks;
my $unimpcount = $taskcount - scalar keys %implemented;
my $targetcount = ($taskcount - $omitcount);
my $pagename = shift;
my $pagedata = shift;
my $remark = shift;
my $minoredit = shift;
# MediaWiki won't let us create blank, empty pages.
# But since we don't want to query (or cache) to see if
# the page already exists, we'll just add an HTML
# non-breaking-space entity if the page is truly empty.
$pagedata = "&nbsp;"
if(0 == length $pagedata);
unless( exists $options{'post'} )
$pagename = wikitxt_pathname($pagename);
# save it to disk, and out of the way.
&out("Saving: $pagename\n", 2);
open my $outfile, '>', $pagename
or &out("Failed to open $pagename: $!", 1);
return unless defined $outfile;
print $outfile $pagedata;
close $outfile;
else {
&out("Posting $pagename\n", 2);
$editor->edit($pagename, $pagedata, "ImplSearchBot:$remark", $minoredit)
or &out("Failed to post page: " . $editor->{'errstr'}, 1);
# This allows us to compare site state between now and when we
# last ran, so that we can learn to avoid doing unnecessary work.
# (Saves on server resources and bloated edit statistics...)
# Also, the data gets saved to an SVN repo, so that multiple bots can
# use the history. We're using JSON, as JSON has broader
# cross-language support than Data::Dumper, making it easier for others
# to use the data.
sub cachedata
my $dataname = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $filename = $options{'cachepath'} . &sanitizenamefs($dataname . ".json");
unless( exists $options{'post'} )
# This is just a test run. Best not to overwrite our cache.
&out("Skipping caching of $dataname to $filename...", 4);
my $outfile;
unless(open $outfile, '>', $filename)
&out("Failed to open $filename for caching: $!\n", 1);
print $outfile to_json($data);
close $outfile;
&out(scalar @$data . " members cached to $filename.\n", 5);
# Return data we cached previously.
sub getcacheddata
my $dataname = shift;
my $filename = $options{'cachepath'} . &sanitizenamefs($dataname . ".json");
&out("Getting cached data for $dataname from $filename...", 4);
my $infile;
unless (open $infile, '<', $filename)
&out("Failed to load cached data $filename: $!\n", 5);
return [];
my $jsondata;
$jsondata .= $_ while <$infile>;
close $infile;
my $cacheddata = from_json($jsondata);
&out(scalar @$cacheddata . " cache members retrieved from $filename\n", 5);
return $cacheddata;
# Report the changes between two categories.
# More interesting than "x added, y removed"
sub reportcatchanges
my $category = shift;
my $old = shift;
my $new = shift;
my ($removed, $added) = &diffcat($old, $new);
my $out = "";
$out .= "Removed from $category:\n"
if( scalar @$removed > 0 );
$out .= "$_\n"
foreach (@$removed);
$out .= "Added to $category:\n"
if( scalar @$added > 0 );
$out .= "$_\n"
foreach (@$added);
&out($out, 2)
if("" ne $out);
# Pull the category data, or cached data if we're not pulling from the wiki.
sub getcategory
my $categoryname = shift;
&out("Getting category contents for $categoryname...", 4);
my $old;
my $new;
if( exists $options{'cacheonly'} )
# Return the cache data if we're not supposed to query the database.
$old = [];
$new = &getcacheddata($categoryname);
$old = &getcacheddata($categoryname);
$new = [$editor->get_pages_in_category($categoryname)];
# &reportcatchanges($categoryname, $old, $new);
&cachedata("$categoryname", $new);
&out(scalar @$new . " members returned for $categoryname\n", 5);
return $new;
# Find if this category changed, report its contents if it has.
sub getwork
my $categoryname = shift;
&out("Getting work for $categoryname.\n",4);
my $cacheddata = &getcacheddata($categoryname);
# If we're on a cache-only basis, we'll just say we have no old data,
# and that our cached data is our new data.
my $olddata;
my $newdata;
if (exists $options{'cacheonly'})
$olddata = [];
$newdata = $cacheddata;
$olddata = $cacheddata;
$newdata = &getcategory($categoryname);
my ($removed, $added) = &diffcat($olddata, $newdata);
my $impl_count_change = scalar @$removed + @$added;
my $work = [];
$work = $newdata
if(($impl_count_change + $task_count_change) > 0);
&out(scalar @$work . " items to process for $categoryname.\n", 3);
return @$work;
# If changes occurred, the info is more important than if they didn't.
sub getloglevelfromdiff
my $base = shift;
my $first = shift;
my $second = shift;
return $base
if((scalar @$first + scalar @$second) > 0);
return $base + 1;
# Find all the work items for a given language.
sub getlangwork
my $language = shift;
&out("Getting lang work for $language\n", 4);
my %impl;
foreach my $workitem (&getwork("Category:$language"))
$impl{$workitem} = 1;
my %omit;
foreach my $workitem (&getwork("Category:$language/Omit"))
$omit{$workitem} = 1;
# No work to do?
return undef
if( ( 0 == scalar keys %omit) && (0 == scalar keys %impl));
# Language metadata
my $unimpcount = scalar @$alltasks - scalar keys %impl;
my $targetcount = (scalar @$alltasks - scalar keys %omit);
# work to do.
return {'impl' => \%impl,
'omit' => \%omit,
'unimp_count' => $unimpcount,
'target_count' => $targetcount };
# Commit the cache.
sub commitcache
# First, find out if we've added any files.
my $cachepath = $options{'cachepath'};
opendir(CACHEDIR, $cachepath);
my @current = readdir(CACHEDIR);
# We need to run svn adds if we've created any new files.
# Maybe we'll use SVN::Client some day. Not right now.
my ($added, $removed) = &diffcat(\@current, \@initialcache);
&out("Detected " . scalar @$added . " new cache files and " . scalar @$removed . " removed\n",&getloglevelfromdiff(2, $added, $removed));
if ((scalar @$added + scalar @$removed ) > 0)
foreach my $cachefile (@$added)
&svn('add', $cachepath . $cachefile);;
foreach my $cachefile (@$removed)
&svn('remove', $cachepath . $cachefile);;
&svn('ci', '--message="ImplSearchBot run"', $cachepath);
&svn('update', $cachepath);
# Wrap svn commands so we can log them.
sub svn
if(exists $options{'nosvn'});
my @args = @_;
my $string = "system 'svn'";
$string .= ", '$_'"
foreach (@args);
$string .= "\n";
&out($string, 3);
system 'svn', @args
if(exists $options{'post'});
sub getopt {
# Language-specific page data.
my $unimplisting = "";
#I don't care to pollute my global scope.
my $omitlisting = "";
my $wiki = 'rosettacode.org';
my $pagedata; # Not assembled until the end.
my $username;
my $password;
my $verbosity = 2; # verbosity level. 0 is silent. 1 is error only. 2 is updates. 3 is process, more is noisy.
my $post; # Is this an actual run?
my $cachepath = "/tmp/";
my $cacheonly; # Don't query the wiki for data. Just pull from cache.
my $nosvn;
my $rebuild_all;
my $opt_matrix = {
"wiki=s" => \$wiki,
"username=s" => \$username,
"password=s" => \$password,
"verbosity=s" => \$verbosity,
"post" => \$post,
"cacheonly" => \$cacheonly,
"nosvn" => \$nosvn,
"cachepath=s" => \$cachepath,
"rebuildall" => \$rebuild_all };
my $result = GetOptions( %$opt_matrix );
$options{'wiki'} = $wiki;
$options{'nosvn'} = $nosvn
if defined $nosvn;
$options{'username'} = $username
if defined $username;
$options{'password'} = $password
if defined $password;
$options{'post'} = $post
if defined $post;
$options{'verbosity'} = $verbosity;
$cachepath .= '/'
if('/' ne substr($cachepath, -1, 1));
$options{'cachepath'} = $cachepath;
$options{'cacheonly'} = $cacheonly
if defined $cacheonly;
$options{'rebuild_all'} = $rebuild_all
if defined $rebuild_all;
my $usage = "Usage: $0 (options)\n The available options are:\n";
$usage .= "\t--$_\n"
foreach (keys %$opt_matrix);
$usage .= "Username and password are required if you need to pull data from the wiki. Wiki defaults to Rosetta Code.\n";
my $wikineeded;
$wikineeded = "yes"
unless ( exists $options{'cacheonly'} );
$wikineeded = "yes"
if ( exists $options{'post'} );
if(defined $wikineeded)
unless(exists $options{'username'} and exists $options{'password'})
die $usage;
sub main {
unless (@ARGV) { @ARGV = @_; }
foreach my $taskname (@alltasks)
# We want the task name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
my $baretaskname = $taskname;
$baretaskname =~ s/^Category://;
# Add the task to the unimplemented list, if it's unimplemented.
$unimplisting .= "* [[$baretaskname]]\n"
#Statistic tracking.
unless(exists $implemented{$taskname});
# Tracking for svn checkin at end.
# We *should* be the only ones writing to the cache path for now.
# Anyone else should have their own checkout of the data,
# and test runs are done with --cacheonly and --nosvn.
opendir(my $cachedir, $options{'cachepath'})
or die "Unable to open cache directory";
@initialcache = readdir($cachedir);
&out(scalar @initialcache . " categories initially cached\n", 4);
# Get our editor
$editor = &geteditor();
# Get a complete listing of the tasks.
&out("Getting tasks\n", 3);
$alltasks = &getcategory('Category:Programming Tasks');
# Get a complete listing of the languages.
&out("Getting the languages.\n", 3);
$alllanguages= &getcategory('Category:Programming Languages');
# Quick check. Did we add or lose any tasks? If so, we've got to recalc *all*
# of the pages. :-/
unless(exists $options{'rebuild_all'}) {
my $cacheddata = &getcacheddata('Category:Programming Tasks');
my ($added, $removed) = &diffcat($alltasks, $cacheddata);
$task_count_change = scalar @$added + scalar @$removed;
else {
$task_count_change = 1; # It just needs to be nonzero...
# We want the language name, not the fully-qualified wiki name.
# Add the task to the omission list, if it's omitted.
$_ =~ s/^Category:// foreach (@$alllanguages);
$omitlisting .= "* [[$baretaskname]]\n"
if(exists $omitted{$taskname})
# Get a list of the languages for which we've already provided bodies for the related omit categories.
# Prepare template fields
# Store it as a hash, so the lookup will be faster.
my $langfield = "|$language";
my $omitcatcontents = &getcategory('Category:Maintenance/OmitCategoriesCreated');
my $unimpfield = "|$unimpcount";
my %createdomitcategories = map {$_, 1} @$omitcatcontents;
my $tcfield = "|$targetcount";
&out("Identifying work to do\n", 3);
my $impperccalc = 0;
$impperccalc = (($targetcount - $unimpcount) / $targetcount) * 100
unless ($targetcount == 0);
my $imppercfield = sprintf "|%u", $impperccalc;
foreach my $lang (@$alllanguages) {
my $unimpltemplatename = "unimp_body_$language";
my $val = &getlangwork($lang);
my $omittemplatename = "unimp_omit_body_$language";
next unless defined $val;
$impldiff{$lang} = $val;
# Prepare the listing page format.
$pagedata = '{{unimpl_header' . $langfield . $unimpfield . $tcfield . $imppercfield . '}}';
$pagedata .= "{{$unimpltemplatename" . "$unimpfield}}";
$pagedata .= "{{omit_header" . "$langfield}}";
$pagedata .= "{{$omittemplatename}}";
$pagedata .= "{{unimpl_footer$langfield}}";
# Post the template containing the listing of unimplemented tasks.
&postpage("Template:$unimpltemplatename", "<includeonly>$unimplisting</includeonly>", "ImplSearchBot:Updating list body of unimplemented tasks.", 1);
my $runtime = time() - $starttime;
# Post the template containing the listing of omitted tasks.
my $statsdata = "Pages edited last run: $pagesedited<br/>Time to post all per-language updates: $runtime seconds<br/>Category pulls: $categorypulls<br/>Cache hits: $cachehits<br/>";
&postpage("Template:$omittemplatename", "<includeonly>$omitlisting</includeonly>", "ImplSearchBot:Updating list body of unimplemented tasks.", 1);
&out("Updating stats page. Runtime ($runtime), Pages edited ($pagesedited)\n", 2);
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Stats", $statsdata, "Updating stats data", 0);
# I'll uncomment this if the layout has to change significantly again. In the mean time, that's over a hundred pages we don't have to edit...
# # Update the layout of the listing page, because it's changed.
# &postpage($pagename, $pagedata, "ImplSearchBot:Updating layout of listing page.",1);
my $omitcategoryname = "Category:$language/Omit";
my $omitcatpagedata = "{{omit_cat|$language}}";
&postpage($omitcategoryname, $omitcatpagedata, "ImplSearchBot:Updating Omit category body", 0)
unless ( exists $createdomitcategories{$omitcategoryname} );
&out("Updating bot code page\n", 4);
open my $sourcefile, '<', $0
# To add here: Post stats on activities:
or die "Finished without updating bot source page";
# 1. Pages edited
# 2. Time last run started
# 3. Time to completion from start to just prior to stat post point.
my $botsource;
my $runtime = time() - $starttime;
$botsource .= $_ while <$sourcefile>;
my $statsdata = "Pages edited last run: $pagesedited\nTime to post all per-language updates: $runtime seconds\n";
print "Updating stats page. Runtime ($runtime), Pages edited ($pagesedited)\n";
close $sourcefile;
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Stats", $statsdata, 0);
my $tag = "lang";
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Code", "<$tag perl>$botsource</$tag>", 0);
print "Updating bot code page\n";
my $logdata = "<pre>" . join( "\n", @logoutput) . "</pre>";
open my $sourcefile, '<', $0
or die "Finished without updating bot source page";
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Log", $logdata, 0);
my $botsource;
$botsource .= $_ while <$sourcefile>;
&out("Updating cache\n", 4);
close $sourcefile;
my $tag = &out("langDone\n", 3);
exit 0
&postpage("User:ImplSearchBot/Code", "<$tag perl>$botsource</$tag>", 0);
if (!caller) { exit main }
print "Done\n";
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