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(show-unimplemented 'Racket) ; see all of the Racket entries
<lang ring>
# Project: Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks
# Date : 2018/07/11
# Author: Gal Zsolt (~ CalmoSoft ~)
# Email : <calmosoft@gmail.com>
load "stdlib.ring"
ros= download("http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Tasks")
lang = "Ring"
pos = 1
num = 0
totalros = 0
rosname = ""
rostitle = ""
see "Tasks not implemented in " + lang + " language:" + nl
while true
nr = searchstring(ros,'<li><a href="/wiki/',pos)
if nr = 0
pos = nr + 1
nr = searchname(nr)
nr = searchtitle(nr)
see nl
see "Total: " + totalros + " examples." + nl
func searchstring(str,substr,n)
nr = substr(newstr, substr)
if nr = 0
return 0
return n + nr -1
func searchname(sn)
nr2 = searchstring(ros,'">',sn)
nr3 = searchstring(ros,"</a></li>",sn)
rosname = substr(ros,nr2+2,nr3-nr2-2)
return sn
func searchtitle(sn)
st = searchstring(ros,"title=",sn)
rostitle = substr(ros,sn+19,st-sn-21)
rostitle = "rosettacode.org/wiki/" + rostitle
rostitle = download(rostitle)
s = substr(rostitle,lang)
if s = 0
num = num + 1
totalros = totalros + 1
see "" + num + ". " + rosname + nl
return sn
func count(cstring,dstring)
sum = 0
while substr(cstring,dstring) > 0
sum = sum + 1
cstring = substr(cstring,substr(cstring,dstring)+len(string(sum)))
return sum
Tasks not implemented in Ring language:
1. 15 puzzle solver
2. 2048
3. 24 game/Solve
4. 9 billion names of God the integer
5. Abstract type
6. Active Directory/Search for a user
7. Address of a variable
8. AKS test for primes
9. Align columns
10. Amb
343. Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm
344. XML/DOM serialization
345. XML/Input
346. XML/Output
347. XML/XPath
348. Y combinator
349. Yahoo! search interface
350. Yin and yang
351. Zeckendorf arithmetic
352. Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm
Total: 352 examples.


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