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Associative array/Creation: Difference between revisions

add task to aarch64 assembly raspberry pi
(Add task to arm assembly raspberry pi)
(add task to aarch64 assembly raspberry pi)
Line 25:
<lang Forth>
m:new "one" 1 m:! "two" "bad" m:!
=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits <br> or android 64 bits with application Termux }}
<lang AArch64 Assembly>
/* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B or android 64 bits */
/* program hashmap64.s */
/* Constantes file */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../includeConstantesARM64.inc"
.equ MAXI, 10
.equ HEAPSIZE,20000
.equ LIMIT, 10 // key characters number for compute hash
.equ COEFF, 80 // filling rate 80 = 80%
/* Structures */
/* structure hashMap */
.struct 0
hash_count: // stored values counter
.struct hash_count + 8
hash_key: // key
.struct hash_key + (8 * MAXI)
hash_data: // data
.struct hash_data + (8 * MAXI)
/* Initialized data */
szMessFin: .asciz "End program.\n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
szMessNoP: .asciz "Key not found !!!\n"
szKey1: .asciz "one"
szData1: .asciz "Ceret"
szKey2: .asciz "two"
szData2: .asciz "Maureillas"
szKey3: .asciz "three"
szData3: .asciz "Le Perthus"
szKey4: .asciz "four"
szData4: .asciz "Le Boulou"
.align 4
iptZoneHeap: .quad sZoneHeap // start heap address
iptZoneHeapEnd: .quad sZoneHeap + HEAPSIZE // end heap address
/* UnInitialized data */
tbHashMap1: .skip hash_fin // hashmap
sZoneHeap: .skip HEAPSIZE // heap
/* code section */
.global main
main: // entry of program
ldr x0,qAdrtbHashMap1
bl hashInit // init hashmap
ldr x0,qAdrtbHashMap1
ldr x1,qAdrszKey1 // store key one
ldr x2,qAdrszData1
bl hashInsert
cmp x0,#0 // error ?
bne 100f
ldr x0,qAdrtbHashMap1
ldr x1,qAdrszKey2 // store key two
ldr x2,qAdrszData2
bl hashInsert
cmp x0,#0
bne 100f
ldr x0,qAdrtbHashMap1
ldr x1,qAdrszKey3 // store key three
ldr x2,qAdrszData3
bl hashInsert
cmp x0,#0
bne 100f
ldr x0,qAdrtbHashMap1
ldr x1,qAdrszKey4 // store key four
ldr x2,qAdrszData4
bl hashInsert
cmp x0,#0
bne 100f
ldr x0,qAdrtbHashMap1
ldr x1,qAdrszKey2 // remove key two
bl hashRemoveKey
cmp x0,#0
bne 100f
ldr x0,qAdrtbHashMap1
ldr x1,qAdrszKey1 // search key one
bl searchKey
cmp x0,#-1
beq 1f
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
b 2f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessNoP
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrtbHashMap1
ldr x1,qAdrszKey2 // search key two
bl searchKey
cmp x0,#-1
beq 3f
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
b 4f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessNoP
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrtbHashMap1
ldr x1,qAdrszKey4 // search key four
bl searchKey
cmp x0,#-1
beq 5f
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
b 6f
ldr x0,qAdrszMessNoP
bl affichageMess
ldr x0,qAdrszMessFin
bl affichageMess
100: // standard end of the program
mov x0, #0 // return code
mov x8, #EXIT // request to exit program
svc #0 // perform the system call
qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn
qAdrszMessFin: .quad szMessFin
qAdrtbHashMap1: .quad tbHashMap1
qAdrszKey1: .quad szKey1
qAdrszData1: .quad szData1
qAdrszKey2: .quad szKey2
qAdrszData2: .quad szData2
qAdrszKey3: .quad szKey3
qAdrszData3: .quad szData3
qAdrszKey4: .quad szKey4
qAdrszData4: .quad szData4
qAdrszMessNoP: .quad szMessNoP
/* init hashMap */
// x0 contains address to hashMap
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registres
mov x1,#0
mov x2,#0
str x2,[x0,#hash_count] // init counter
add x0,x0,#hash_key // start zone key/value
lsl x3,x1,#3
add x3,x3,x0
str x2,[x3,#hash_key]
str x2,[x3,#hash_data]
add x1,x1,#1
cmp x1,#MAXI
blt 1b
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
/* insert key/datas */
// x0 contains address to hashMap
// x1 contains address to key
// x2 contains address to datas
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]! // save registres
mov x6,x0 // save address
bl hashIndex // search void key or identical key
cmp x0,#0 // error ?
blt 100f
ldr x3,qAdriptZoneHeap
ldr x3,[x3]
ldr x7,qAdriptZoneHeapEnd
ldr x7,[x7]
sub x7,x7,#50
lsl x0,x0,#3 // 8 bytes
add x5,x6,#hash_key // start zone key/value
ldr x4,[x5,x0]
cmp x4,#0 // key already stored ?
bne 1f
ldr x4,[x6,#hash_count] // no -> increment counter
add x4,x4,#1
cmp x4,#(MAXI * COEFF / 100)
bge 98f
str x4,[x6,#hash_count]
str x3,[x5,x0] // store heap key address in hashmap
mov x4,#0
2: // copy key loop in heap
ldrb w5,[x1,x4]
strb w5,[x3,x4]
cmp w5,#0
add x4,x4,#1
bne 2b
add x3,x3,x4
cmp x3,x7
bge 99f
add x1,x6,#hash_data
str x3,[x1,x0] // store heap data address in hashmap
mov x4,#0
3: // copy data loop in heap
ldrb w5,[x2,x4]
strb w5,[x3,x4]
cmp w5,#0
add x4,x4,#1
bne 3b
add x3,x3,x4
cmp x3,x7
bge 99f
ldr x0,qAdriptZoneHeap
str x3,[x0] // new heap address
mov x0,#0 // insertion OK
b 100f
98: // error hashmap
adr x0,szMessErrInd
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
b 100f
99: // error heap
adr x0,szMessErrHeap
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
ldp x6,x7,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
szMessErrInd: .asciz "Error : HashMap size Filling rate Maxi !!\n"
szMessErrHeap: .asciz "Error : Heap size Maxi !!\n"
.align 4
qAdriptZoneHeap: .quad iptZoneHeap
qAdriptZoneHeapEnd: .quad iptZoneHeapEnd
/* search void index in hashmap */
// x0 contains hashMap address
// x1 contains key address
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]! // save registres
add x4,x0,#hash_key
mov x2,#0 // index
mov x3,#0 // characters sum
1: // loop to compute characters sum
ldrb w0,[x1,x2]
cmp w0,#0 // string end ?
beq 2f
add x3,x3,x0 // add to sum
add x2,x2,#1
cmp x2,#LIMIT
blt 1b
mov x5,x1 // save key address
mov x0,x3
mov x1,#MAXI
udiv x2,x0,x1
msub x3,x2,x1,x0 // compute remainder -> x3
mov x1,x5 // key address
ldr x0,[x4,x3,lsl #3] // loak key for computed index
cmp x0,#0 // void key ?
beq 4f
bl comparStrings // identical key ?
cmp x0,#0
beq 4f // yes
add x3,x3,#1 // no search next void key
cmp x3,#MAXI // maxi ?
csel x3,xzr,x3,ge // restart to index 0
b 3b
mov x0,x3 // return index void array or key equal
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
/* search key in hashmap */
// x0 contains hash map address
// x1 contains key address
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registres
mov x2,x0
bl hashIndex
lsl x0,x0,#3
add x1,x0,#hash_key
ldr x1,[x2,x1]
cmp x1,#0
beq 2f
add x1,x0,#hash_data
ldr x0,[x2,x1]
b 100f
mov x0,#-1
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
/* remove key in hashmap */
// x0 contains hash map address
// x1 contains key address
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registres
mov x2,x0
bl hashIndex
lsl x0,x0,#3
add x1,x0,#hash_key
ldr x3,[x2,x1]
cmp x3,#0
beq 2f
str xzr,[x2,x1] // raz key address
add x1,x0,#hash_data
str xzr,[x2,x1] // raz datas address
mov x0,0
b 100f
adr x0,szMessErrRemove
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#-1
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
szMessErrRemove: .asciz "\033[31mError remove key !!\033[0m\n"
.align 4
/* Strings case sensitive comparisons */
/* x0 et x1 contains the address of strings */
/* return 0 in x0 if equals */
/* return -1 if string x0 < string x1 */
/* return 1 if string x0 > string x1 */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]! // save registres
mov x2,#0 // characters counter
ldrb w3,[x0,x2] // byte string 1
ldrb w4,[x1,x2] // byte string 2
cmp w3,w4
blt 2f
bgt 3f
cmp w3,#0 // 0 end string ?
beq 4f
add x2,x2,#1 // else add 1 in counter
b 1b // and loop
mov x0,#-1 // smaller
b 100f
mov x0,#1 // greather
b 100f
mov x0,#0 // equals
ldp x4,x5,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x2,x3,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
/* File Include fonctions */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */
.include "../includeARM64.inc"
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