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Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity: Difference between revisions

(Ranking updated)
(26 intermediate revisions by 10 users not shown)
Line 8:
Sort the most popular computer programming languages based in number of members in Rosetta Code categories.
Sample output on 0402 maiAugust 2022 at 1309:5450 +02
<pre>Rank: 1 (1,535565 entries) Phix
Rank: 2 (1,525558 entries) Wren
Rank: 3 (1,503531 entries) Julia
Rank: 4 (1,484507 entries) Raku
Rank: 5 (1,483500 entries) Go
Rank: 6 (1,442466 entries) Perl
Rank: 7 (1,402409 entries) NimPython
Rank: 8 (1,376402 entries) PythonNim
Rank: 9 (1,203254 entries) CJ
Rank: 10 (1,152211 entries) REXXC
Line 33:
===Ada 2022: using web scraping===
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;
<lang ada>with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
Line 40 ⟶ 43:
with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Less_Case_Insensitive;
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with AWS.Client; use AWS.Client;
with AWS.Messages; use AWS.Messages;
with AWS.Response;
procedure TestRank_Languages_By_Popularity is
use Ada.Strings;
function "+" (S : String) return Unbounded_String renames To_Unbounded_String;
renames To_Unbounded_String;
type A_Language_Count is
Count : IntegerNatural := 0;
Language : Unbounded_String;
end record;
Line 64 ⟶ 70:
function "<" (L, R : A_Language_Count) return Boolean is
-- Sort by 'Count' and then by Language name
return L.Count < R.Count
or else (L.Count = R.Count
and then Less_Case_Insensitive (Left => To_String (L.Language),
(Left Right => To_String (RL.Language)));,
Right => R.Language));
end "<";
Line 77 ⟶ 84:
procedure Find_Counts (S : String) is
Title_Str : constant String := "title=""Category:";
End_A_Str : constant String := "</a> (";
function Strip_Character (S : String; C : Character) return String is
Title_At : constant Natural := Index (S, Title_Str);
S_Copy_Str : String (1 .. S'Length);
S_Copy_Index : Natural := 0;
for I in S'Range loop
if S (I) /= C then
S_Copy_Index := S_Copy_Index + 1;
S_Copy_Str (S_Copy_Index) := S (I);
end if;
end loop;
return S_Copy_Str (S_Copy_Str'First .. S_Copy_Index);
end Strip_Character;
function Ignore_Category (L : String) return Boolean is
type Unbounded_String_Array is array (Positive range <>)
of Unbounded_String;
-- This list is quite comprehensive, but not complete
Categories_To_Ignore : Unbounded_String_Array := [
+"Pages with syntax highlighting errors",
+"Examples needing attention",
+"Tasks needing attention",
+"Language users",
+"Solutions by ",
+"Collection Members",
+"Pages with too many expensive parser function calls",
+"Garbage collection",
+" User",
+"SQL User",
+"Parameter passing",
+"Execution method",
+"Unimplemented tasks by language",
+"Wolfram Language",
+"Basic language learning",
+"Action! ",
+"Text processing",
+"Image processing",
+"Scala Digital Signal Processing",
+"List processing",
+"Digital signal processing",
+"Processing Python",
+"Classic CS problems and programs",
+"Brainf*** related",
+"Data Structures",
+"Perl modules",
+"Perl 6 related",
+"Flow control",
+"Excessively difficult task",
+"Impl needed",
for Category of Categories_To_Ignore loop
Category_At : constant Natural :=
Index (+To_Lower (L),
To_Lower (To_String (Category)));
if Category_At /= 0 then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end Ignore_Category;
Title_Str : constant String := "title=""Category:";
End_A_Tag_Str : constant String := "</a>";
Space_Paren_Str : constant String := " (";
Title_At : constant Natural := Index (S, Title_Str);
if Title_At /= 0 then
Bracket_AtClosing_Bracket_At : constant Natural := Index (S (Title_At + Title_Str'Length .. S'Last), ">");
End_A_At : constant Natural := Index (S (Bracket_AtTitle_At + 1 Title_Str'Length .. S'Last), End_A_Str">");
Space_At : constant Natural := Index (S (End_A_At + End_A_Str'Length .. S'Last), " ");
CountEnd_A_Tag_At : constant Natural := Natural'Value (S (End_A_At + End_A_Str'Length .. Space_At - 1));
Language : constant String := Index (S (Title_AtClosing_Bracket_At + Title_Str'Length1 .. Bracket_At -S'Last), 2End_A_Tag_Str);
Language : constant String :=
S (Closing_Bracket_At + 1 .. End_A_Tag_At - 1);
Space_Paren_At : constant Natural :=
Index (S (End_A_Tag_At + 1 .. S'Last), Space_Paren_Str);
Space_At : constant Natural :=
Index (S (Space_Paren_At + Space_Paren_Str'Length + 1
.. S'Last),
" ");
Count : constant Natural :=
Natural'Value (
Strip_Character (
S (Space_Paren_At +
.. Space_At - 1),
if Bracket_AtClosing_Bracket_At /= 0 and then End_A_At /= 0 and then Space_At /= 0 then
and then End_A_Tag_At /= 0
and then Space_Paren_At /= 0
and then Space_At /= 0
Counts.Insertif Ignore_Category (New_ItemLanguage) => (Count,False +Language));then
Counts.Insert (New_Item => (Count, +Language));
end if;
when Constraint_Error =>
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Warning: repeated language: " & Language);
-- Ignore repeated results. Language);
-- Ignore repeated results.
end if;
-- Recursively parse the string for languages and counts
Find_Counts (S (Space_At + 1 .. S'Last));
Line 116 ⟶ 233:
Place := Place + 1;
end Display;
Http_Source : constant AWS.Response.Data :=
AWS.Client.Get ("http://rosettacode.org/mww/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000"); &
Follow_Redirection => True);
Status : Status_Code;
Put_Line ("Getting website data...");
Status := AWS.Response.Status_Code (Http_Source);
if Status not in Success then
Put_Line ("Unable to retrieve data => Status Code :" &
Image (Status) &
" Reason :" & Reason_Phrase (Status));
raise Connection_Error;
end if;
Put_Line ("Finding categories...");
Find_Counts (AWS.Response.Message_Body (Http_Source));
Put_Line ("Displaying categories...");
Counts.Reverse_Iterate (Display'Access);
end Test;
Put_Line ("Process complete.");
end Rank_Languages_By_Popularity;
{{out|Sample output}}
1. 1683 - Phix
2. 1676 - Wren
3. 1653 - Julia
4. 1623 - Raku
5. 1577 - Nim
6. 1553 - Go
7. 1548 - Perl
8. 1532 - Python
9. 1416 - J
10. 1349 - Java
11. 1333 - FreeBASIC
12. 1300 - C
13. 1282 - C++
14. 1239 - Ruby
15. 1209 - Mathematica
16. 1175 - Haskell
17. 1156 - REXX
18. 1152 - Kotlin
19. 1149 - Jq
20. 1102 - Racket
21. 1055 - Sidef
22. 1021 - ALGOL 68
23. 1017 - 11l
24. 1012 - Zkl
25. 1004 - Factor
26. 993 - D
27. 989 - C sharp
28. 987 - Tcl
29. 973 - Scala
30. 959 - Ada
31. 954 - Rust
32. 949 - Delphi
33. 947 - Lua
34. 868 - F Sharp
35. 867 - XPL0
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
Line 135 ⟶ 308:
{{incorrect|ALGOL 68| <br> ---among others, Tcl (the top dog) is missing. <br>}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="algol68">PROC good page = (REF STRING page) BOOL:
IF grep in string("^HTTP/[0-9.]* 200", page, NIL, NIL) = 0
Line 258 ⟶ 431:
printf(($g(-0)". "g(-0)" - "gl$,i,stats[i]))
{{out|Sample output}}
Line 274 ⟶ 447:
===ALGOL 68:using the API===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="algol68">
CHAR line feed = REPR 10, carriage return = REPR 13;
STRING crlf = carriage return + line feed;
Line 431 ⟶ 604:
lasttied := tied
{{out|Sample output top 10}}
Line 451 ⟶ 624:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="autohotkey">MembsUrl = http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000
ValidUrl = http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages
WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
Line 536 ⟶ 709:
Line 543 ⟶ 716:
This is the third solution. The [http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity&oldid=102962#AWK first solution] used web scraping with an external program '''ns''' for networking. The [http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity&oldid=204081 second solution] used the Rosetta Code API instead of web scraping, but continued use of '''ns''' which for unknown reasons didn't work correctly. This solution uses native gawk networking to connect to the API at 500 items per request ("gmcontinue").
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="awk">function join(array, start, end, sep, result, i) {
result = array[start]
for (i = start + 1; i <= end; i++)
Line 626 ⟶ 799:
print ++i ". " language " - " G[language]
{{out|Output from 26 May 2015}}
<pre>1. Tcl - 867
Line 646 ⟶ 819:
{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}
Note that language names differing only in their case are merged.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> INSTALL @lib$+"SORTLIB"
SortUp% = FN_sortinit(0,0) : REM Ascending
SortDown% = FN_sortinit(1,0) : REM Descending
Line 735 ⟶ 908:
SYS "CompareString", 0, NORM_IGNORECASE, S$, -1, a$(B%), -1 TO C%
IF C% = 2 THEN = B% ELSE = -1</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 775 ⟶ 948:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bracmat"> ( get-page
= url type
. !arg:(?url.?type)
Line 865 ⟶ 1,038:
& ;</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre> 1. 816 - Tcl
Line 916 ⟶ 1,089:
{{improve|C|This solution uses an external program '''wget''' for networking, but it could use '''Library: libcurl''' (see [[Web scraping#C]]) for example. Also this solution scrapes Special:Categories &limit 5000 which will break if the HTML style changes or the number of languages exceeds 5000. It could use the MediWiki API to get the language names and pages in a single call, in blocks of 500 until complete with no upper limit. See the Awk example. If you make an API-based version please retain the web-scrapping version in its own sub-section (following the lead of [[Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity#Tcl|TCL on this page]]). }}
Ghetto parser<langsyntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
Line 992 ⟶ 1,165:
return 0;
<pre> 563 Tcl
Line 1,012 ⟶ 1,185:
Usage: rank [number]<br>
Outputs the first [number] languages in the list, default to 10. Use -1 to display all the languages.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">
<lang c>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Line 1,160 ⟶ 1,333:
} while (sorted!=1);
Line 1,176 ⟶ 1,349:
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
Sorting only programming languages.<br>
Note that this does not distinguish between tasks and non-task categories, so the counts can exceed the total number of tasks.<br>
<lang csharp>using System;
Note this may need to set the Security Protocol type to Tls12 - see the section Problem running the C# entry in [[Talk:Rosetta_Code/Count_examples]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
Line 1,188 ⟶ 1,364:
static void Main(string[] args)
string get1get2 = new WebClient().DownloadString("http://www.rosettacode.org/w/apiindex.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Languages&cmlimit=500&format=json");
string get2 = new WebClient().DownloadString( +"http://www.rosettacode.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000");
ArrayList langs = new ArrayList();
Dictionary<string, int> qtdmbr = new Dictionary<string, int>();
string cmcontinue = "";
MatchCollection match1 = new Regex("\"title\":\"Category:(.+?)\"").Matches(get1);
MatchCollection match2 = new Regex("title=\"Category:(.+?)\">.+?</a>[^(]*\\((\\d+) members\\)").Matches(get2);
foreach (Match lang in match1) langs.Add(lang.Groups[1].Value);
string get1 = new WebClient().DownloadString("http://www.rosettacode.org/w/api.php?"
cmcontinue = "";
MatchCollection languageMatch = new Regex("\"title\":\"Category:(.+?)\"").Matches(get1);
MatchCollection cmcontinueMatch = new Regex("cmcontinue\":\"([a-z0-9A-Z|]*)\"").Matches(get1);
foreach (Match lang in languageMatch) langs.Add(lang.Groups[1].Value);
foreach (Match more in cmcontinueMatch) cmcontinue = "&cmcontinue=" + more.Groups[1].Value;
while( cmcontinue != "" );
MatchCollection match2 =
new Regex("title=\"Category:(.+?)\">.+?</a>[^(]*\\(([\\d,.]+) members\\)").Matches(get2);
foreach (Match match in match2)
Line 1,203 ⟶ 1,396:
if (langs.Contains(match.Groups[1].Value))
qtdmbr.Add(match.Groups[1].Value, Int32.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value));
string[] test =
string[] test = qtdmbr.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Select(x => String.Format("{0,3} - {1}", x.Value, x.Key)).ToArray();
qtdmbr.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Select(x => String.Format("{0,4} {1}", x.Value, x.Key)).ToArray();
int count = 1;
Line 1,213 ⟶ 1,409:
foreach (string i in test)
Console.WriteLine("{0,34}.: {1}", count, i);
{{out|Output (as of May 30, 2010)}}
{{out|Output (as of September 11, 2023)}}
1. 397 - Tcl
2. 368 - Python
3. 3501: -1660 RubyPhix
4. 3332: -1653 JWren
5. 3323: -1617 CJulia
6. 3224: -1598 HaskellRaku
7. 3225: -1577 OCamlNim
8. 3026: -1548 PerlGo
7: 1537 Perl
9. 290 - Common Lisp
8: 1487 Python
10. 289 - AutoHotkey
9: 1376 J
10: 1287 C
. . .
===Object-oriented solution===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="csharp">using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Linq;
Line 1,285 ⟶ 1,485:
using g++ under Linux with <tt>g++ -lboost_thread -lboost_system -lboost_regex</tt>:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <string>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
Line 1,367 ⟶ 1,567:
return 0 ;
{{out|Sample output (just the "top ten")}}
1. 367 - Tcl
Line 1,382 ⟶ 1,582:
=={{header|Caché ObjectScript}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="cos">Class Utils.Net.RosettaCode [ Abstract ]
Line 1,461 ⟶ 1,661:
Line 1,480 ⟶ 1,680:
With dmd you need compile like "<tt>dmd rosetta_popularity.d -L-lphobos2 -L-lcurl</tt>".
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="d">void main() {
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.conv, std.array, std.regex,
std.typecons, std.net.curl;
Line 1,499 ⟶ 1,699:
foreach (i, res; pairs.array.sort!q{a > b}.release)
writefln("%3d. %3d - %s", i + 1, res[]);
{{out|Sample output (top twenty as of 2013-01-24)}}
<pre> 1. 717 - Tcl
Line 1,536 ⟶ 1,736:
{{libheader| System.Generics.Defaults}}
For safe run, download dlls: libeay32.dll & ssleay32.dll, then put in executable path.
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
<lang Delphi>
program Rank_languages_by_popularity;
Line 1,673 ⟶ 1,873:
{{out|Output (as of Jul 27, 2020)}}
Line 1,695 ⟶ 1,895:
<syntaxhighlight lang="erlang">
<lang Erlang>
-module( rank_languages_by_popularity ).
Line 1,756 ⟶ 1,956:
place_count_category_write( Count, #print_fold{place=Place, place_step=Place_step} ) ->
#print_fold{place=Place + Place_step, previous_count=Count}.
{{out|Sample output (top/last ten as of 2013-05-27)}}
Line 1,783 ⟶ 1,983:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
Line 1,835 ⟶ 2,035:
(seq { 1 .. 20 })
(entriesWithCount |> Seq.map (fun x -> sprintf "%3d - %s" (snd x) (fst x)))
Showing top 20 as of 2013-04-02
Line 1,860 ⟶ 2,060:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import (
Line 1,974 ⟶ 2,174:
fmt.Printf("%3d. %3d - %s\n", lastIdx, lang.int, lang.string)
{{out|Output on 11 Aug 2014}}
Line 1,992 ⟶ 2,192:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="groovy">def html = new URL('http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000').getText([
Line 2,000 ⟶ 2,200:
count[language] = (members as int)
count.sort { v1, v2 -> v2.value <=> v1.value }.eachWithIndex { value, index -> println "${index + 1} $value" }</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>1 Tcl=766
Line 2,015 ⟶ 2,215:
===Haskell: Using the API===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="haskell">{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Aeson
Line 2,116 ⟶ 2,316:
main :: IO ()
main = runQuery [] queryStr</langsyntaxhighlight>
(As of 2015-07-29.) Here we show only the top 30.
Line 2,154 ⟶ 2,354:
Scraping the languages and categories pages.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Network.Browser
import Network.HTTP
import Network.URI
Line 2,188 ⟶ 2,388:
mapM_ printFmt $ zip [1..] $ sortBy (flip (comparing snd))
$ mapMaybe (toMaybe. (id &&& flip lookup catNmbs)) langs</langsyntaxhighlight>
{{out|First 20}}
<pre>*Main> mostPopLang
Line 2,213 ⟶ 2,413:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="hicest">CHARACTER cats*50000, catlist*50000, sortedCat*50000, sample*100
Line 2,245 ⟶ 2,445:
DLG(Text=sortedCat, Format=$CRLF)
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="hicest">2010-04-24 18:31
Top 10 entries (not all are languages)
1. 394 Tcl
Line 2,257 ⟶ 2,457:
8. 298 Perl
9. 288 WikiStubs
10. 281 Common Lisp</langsyntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
Line 2,263 ⟶ 2,463:
The following solution only works in Unicon.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="unicon">$define RCLANGS "http://rosettacode.org/mw/api.php?format=xml&action=query&generator=categorymembers&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages&gcmlimit=500&prop=categoryinfo"
$define RCUA "User-Agent: Unicon Rosetta 0.1"
$define RCXUA "X-Unicon: http://unicon.org/"
Line 2,311 ⟶ 2,511:
return text
Abridged output (top 26 languages as of July 30, 2016):
Line 2,347 ⟶ 2,547:
{{works with|J|6.02 (32 bit only)}}
'''Solution''':<langsyntaxhighlight lang="j">require 'web/gethttp xml/sax/x2j regex'
x2jclass 'rcPopLang'
Line 2,364 ⟶ 2,564:
formatTab =: [: ;:^:_1: [: (20 A. (<'-') , |. , [: ('.' <"1@:,.~ ":) 1 + 1 i.@,~ 1{$)&.|: sortTab f.
rcPopLangs =: formatTab@:process_rcPopLang_@:gethttp</langsyntaxhighlight>
'''Example''':<langsyntaxhighlight lang="j"> 10 {. rcPopLangs 'http://www.rosettacode.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=2000'
1. 687 - Tcl
2. 646 - Python
Line 2,375 ⟶ 2,575:
8. 550 - D
9. 549 - Mathematica
10. 526 - Perl</langsyntaxhighlight>
'''Notes''': See some [[Talk:Sort most popular programming languages#J|notes on the J solution]].
Tested with Java 1.722. Uses the api.<br/>
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
<lang java>import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.io.*;
Line 2,427 ⟶ 2,629:
URL url = new URLURI( path ).toURL();
URLConnection rc = url.openConnection();
// Rosetta Code objects to the default Java user agant so use a blank one
rc.setRequestProperty( "User-Agent", "" );
BufferedReader bfr = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( rc.getInputStream() ) );
Line 2,438 ⟶ 2,638:
while( line != null )
line = line.trim().replaceAll( "[\",]", "" );
if ( line.startsWith( "[title]" ) )
// have a programming language - should look like "[title] =>: Category:languageName"
languageName = after( after( line, ':' ), ':' ).trim();
else if( line.startsWith( "[pages]" ) )
// number of pages the language has (probably)
String pageCount = after( line, '>:' ).trim();
if( pageCount.compareTo( "Array{" ) != 0 )
// haven't got "[pages]: => Array{" - must be a number of pages
languageList.add( ( (char) Integer.parseInt( pageCount ) ) + languageName );
languageName = "?";
} // if [pageCount.compareTo( "Array{" ) != 0
else if( line.startsWith( "[gcmcontinue]" ) )
// have an indication of wether there is more data or not
gcmcontinue[0] = after( line, '>:' ).trim().replaceAll( "[|]", "%7C" );
} // if various line starts
line = bfr.readLine();
Line 2,478 ⟶ 2,678:
String path = ( "httphttps://www.rosettacode.org/mww/api.php?action=query"
+ "&generator=categorymembers"
+ "&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages"
Line 2,484 ⟶ 2,684:
+ ( gcmcontinue[0].compareTo( "" ) == 0 ? "" : ( "&gcmcontinue=" + gcmcontinue[0] ) )
+ "&prop=categoryinfo"
+ "&format=txtjsonfm"
parseContent( path, gcmcontinue, languageList );
Line 2,510 ⟶ 2,710:
} // for lPos
} // main
} // GetRCLanguages</lang>
Top 10 languages as at 27th1st AugustJune 20152024
1: 8831675: TclPhix
21: 8751675: RacketWren
3: 8371650: PythonJulia
4: 7991620: JRaku
5: 7721576: RubyNim
6: 7631549: Perl 6Go
7: 7561542: CPerl
8: 7421514: GoPython
9: 7371413: DJ
10: 7071346: PerlJava
Line 2,532 ⟶ 2,733:
jq 1.4 cannot retrieve documents over the web and has no support for regular expressions, but is intended to work seamlessly with other command line tools, so the following solution is presented in the form of a bash script that uses curl for retrieval, and grep and sed for screen scraping.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="sh">#!/bin/bash
# produce lines of the form: [ "language", n ]
Line 2,576 ⟶ 2,777:
| reverse
| ranking[]
| "\(.[0]). \(.[1]) - \(.[2])" '</langsyntaxhighlight>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="sh"># First ten and last ten lines as of May 27, 2015
$ pop.sh
1. 868 - Tcl
Line 2,600 ⟶ 2,801:
386. 1 - Algae
386. 1 - 80386 Assembly
386. 1 - 68000 Assembly</langsyntaxhighlight>
Uses the API for the language list and page scraping for the example counts for each language.
<lang julia>using HTTP
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">""" Rosetta code task rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity """
using Dates
using DataFrames
response = HTTP.request("GET", "http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000")
using HTTP
langcount = Dict{String, Int}()
using JSON3
for mat in eachmatch(r"<li><a href[^\>]+>([^\<]+)</a>[^1-9]+(\d+)[^\w]+member.?.?</li>", String(response.body))
if match(r"^Programming", mat.captures[1]) == nothing
""" Get listing of all tasks and draft tasks with authors and dates created, with the counts as popularity """
langcount[mat.captures[1]] = parse(Int, mat.captures[2])
function rosetta_code_language_example_counts(verbose = false)
URL = "https://rosettacode.org/w/api.php?"
LANGPARAMS = ["action" => "query", "format" => "json", "formatversion" => "2", "generator" => "categorymembers",
"gcmtitle" => "Category:Programming_Languages", "gcmlimit" => "500", "rawcontinue" => "", "prop" => "title"]
queryparams = copy(LANGPARAMS)
df = empty!(DataFrame([[""], [0]], ["ProgrammingLanguage", "ExampleCount"]))
while true # get all the languages listed, with curid, eg rosettacode.org/w/index.php?curid=196 for C
resp = HTTP.get(URL * join(map(p -> p[1] * (p[2] == "" ? "" : ("=" * p[2])), queryparams), "&"))
json = JSON3.read(String(resp.body))
pages = json.query.pages
reg = r"The following \d+ pages are in this category, out of ([\d\,]+) total"
for p in pages
lang = replace(p.title, "Category:" => "")
langpage = String(HTTP.get("https://rosettacode.org/w/index.php?curid=" * string(p.pageid)).body)
if !((m = match(reg, langpage)) isa Nothing)
push!(df, [lang, parse(Int, replace(m.captures[1], "," => ""))])
verbose && println("Language: $lang, count: ", m.captures[1])
!haskey(json, "query-continue") && break # break if no more pages, else continue to next pages
queryparams = vcat(LANGPARAMS, "gcmcontinue" => json["query-continue"]["categorymembers"]["gcmcontinue"])
langs = sort(collect(keys(langcount)), lt=(x, y)->langcount[x]<langcount[y], rev=true)
return sort!(df, :ExampleCount, rev = true)
for (i, lang) in enumerate(langs)
println("Language $lang can be ranked #$i at $(langcount[lang]).")
catch y
println("HTTP request failed: $y.")
Language Phix can be ranked #1 at 995.
Language Racket can be ranked #2 at 989.
Language Perl can be ranked #3 at 969.
Language Julia can be ranked #4 at 968.
Language C can be ranked #5 at 944.
Language Tcl can be ranked #6 at 930.
Language Zkl can be ranked #7 at 919.
Language J can be ranked #8 at 905.
Language Java can be ranked #9 at 900.
Language REXX can be ranked #10 at 892.
Language D can be ranked #11 at 874.
Language Ruby can be ranked #12 at 869.
Language Haskell can be ranked #13 at 853.
Language Scala can be ranked #14 at 792.
Language Sidef can be ranked #15 at 788.
Language PicoLisp can be ranked #16 at 775.
Language C sharp can be ranked #17 at 763.
Language Mathematica can be ranked #18 at 743.
Language C++ can be ranked #19 at 738.
Language Common Lisp can be ranked #20 at 667.
Language Ada can be ranked #21 at 656.
Language AutoHotkey can be ranked #22 at 628.
Language JavaScript can be ranked #23 at 619.
Language Lua can be ranked #24 at 618.
Language WikiStubs can be ranked #25 at 614.
println("Top 20 Programming Languages on Rosetta Code by Number of Examples, As of: ", now())
===Julia: Using web scraping===
println(rosetta_code_language_example_counts()[begin:begin+19, :])
<lang Julia>
using HTTP, Dates
response = HTTP.request("GET", "http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages")
languages = Set(m.captures[1] for m in eachmatch(r"title=\"Category:(.*?)\">",String(response.body)))
response = HTTP.request("GET", "http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000")
response = replace(String(response.body),"," => "")
reg = r"<li><a[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>[^(]*[\(](\d+) member[s]?[)]</li>"
ms = eachmatch(reg,response)
members = [[1,parse(Int,m.captures[2]),m.captures[1]] for m in ms]
filter!(x -> x[3] in languages, members)
sort!(members, by = x -> (-x[2],x[3]))
for i in 2:length(members)
if members[i-1][2] == members[i][2]
members[i][1] = members[i-1][1]
members[i][1] = i
println("Sample output on ", Dates.day(now()), " ", Dates.monthname(now()), " ", Dates.year(now()), ":\n")
for (rank,entries,name) in members[1:10]
println("Rank: ", lpad(rank,4), lpad(" ($entries entries) ",16), name)
Top 20 Programming Languages on Rosetta Code by Number of Examples, As of: 2022-09-05T14:59:56.316
Sample output on 22 July 2019:
20×2 DataFrame
Row │ ProgrammingLanguage ExampleCount
Rank: 1 (1154 entries) Go
│ String Int64
Rank: 2 (1089 entries) Perl 6
Rank: 3 (1070 entries) Julia
1 │ Wren 1569
Rank: 4 (1066 entries) Python
2 │ Phix 1569
Rank: 5 (1062 entries) Phix
3 │ Julia 1537
Rank: 6 (1045 entries) Kotlin
4 │ Raku 1517
Rank: 7 (1026 entries) Perl
5 │ Go 1496
Rank: 8 (991 entries) Racket
6 │ Perl 1460
Rank: 9 (952 entries) C
7 │ Python 1404
Rank: 10 (945 entries) J
8 │ Nim 1402
9 │ J 1275
10 │ C 1210
11 │ Mathematica 1178
12 │ REXX 1149
13 │ Haskell 1139
14 │ Java 1136
15 │ Kotlin 1133
16 │ C++ 1120
17 │ Ruby 1103
18 │ Racket 1089
19 │ FreeBASIC 1069
20 │ Zkl 1011
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scala">import java.net.URL
import java.io.*
Line 2,774 ⟶ 2,954:
<pre> 1, 901, Racket
Line 2,786 ⟶ 2,966:
<langsyntaxhighlight Lassolang="lasso"><pre><code>[
sys_listtraits !>> 'xml_tree_trait' ? include('xml_tree.lasso')
local(lang = array)
Line 2,810 ⟶ 2,990:
'. '+#l->second + ' - ' + #l->first+'\r'
Line 2,830 ⟶ 3,010:
Update: Numbers above 999 get a comma (,) so we have to drop this using Filter$()
<syntaxhighlight lang="m2000 interpreter">
<lang M2000 Interpreter>
Module RankLanguages {
Const Part1$="<a href="+""""+ "/wiki/Category", Part2$="member"
Line 2,935 ⟶ 3,115:
Line 3,065 ⟶ 3,245:
<langsyntaxhighlight Maplelang="maple">count_sizes := proc(arr_name,arr_pop,i,lst)
local index := i;
local language;
Line 3,095 ⟶ 3,275:
for x from i to 1 by -1 do
printf("rank %d %d examples %s\n", i-x+1, arr_pop[x], arr_name[x]):
end do:</langsyntaxhighlight>
<pre>#10:30 AM 10/05/2018
Line 3,117 ⟶ 3,297:
=={{header|Mathematica}}/{{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight Mathematicalang="mathematica">Languages = Flatten[Import["http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages","Data"][[1,1]]];
Languages = Most@StringReplace[Languages, {" " -> "_", "+" -> "%2B"}];
b = {#, If[# === {}, 0, #[[1]]]&@( StringCases[Import["http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:"<>#,"Plaintext"],
"category, out of " ~~ x:NumberString ~~ " total" ->x])} &/@ Languages;
For[i = 1, i < Length@b , i++ , Print[i, ". ", #[[2]], " - ", #[[1]] ]&@ Part[Reverse@SortBy[b, Last], i]]</langsyntaxhighlight>
{{out|Output : As of 29 February 2012}}
Line 3,137 ⟶ 3,317:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="nim">import std/[Algorithm, httpclient, json, re, strformat, strutils, algorithm]
LangSite = "http://www.rosettacode.org/mww/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Languages&cmlimit=500&format=json"
CatSite = "http://www.rosettacode.org/mww/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000"
let regex = re"title=""Category:(.*?)"">.+?</a>.*\((.*) members\)"
Line 3,152 ⟶ 3,332:
proc add(langs: var seq[string]; fromJson: JsonNode) =
for entry in fromJson{"query", "categorymembers"}:
langs.addlet title = entry["title"].getStr.split("Category:")[1]
if title.startsWith("Category:"):
langs.add title[9..^1]
var client = newHttpClient()
Line 3,177 ⟶ 3,359:
for i, rank in ranks:
echo &"{i + 1:3} {rank.count:4} - {rank.lang}"
<pre> 1 13441626 - GoPhix
2 13291620 - PhixWren
3 13231587 - Julia
4 13031574 - Raku
5 12521533 - PerlGo
6 12241520 - PythonPerl
7 11201466 - KotlinPython
8 11091430 - CNim
9 10951348 - JavaJ
10 10661264 - WrenC
11 10641198 - REXXRuby
12 10611185 - RacketMathematica
13 10211164 - JJava
14 10121160 - ZklHaskell
15 10071155 - RubyC++
16 10011153 - C++REXX
17 9931136 - NimKotlin
18 9891131 - HaskellFreeBASIC
19 9661100 - DRacket
20 9611027 - TclJq
21 9151014 - Scala11l
22 8771012 - C sharpZkl
23 8701004 - Sidef
24 852997 - Factor
25 830987 - PicoLispD
26 792980 - LuaTcl
27 780938 - Ada
28 778926 - RustC sharp
29 761923 - MathematicaScala
30 721906 - CommonALGOL Lisp68
31 896 - Rust
32 893 - Lua
33 849 - PicoLisp
34 843 - F Sharp
35 824 - AutoHotkey
36 818 - Ring
37 793 - Delphi
38 785 - JavaScript
39 778 - Arturo
40 776 - XPL0
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="objeck">use HTTP;
use RegEx;
use XML;
Line 3,291 ⟶ 3,483:
<pre>1. 849 - Tcl
Line 3,307 ⟶ 3,499:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="oorexx">/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Create a list of Rosetta Code languages showing the number of tasks
* This program's logic is basically that of the REXX program
Line 3,639 ⟶ 3,831:
If ta<<tb Then res=-1
Else res=1
Return res</langsyntaxhighlight>
Output (the beginning):
Line 3,655 ⟶ 3,847:
Note: If MC++ and µC++ are the same, they should/could be added together to get 501 languages.
Using web scraping. May 2024.
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
uses System.Net;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol := SecurityProtocolType(3072);
var wc := new WebClient;
wc.Encoding := Encoding.UTF8;
var s := wc.DownloadString('https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Special:Categories?limit=5000');
s.Matches('([^><]+)</a>.+\(([\d,]+) member')
.Select(x -> KV(x.Groups[1].Value,x.Groups[2].Value.Replace(',','').ToInteger))
.Where(x -> not x.Key.StartsWith('Pages'))
.OrderByDescending(pair -> pair.Value).Numerate.Take(10)
.PrintLines(x -> $'Rank: {x[0],3} ({x[1].Value} entries) {x[1].Key}')
Rank: 1 (1682 entries) Phix
Rank: 2 (1675 entries) Wren
Rank: 3 (1652 entries) Julia
Rank: 4 (1622 entries) Raku
Rank: 5 (1577 entries) Nim
Rank: 6 (1552 entries) Go
Rank: 7 (1548 entries) Perl
Rank: 8 (1531 entries) Python
Rank: 9 (1416 entries) J
Rank: 10 (1343 entries) Java
Using web scraping. Does not filter non-language categories.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="oz">declare
[HTTPClient] = {Module.link ['x-ozlib://mesaros/net/HTTPClient.ozf']}
[Regex] = {Module.link ['x-oz://contrib/regex']}
Line 3,698 ⟶ 3,921:
{System.showInfo I#". "#Count#" - "#Cat}
Line 3,715 ⟶ 3,938:
===By using the API===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="perl">use 5.010;
use MediaWiki::API;
my $api =
MediaWiki::API->new( { api_url => 'http://rosettacode.org/mww/api.php' } );
my @languages;
Line 3,754 ⟶ 3,977:
<pre> 1. GoPhix - 11771576
2. PhixWren - 11161569
3. Perl 6Julia - 11071540
4. Julia Raku - 11031520
5. Python Go - 10801500
6. Kotlin Perl - 10531468
7. RacketPython - 10451422
8. Perl Nim - 10451403
9. CJ - 9691278
10. Zkl C - 9601213
Line 3,771 ⟶ 3,994:
The distributed version also has an output_html option.
<!--<langsyntaxhighlight Phixlang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- demo\rosetta\Rank_Languages.exw</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">constant</span> <span style="color: #000000;">output_users</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #004600;">false</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span>
Line 3,900 ⟶ 4,123:
<span style="color: #000000;">show</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">extract_names</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">())</span>
As of July 31st, 2019
Line 3,929 ⟶ 4,152:
<langsyntaxhighlight PicoLisplang="picolisp">(load "@lib/http.l")
(for (I . X)
Line 3,942 ⟶ 4,165:
(when (format (till " " T))
(link (cons @ (ht:Pack Cat))) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(prinl (align 3 I) ". " (car X) " - " (cdr X)) )</langsyntaxhighlight>
{{out|Output (dec15)}}
<pre> 1. 903 - Racket
Line 3,958 ⟶ 4,181:
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
<lang PowerShell>
$get1 = (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://www.rosettacode.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:Programming_Languages&cmlimit=700&format=json")
$get2 = (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://www.rosettacode.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000")
Line 3,986 ⟶ 4,209:
}| Format-Table -AutoSize
<b>Output: August 04, 2015</b>
Line 4,024 ⟶ 4,247:
===PowerShell: Using web scraping===
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
<lang PowerShell>
$response = (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages")
$languages = [regex]::matches($response,'title="Category:(.*?)">') | foreach {$_.Groups[1].Value}
$response = [Net.WebClient]::new().DownloadString("http://rosettacode.org/mww/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000")
$response = [regex]::Replace($response,'(\d+),(\d+)','$1$2')
Line 4,045 ⟶ 4,268:
[String]::Format("Rank: {0,2} {1,15} {2}",$rank,$entry,$_.Language)
Line 4,059 ⟶ 4,282:
Rank: 9 (970 entries) C
Rank: 10 (960 entries) Zkl
===PowerShell: Using MediaWiki API method===
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
$languages = @{}
$Body = @{
format = 'json'
action = 'query'
generator = 'categorymembers'
gcmtitle = 'Category:Programming Languages'
gcmlimit = '200'
gcmcontinue = ''
continue = ''
prop = 'categoryinfo'
$params = @{
Method = 'Get'
Uri = 'http://rosettacode.org/mw/api.php'
Body = $Body
while ($true) {
$response = Invoke-RestMethod @params
$response.query.pages.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
if (($_.value.PSObject.Properties.Name -Contains 'title') -and ($_.value.PSObject.Properties.Name -Contains 'categoryinfo')) {
$languages[$_.value.title.replace('Category:', '')] = $_.value.categoryinfo.size
if ($response.PSObject.Properties.Name -Contains 'continue') {
$gcmcontinue = $response.continue.gcmcontinue
$params.Body.gcmcontinue = $gcmcontinue
} else {
$members = $languages.GetEnumerator() | sort -Descending value
Get-Date -UFormat "Sample output on %d %B %Y at %R %Z"
$members | Select-Object -First 10 | foreach -Begin {$r, $rank, $count = 0, 0,-1} {
if ($count -ne $_.Members) {$rank = $r}
$count = $_.Value
$x = $_.Value.ToString("N0",[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CreateSpecificCulture('en-US'))
$entry = "($x entries)"
[String]::Format("Rank: {0,2} {1,15} {2}",$rank, $entry, $_.Name)
Sample output on 05 juillet 2022 at 19:53 +02
Rank: 1 (1,552 entries) Phix
Rank: 2 (1,545 entries) Wren
Rank: 3 (1,521 entries) Julia
Rank: 4 (1,498 entries) Go
Rank: 5 (1,497 entries) Raku
Rank: 6 (1,456 entries) Perl
Rank: 7 (1,402 entries) Nim
Rank: 8 (1,401 entries) Python
Rank: 9 (1,206 entries) C
Rank: 10 (1,180 entries) J
===Using MediaWiki API method===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">Procedure handleError(value, msg.s)
If value = 0
MessageRequester("Error", msg)
Line 4,190 ⟶ 4,472:
Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()
Sample output:
<pre>608 languages.
Line 4,258 ⟶ 4,540:
===Using web scraping method===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">
;Uses a web scraping method.
Line 4,314 ⟶ 4,596:
PrintN( Str(i + 1) + ". " + Str(Row(i)\count) + " - " + Row(i)\Name)
Sample output:
<pre>1. 907 - Racket
Line 4,352 ⟶ 4,634:
Using <code>requests</code> library.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="python">import requests
import re
Line 4,366 ⟶ 4,648:
print("{:4d} {:4d} - {}".format(cnt+1, int(members), language))
{{out|Output (as of Dec 21, 2020)}}
1 1306 - Go
Line 4,385 ⟶ 4,667:
===Python: Using MediaWiki API method===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="python">
import requests
import operator
Line 4,421 ⟶ 4,703:
{{out|Output (as of Dec 21, 2020)}}
1 1306 - Go
Line 4,440 ⟶ 4,722:
{{incorrect|R|I believe you need to use <tt>continue gcmcontinue</tt> to get complete results.}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="rsplus">
# getting the required table from the rosetta website
langUrl <- "http://rosettacode.org/mw/api.php?format=xml&action=query&generator=categorymembers&gcmtitle=Category:Programming%20Languages&prop=categoryinfo&gcmlimit=5000"
langUrl <- "https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity/Full_list"
langs <- html(langUrl) %>%
langs <- read_html(langUrl) %>%
html_nodes(xpath='/html/body/div/div/div[1]/div[3]/main/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/table') %>%
html_table() %>%
data.frame() %>%
ff <- function(xml_node) {
# changing the columns to required format
language <- xml_node %>% html_attr("title")
langs$Rank = paste("Rank: ",langs$Rank)
language <- sub("^Category:", "", language)
langs$TaskEntries = paste0("(", format(langs$TaskEntries, big.mark = ",")
npages <- xml_node %>% html_nodes('categoryinfo') %>%
," entries", ")")
c(language, npages)
names(langs) <- NULL
tbl <- ldply(sapply(langs, ff), rbind)
names(tbl) <- c("language", "n")
tbl %>%
mutate(n=as.integer(n)) %>%
{{out|Output (as of October, 24, 2022)}}
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
{{out|Output (as of March, 23, 2019)}}
1 Rank: 1 (1,589 entries) Phix
language n
12 Rank: 1 (1,589 entries) Go 1114Wren
3 Rank: 3 (1,552 entries) Julia
2 Perl 6 1059
4 Rank: 4 (1,535 entries) Raku
3 Kotlin 1029
5 Rank: 5 (1,500 entries) Go
4 Phix 993
6 Rank: 6 (1,485 entries) Perl
5 Julia 992
7 Rank: 7 (1,422 entries) Python
6 Perl 978
8 Rank: 8 (1,402 entries) Nim
9 Rank: 9 (1,293 entries) J
10 Rank: 10 (1,213 entries) C
Line 4,480 ⟶ 4,765:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="racket">#lang racket
(require racket/hash
Line 4,522 ⟶ 4,807:
(~a (format "(~a ~a)" size entries) #:align 'right #:min-width 14)
(replacer cat))
(values size this-rank))</langsyntaxhighlight>
Output on September 4, 2019:
Line 4,553 ⟶ 4,838:
Note that this counts '''only''' the tasks. It does not include other non-task categories in the counts yielding more realistic, non-inflated numbers. Raku is Unicode aware and handles non-ASCII names natively. This does not attempt to 'unify' different language names that are the same behind the scenes as a result of Rosettacodes' capitalization peculiarities. (E.G. μC++, UC++ & ΜC++)
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" perl6line>use HTTP::UserAgent;
use URI::Escape;
use JSON::Fast;
Line 4,560 ⟶ 4,845:
my $client = HTTP::UserAgent.new;
my $url = 'httphttps://rosettacode.org/mww';
my $tablefile = './RC_Popularity.txt';
Line 4,651 ⟶ 4,936:
sub uri-query-string (*%fields) {
join '&', %fields.map: { "{.key}={uri-escape .value}" }
{{out|Abridged output}} See [[Rosetta_Code/Rank_languages_by_popularity/Full_list|full output here]].
Line 4,802 ⟶ 5,087:
Scraping the languages and categories pages. Raku automatically handles Unicode names correctly.
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" perl6line>my $languages = qx{wget -O - 'http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages'};
my $categories = qx{wget -O - 'http://www.rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000'};
Line 4,823 ⟶ 5,108:
for @results.kv -> $i, @l {
printf "%d:\t%4d - %s\n", $i+1, |@l;
(As of 2018-10-28) Here we show only the top 10.
Line 4,839 ⟶ 5,124:
proccesses only languages with more than 25 entries to keep the list short
<langsyntaxhighlight Redlang="red">Red []
data: read http://www.rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000
Line 4,890 ⟶ 5,175:
head? lb ;; until head reached
Output: (30.12.2017)
Line 4,954 ⟶ 5,239:
This REXX version sorts the &nbsp; tied &nbsp; languages by language name.
===REXX program===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program reads two files and displays a ranked list of Rosetta Code languages.*/
parse arg catFID lanFID outFID . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
call init /*initialize some REXX variables. */
Line 5,065 ⟶ 5,350:
if #.j==#.jp then do; tR= pR; !tR.j= pR; end
else pR= r
end /*j*/; return</langsyntaxhighlight>
===all ranked 813 languages===
Line 5,075 ⟶ 5,360:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ring">
# Project: Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity
Line 5,162 ⟶ 5,447:
return alist
Line 5,196 ⟶ 5,481:
Uses the <code>RosettaCode</code> module from [[Count programming examples#Ruby]]
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">require 'rosettacode'
langs = []
Line 5,225 ⟶ 5,510:
langcount.sort_by {|key,val| val}.reverse[0,25].each_with_index do |(lang, count), i|
puts "#{i+1}. #{count} - #{lang.sub(/Category:/, '')}"
<pre style="height: 40ex; overflow: scroll">2010-07-08 14:52:46 -0500
Line 5,257 ⟶ 5,542:
=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">sqliteconnect #mem, ":memory:" ' make memory DB
#mem execute("CREATE TABLE stats(lang,cnt)")
a$ = httpGet$("http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages")
Line 5,284 ⟶ 5,569:
html "<TR><TD align=right>";rank;"</td><td>";#row lang$();"</td><td align=right>";#row cnt();"</td></tr>"
html "</table>"</langsyntaxhighlight>
<table border=2>
<TR><TD align=right>1</td><td>Tcl</td><td align=right>687</td></tr>
Line 5,320 ⟶ 5,605:
===Parallel internet querying===
Entry point @ object <code>GhettoParserPar</code>
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="scala">import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
import scala.xml.XML
Line 5,464 ⟶ 5,749:
Concurrent.logInfo("Parallel version started")
===Sequential internet querying===
Line 5,535 ⟶ 5,820:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="seed7">$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "gethttp.s7i";
include "scanstri.s7i";
Line 5,592 ⟶ 5,877:
place +:= length(ranking[numList[listIdx]]);
end for;
end func;</langsyntaxhighlight>
List of languages as of 2014-01-15:
Line 5,631 ⟶ 5,916:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="ruby">require('MediaWiki::API')
var api = %O<MediaWiki::API>.new(
Line 5,667 ⟶ 5,952:
sorted_languages.each_kv { |i, lang|
printf("%3d. %20s - %3d\n", i+1, lang{:title}, lang{:categoryinfo}{:size})
Line 5,692 ⟶ 5,977:
{{Works with|SNOBOL4|CSNOBOL4 CVS test}}
<langsyntaxhighlight SNOBOL4lang="snobol4">-include "url.sno"
http.recl = "K,32767" ;* Read next 32767 characters
;* of very long lines.
Line 5,711 ⟶ 5,996:
read line = line fin :f(done)
get line languagepat = :f(read)
langtable<syntaxhighlight lang="text"> = langtable<syntaxhighlight lang="text"> + count :(get)
done langarray = rsort(langtable,2) :s(write)
Line 5,721 ⟶ 6,006:
'''Abridged output (top 30 languages as of August 25, 2015):'''
Line 5,760 ⟶ 6,045:
First we build the database:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="stata">copy "http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages" lang.html, replace
import delimited lang.html, delim("@") enc("utf-8") clear
keep if ustrpos(v1,"/wiki/Category:")
Line 5,794 ⟶ 6,079:
gen rank=1
replace rank=rank[_n-1]+(count[_n]!=count[_n-1]) in 2/l
save tasks, replace</langsyntaxhighlight>
Now some results, as of 2017-12-03:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="stata">* Total number of entries
qui sum n
di r(sum)
Line 5,828 ⟶ 6,113:
| Ruby 845 9 |
| Go 828 10 |
===By web scraping===
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tcl">package require Tcl 8.5
package require http
Line 5,871 ⟶ 6,156:
lassign $entry num lang
puts [format "%d. %d - %s" [incr i] $num $lang]
{{out|Output on 29 July 2015 (top 20 entries only)}}
<pre>1. 887 - Tcl
Line 5,900 ⟶ 6,185:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tcl">package require Tcl 8.5
package require http
package require tdom
Line 6,009 ⟶ 6,294:
popreport $langcounts</langsyntaxhighlight>
Line 6,035 ⟶ 6,320:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="tuscript">$$ MODE TUSCRIPT
remotedata = REQUEST ("http://www.rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000")
Line 6,083 ⟶ 6,368:
<pre style='height:30ex;overflow:scroll'>
Line 6,128 ⟶ 6,413:
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="bash">curl 'http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000' |
sed -nre 's/^<li.*title="Category:([^"(]+)".*\(([0-9]+) members\).*/\2 - \1/p' |
sort -nr | awk '{printf "%2d. %s\n",NR,$0}'</langsyntaxhighlight>
Uses the API. Instead of displaying it on the command prompt, the records of the languages are saved on a text file "OutVBRC.txt" encoded with Unicode.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="vb"> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' Rosetta Code/Rank Languages by Popularity '
' VBScript Implementation '
Line 6,251 ⟶ 6,536:
Set HTML = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
{{Out|Some Parts of Output as of December 31, 2016}}
<pre>As of 12/31/2016 11:52:05 PM, RC has 624 languages.
Line 6,281 ⟶ 6,566:
0 Examples - WML
0 Examples - VAX Assembly</pre>
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
Uses Web scrapping to get the information from the Languages category page - as this now shows the number of pages in each category with the non-task pages separated, there is no need to access other pages.<br>
It may be necessary to set the Security Protocol to Tls12 at the start of the Main method in order to run this - see the "Problem running the C# entry" section on the [[Talk:Rosetta Code/Count examples]] page.
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Module RankLanguagesByPopularity
Private Class LanguageStat
Public name As String
Public count As Integer
Public Sub New(name As String, count As Integer)
Me.name = name
Me.count = count
End Sub
End Class
Private Function CompareLanguages(x As LanguageStat, y As languageStat) As Integer
Dim result As Integer = 0
If x IsNot Nothing Or y IsNot Nothing Then
If x Is Nothing Then
result = -1
ElseIf y Is Nothing
result = 1
result = - x.count.CompareTo(y.count) ' Sort descending count
If result = 0 Then
result = x.name.CompareTo(y.name) ' Sort ascending name
End If
End If
End If
Return result
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim languages As New List(Of LanguageStat)
Dim basePage As String = "https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages"
Dim nextPage As String = basePage
Dim nextPageEx = New RegEx("<a href=""/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages([?]subcatfrom=[^""]*)""")
Dim languageStatEx = _
New Regex(">([^<]+?)</a>[^<]*<span title=""Contains *[0-9,.]* *[a-z]*, *([0-9,.]*) *page")
Do While nextPage <> ""
Dim wc As New WebClient()
Dim page As String = wc.DownloadString(nextPage)
nextPage = ""
For Each link In nextPageEx.Matches(page)
nextPage = basePage & link.Groups(1).Value
Next link
For Each language In languageStatEx.Matches(page)
Dim lCount As Integer = 0
Dim lName As String = language.Groups(1).Value
Dim countText As String = language.Groups(2).Value.Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "")
If Not Integer.TryParse(countText, lCount)
Console.Out.WriteLine(lName & "Invalid page count: <<" & countText & ">>")
languages.Add(New LanguageStat(lName, lCount))
End If
Next language
languages.Sort(AddressOf CompareLanguages)
Dim prevCount As Integer = -1
Dim prevPosition As Integer = -1
Dim position As Integer = 0
For Each stat As LanguageStat In languages
position += 1
If stat.count <> prevCount Then
prevPosition = position
prevCount = stat.Count
End If
Console.Out.WriteLine(prevPosition.ToString.PadLeft(4) & ": " &
stat.count.ToString.PadLeft(4) & " " & stat.name)
Next stat
End Sub
End Module
Sample output as at 11th September 2023
1: 1652 Phix
1: 1652 Wren
3: 1614 Julia
4: 1595 Raku
5: 1576 Nim
6: 1546 Go
7: 1531 Perl
8: 1470 Python
9: 1375 J
10: 1285 C
. . .
Line 6,287 ⟶ 6,675:
An embedded program so we can use libcurl.
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">/* Rosetta_Code_Rank_languages_by_popularity.wren */
<lang ecmascript>/* rc_rank_languages_by_popularity.wren */
import "./pattern" for Pattern
Line 6,325 ⟶ 6,713:
var p1 = Pattern.new("> <a href/=\"//wiki//Category:+1^\"\" title/=\"Category:[+1^\"]\">+1^,, [+1^ ] page")
var unescs = [
var p2 = Pattern.new("subcatfrom/=[+1^#/#mw-subcategories]\"")
["_", " "],
["\%2B", "+"],
["\%C3\%A9", "é"],
["\%C3\%A0", "à"],
["\%C5\%8D", "ō"],
["\%C3\%A6", "æ"],
["\%CE\%9C", "μ"],
["\%D0\%9C\%D0\%9A", "МК"],
["\%E0\%AE\%89\%E0\%AE\%AF\%E0\%AE\%BF\%E0\%AE\%B0\%E0\%AF\%8D", "உயிர்"]
var unescapefindLangs = Fn.new { |text|
var url = "https://rosettacode.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Programming_Languages"
for (u in unescs) text = text.replace(u[0], u[1])
var subcatfrom = ""
return text
var langs = []
while (true) {
var content = getContent.call(url + subcatfrom)
var matches1 = p1.findAll(content)
for (m in matches1) {
var name = m.capsText[0]
var tasks = Num.fromString(m.capsText[1].replace(",", ""))
langs.add([name, tasks])
var m2 = p2.find(content)
if (m2) subcatfrom = "&subcatfrom=%(m2.capsText[0])" else break
return langs
var langs = findLangs.call()
var url1 = "https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages"
langs.sort { |a, b| a[1] > b[1] }
var content1 = getContent.call(url1)
System.print("Languages with most examples as at 3 February, 2024:")
var p1 = Pattern.new("<li><a href/=\"//wiki//Category:[+1^\"]\"")
var matches1 = p1.findAll(content1)
var languages = matches1.map { |l| unescape.call(l.capsText[0]) }.toList[0..-4] // the last 3 are spurious
var p2 = Pattern.new("\">[+1^<]<//a>\u200f\u200e ([/d~,#03/d] member~s)")
var url2 = "http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=4000"
var content2 = getContent.call(url2)
var matches2 = p2.findAll(content2)
var results = []
for (m in matches2) {
var language = m.capsText[0]
if (languages.contains(language)) {
var numEntries = Num.fromString(m.capsText[1].replace(",", ""))
results.add([language, numEntries])
results.sort { |a, b| a[1] > b[1] }
System.print("Languages with most entries as at 4 January, 2022:")
var rank = 0
var lastScore = 0
var lastRank = 0
for (i in 0...resultslangs.count) {
var pair = resultslangs[i]
var eq = " "
rank = i + 1
Line 6,376 ⟶ 6,752:
Fmt.print("$-3d$s $-20s $,5d", rank, eq, pair[0], pair[1])
We now embed this script in the following C program, build and run.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="c">/* gcc rc_rank_languages_by_popularityRosetta_Code_Rank_languages_by_popularity.c -o rc_rank_languages_by_popularityRosetta_Code_Rank_languages_by_popularity -lcurl -lwren -lm */
#include <stdio.h>
Line 6,553 ⟶ 6,929:
WrenVM* vm = wrenNewVM(&config);
const char* module = "main";
const char* fileName = "rc_rank_languages_by_popularityRosetta_Code_Rank_languages_by_popularity.wren";
char *script = readFile(fileName);
WrenInterpretResult result = wrenInterpret(vm, module, script);
Line 6,569 ⟶ 6,945:
return 0;
Showing just the top thirty.
Languages with most entriesexamples as at 43 JanuaryFebruary, 20222024:
1 PhixWren 1,499665
2 1 = WrenPhix 1,467665
3 Julia 1,466638
4 Raku 1,446608
5 Go Nim 1,440576
6 PerlGo 1,408547
7 Nim Perl 1,399540
8 Python 1,341497
9 CJ 1,185413
10 REXXJava 1,150318
11 KotlinC 1,132293
12 JavaC++ 1,126258
13 HaskellRuby 1,111235
14 Mathematica 1,109200
15 Ruby FreeBASIC 1,086185
16 Racket Haskell 1,082166
17 C++ REXX 1,079152
18 J Kotlin 1,062143
19 Zkl Racket 1,012099
20 FreeBASICJq 978 1,081
2021 = D Sidef 9781,051
22 Tcl11l 9771,016
23 FactorZkl 953 1,011
24 SidefFactor 9451,001
25 11lD 931 990
26 ScalaALGOL 68 916986
27 CTcl sharp 907 983
28 AdaScala 860948
29 RustDelphi 851945
30 PicoLispAda 839 940
30 = Rust 940
Line 6,612 ⟶ 6,989:
This solution using the API as the web scraping URL is pretty slow.
I'm using JSON as format=txt has been deprecated.
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="zkl">var [const] CURL=Import("zklCurl"), YAJL=Import("zklYAJL")[0];
fcn getLangCounts(language){ // -->( (count,lang), ...)
Line 6,649 ⟶ 7,026:
println("Most popular Rosetta Code languages as of ",Time.Date.prettyDay());
foreach n,name in ([1..15].zip(langCounts))
{ println("%2d: %3d %s".fmt(n,name.xplode())) }</langsyntaxhighlight>


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