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Doubly-linked list/Definition: Difference between revisions

Changed htabs to 8 spaces, indentation was screwed up.
(Previous implementation was O(n) in time for tail insertion.)
m (Changed htabs to 8 spaces, indentation was screwed up.)
Line 407:
(let ((new-link (make-dlink :content data :prev before :next after)))
(if (null before)
(setf (dlist-head dlist) new-link)
(setf (dlink-next before) new-link))
(if (null after)
(setf (dlist-tail dlist) new-link)
(setf (dlink-prev after) new-link))
Line 433:
"Remove link DLINK from DLIST and return its content"
(let ((before (dlink-prev dlink))
(after (dlink-next dlink)))
(if (null before)
(setf (dlist-head dlist) after)
(setf (dlink-next before) after))
(if (null after)
(setf (dlist-tail dlist) before)
(setf (dlink-prev after) before))))
(defun dlist-elements (dlist)
"Returns the elements of DLIST as a list"
(labels ((extract-values (dlink acc)
(if (null dlink)
(extract-values (dlink-next dlink) (cons (dlink-content dlink) acc)))))
(reverse (extract-values (dlist-head dlist) nil))))</lang>
Line 456:
(insert-after dlist (dlist-head dlist) 2)
(let* ((next-to-last (insert-before dlist (dlist-tail dlist) 3))
(bad-link (insert-before dlist next-to-last 42)))
(remove-link dlist bad-link))
(print (dlist-elements dlist)))</lang>
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