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Bitmap/Read a PPM file: Difference between revisions

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=={{header|M2000 Interpreter}}==
Now function Bitmap has double signature. With two numbers make a bitmap,with all pixels white. With one number, expect that it is a file number and read file, and then return the bitmap.
<lang M2000 Interpreter>
Module Checkit {
Function Bitmap {
If match("NN") then {
Read x as long, y as long
} else.if Match("N") Then {
\\ is a file?
Read f
if not Eof(f) then {
Line Input #f, p6$
If p6$="P6" Then {
Line Input #f, Comment$
if left$(Comment$,1)="#" then {
Line Input #f, Dimension$
} else Dimension$=Comment$
long x=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(0))
long y=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(1))
do {
Line Input #f, P255$
} until left$(P255$, 1)<>"#"
If not P255$="255" then Error "Not proper ppm format"
} else Error "No proper arguments"
if x<1 or y<1 then Error "Wrong dimensions"
structure rgb {
red as byte
green as byte
blue as byte
m=len(rgb)*x mod 4
if m>0 then m=4-m ' add some bytes to raster line
m+=len(rgb) *x
Structure rasterline {
pad as byte*m
\\ union pad+hline
hline as rgb*x
Structure Raster {
magic as integer*4
w as integer*4
h as integer*4
lines as rasterline*y
Buffer Clear Image1 as Raster
\\ 24 chars as header to be used from bitmap render build in functions
Return Image1, 0!magic:="cDIB", 0!w:=Hex$(x,2), 0!h:=Hex$(y, 2)
\\ fill white (all 255)
\\ Str$(string) convert to ascii, so we get all characters from words width to byte width
if not valid(f) then Return Image1, 0!lines:=Str$(String$(chrcode$(255), Len(rasterline)*y))
Buffer Clear Pad as Byte*4
SetPixel=Lambda Image1, Pad,aLines=Len(Raster)-Len(Rasterline), blines=-Len(Rasterline) (x, y, c) ->{
if c>0 then c=color(c)
Return Pad, 0:=c as long
Return Image1, 0!where:=Eval(Pad, 2) as byte, 0!where+1:=Eval(Pad, 1) as byte, 0!where+2:=Eval(Pad, 0) as byte
GetPixel=Lambda Image1,aLines=Len(Raster)-Len(Rasterline), blines=-Len(Rasterline) (x,y) ->{
=color(Eval(image1, where+2 as byte), Eval(image1, where+1 as byte), Eval(image1, where as byte))
StrDib$=Lambda$ Image1, Raster -> {
=Eval$(Image1, 0, Len(Raster))
CopyImage=Lambda Image1 (image$) -> {
if left$(image$,12)=Eval$(Image1, 0, 24 ) Then {
Return Image1, 0:=Image$
} Else Error "Can't Copy Image"
Export2File=Lambda Image1, x, y (f) -> {
\\ use this between open and close
Print #f, "P6"
Print #f,"# Created using M2000 Interpreter"
Print #f, x;" ";y
Print #f, 255
For y1= 0 to y-1 {
For x1=0 to x2 {
Print #f, a$;Eval(Image1, where+2 as byte);" ";
Print #f, Eval(Image1, where+1 as byte);" ";
Print #f, Eval(Image1, where as byte);
a$=" "
Print #f
m=where mod 4
if m<>0 then where+=4-m
if valid(F) then {
'load RGB values form file
For y1=y-1 to 0 {
do {
Line Input #f, aline$
} until left$(aline$,1)<>"#"
flush ' empty stack
Stack aline$ ' place all values to stack as FIFO
For x1=0 to x0 {
\\ now read from stack using Number
Return Image1, 0!where+2:=Number as byte, 0!where+1:=Number as byte, 0!where:=Number as byte
m=where mod 4
if m<>0 then where+=4-m
Group Bitmap {
A=Bitmap(10, 10)
Call A.SetPixel(5,5, color(128,0,255))
Open "A.PPM" for Output as #F
Call A.ToFile(F)
Close #f
Open "A.PPM" for Input as #F
Try {
Copy 400*twipsx,200*twipsy use C.Image$()
Close #f
' is the same as this one
Open "A.PPM" for Input as #F
Line Input #f, p6$
If p6$="P6" Then {
Line Input #f, Comment$
if left$(Comment$,1)="#" then {
Line Input #f, Dimension$
} else Dimension$=Comment$
Long x=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(0))
Long y=Val(piece$(Dimension$," ")(1))
do {
Line Input #f, P255$
} until left$(P255$, 1)<>"#"
If not P255$="255" then Error "Not proper ppm format"
B=Bitmap(x, y)
For y1=y-1 to 0 {
do {
Line Input #f, aline$
} until left$(aline$,1)<>"#"
flush ' empty stack
Stack aline$ ' place all values to stack as FIFO
For x1=0 to x0 {
\\ now read from stack
Read red, green, blue
Call B.setpixel(x1, y1, Color(red, green, blue))
Close #f
If valid("B") then Copy 200*twipsx,200*twipsy use B.Image$()
=={{header|Mathematica}}/ {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<lang Mathematica>Import["file.ppm","PPM"]
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