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Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: addes REXX to the LANG html tag.)
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Line 374:
=={{header|AutoIt Script}}==
<lang AutoHotkey>Local $var = drawBresenhamLine(2, 3, 2, 6)
Func drawBresenhamLine($iX0, $iY0, $iX1, $iY1)
Local $iDx = Abs($iX1 - $iX0)
Local $iSx = $iX0 < $iX1 ? 1 : -1
Local $iDy = Abs($iY1 - $iY0)
Local $iSy = $iY0 < $iY1 ? 1 : -1
Local $iErr = ($iDx > $iDy ? $iDx : -$iDy) / 2, $e2
While $iX0 <= $iX1
ConsoleWrite("plot( $x=" & $iX0 & ", $y=" & $iY0 & " )" & @LF)
If ($iX0 = $iX1) And ($iY0 = $iY1) Then Return
$e2 = $iErr
If ($e2 > -$iDx) Then
$iErr -= $iDy
$iX0 += $iSx
If ($e2 < $iDy) Then
$iErr += $iDx
$iY0 += $iSy
EndFunc ;==>drawBresenhamLine</lang>
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