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Palindrome detection: Difference between revisions

Add ARM Assembly
(Added 11l)
(Add ARM Assembly)
Line 352:
370 RETURN</lang>
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
<lang>@ Check whether the ASCII string in [r0] is a palindrome
@ Returns with zero flag set if palindrome.
palin: mov r1,r0 @ Find end of string
1: ldrb r2,[r1],#1 @ Grab character and increment pointer
tst r2,r2 @ Zero yet?
bne 1b @ If not try next byte
sub r1,r1,#2 @ Move R1 to last actual character.
2: cmp r0,r1 @ When R0 >= R1,
cmpgt r2,r2 @ make sure zero is set,
bxeq lr @ and stop (the string is a palindrome).
ldrb r2,[r1],#-1 @ Grab [R1] (end) and decrement.
ldrb r3,[r0],#1 @ Grab [R0] (begin) and increment
cmp r2,r3 @ Are they equal?
bxne lr @ If not, it's not a palindrome.
b 2b @ Otherwise, try next pair.
@ Try the function on a couple of strings
.global _start
_start: ldr r8,=words @ Word pointer
1: ldr r9,[r8],#4 @ Grab word and move pointer
tst r9,r9 @ Null?
moveq r7,#1 @ Then we're done; syscall 1 = exit
swieq #0
mov r1,r9 @ Print the word
bl print
mov r0,r9 @ Test if the word is a palindrome
bl palin
ldreq r1,=yes @ "Yes" if it is a palindrome
ldrne r1,=no @ "No" if it's not a palindrome
bl print
b 1b @ Next word
@ Print zero-terminated string [r1] using Linux syscall
print: push {r7,lr} @ Keep R7 and link register
mov r2,r1 @ Find end of string
1: ldrb r0,[r2],#1 @ Grab character and increment pointer
tst r0,r0 @ Zero yet?
bne 1b @ If not, keep going
sub r2,r2,r1 @ Calculate length of string (bytes to write)
mov r0,#1 @ Stdout = 1
mov r7,#4 @ Syscall 4 = write
swi #0 @ Make the syscall
pop {r7,lr} @ Restore R7 and link register
bx lr
@ Strings
yes: .asciz ": yes\n" @ Output yes or no
no: .asciz ": no\n"
w1: .asciz "rotor" @ Words to test
w2: .asciz "racecar"
w3: .asciz "level"
w4: .asciz "redder"
w5: .asciz "rosetta"
words: .word w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,0</lang>
<pre>rotor: yes
racecar: yes
level: yes
redder: yes
rosetta: no</pre>


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