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Top rank per group: Difference between revisions

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(Added object-oriented approach for lua)
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Claire Buckman E39876 27800
<lang ksh>
exec 2> /tmp/Top_rank_per_group.err
# Top rank per group
# # Variables:
integer TOP_NUM=2
typeset -T Empsal_t=(
typeset -h 'Employee Name' ename=''
typeset -h 'Employee ID' eid=''
typeset -i -h 'Employee Salary' esalary
typeset -h 'Emplyee Department' edept=''
function init_employee {
typeset buff ; buff="$1"
typeset oldIFS ; oldIFS="$IFS"
typeset arr ; typeset -a arr
arr=( ${buff} )
edata='Tyler Bennett,E10297,32000,D101
John Rappl,E21437,47000,D050
George Woltman,E00127,53500,D101
Adam Smith,E63535,18000,D202
Claire Buckman,E39876,27800,D202
David McClellan,E04242,41500,D101
Rich Holcomb,E01234,49500,D202
Nathan Adams,E41298,21900,D050
Richard Potter,E43128,15900,D101
David Motsinger,E27002,19250,D202
Tim Sampair,E03033,27000,D101
Kim Arlich,E10001,57000,D190
Timothy Grove,E16398,29900,D190'
# main #
# # Employee data into array of Types
typeset -a empsal_t # array of Type variables (objects)
integer j i=0
echo "${edata}" | while read; do
Empsal_t empsal_t[i] # Create Type (object)
empsal_t[i++].init_employee "$REPLY" # Initialize Type (object)
# # Sort the array of Type variables
set -a -s -A empsal_t -K edept,esalary:n:r,ename
# # BUG work around! duplicate the now sorted Type array and use it for output
sorted=$(typeset -p empsal_t) && sorted=${sorted/empsal_t/sorted} && eval ${sorted}
for ((i=0; i<${#sorted[*]}; i++)); do
if [[ ${sorted[i].edept} != ${prevdept} ]] || (( j < TOP_NUM )); then
[[ ${sorted[i].edept} != ${prevdept} ]] && j=0
print "${sorted[i].edept} ${sorted[i].esalary} ${sorted[i].eid} ${sorted[i].ename}"
(( j++ ))
D050 47000 E21437 John Rappl
D050 21900 E41298 Nathan Adams
D101 53500 E00127 George Woltman
D101 41500 E04242 David McClellan
D190 57000 E10001 Kim Arlich
D190 29900 E16398 Timothy Grove
D202 49500 E01234 Rich Holcomb
D202 27800 E39876 Claire Buckman</pre>


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