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Sorting algorithms/Selection sort: Difference between revisions

Added support for J language
(C++ Selection Sort)
(Added support for J language)
Line 390:
selectR small output (x:xs) | x < small = selectR x (small:output) xs
| otherwise = selectR small (x:output) xs</lang>
Create the following script and load it to a J session.
<lang j>shellSort=: verb define
data=. y
for_xyz. y do.
temp=. xyz_index }. data
nvidx=. xyz_index + temp i. <./ temp
data=. ((xyz_index, nvidx) { data) (nvidx, xyz_index) } data
To validate:
<lang j>NB. We generate 10 random numbers between 0 and 99 and assign to a variable
[data=. 10 ? 100
51 18 81 46 11 54 74 63 56 76
shellSort data
11 18 46 51 54 56 63 74 76 81
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