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{{task|Text processing}}
Two or more words can be composed of the same characters, but in a different order. Using the word list at http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt, find the sets of words that share the same characters that contain the most words in them.
== {{header|Haskell}} ==
import Data.List
groupon f x y = (f x) == (f y)
main = do
f <- readFile "./../Puzzels/Rosetta/unixdict.txt"
let words = lines f
wix = groupBy (groupon fst) . sort $ zipWith ((,).sort) words words
mxl = foldl' ((.length).max) 0 wix
print . map (map snd) . filter ((==mxl).length) $ wix
== {{header|J}} ==
|abel |able |bale |bela |elba |
|elan |lane |lean |lena |neal |
|evil |levi |live |veil |vile |
Line 39 ⟶ 72:
[abel, able, bale, bela, elba]
[evil, levi, live, veil, vile]
== {{header|Haskell}} ==
import Data.List
groupon f x y = (f x) == (f y)
main = do
f <- readFile "./../Puzzels/Rosetta/unixdict.txt"
let words = lines f
wix = groupBy (groupon fst) . sort $ zipWith ((,).sort) words words
mxl = foldl' ((.length).max) 0 wix
print . map (map snd) . filter ((==mxl).length) $ wix
== {{header|J}} ==
|abel |able |bale |bela |elba |
|elan |lane |lean |lena |neal |
|evil |levi |live |veil |vile |
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