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Web scraping: Difference between revisions

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The task description states "just the UTC time" but of course we could return the whole line including the zone name and date if required.
=={{header|M2000 Interpreter}}==
<lang M2000 Interpreter>
Module Web_scraping {
Print "Web scraping"
function GetTime$(a$, what$="UTC") {
document a$ ' change string to document
find a$, what$ ' place data to stack
Read find_pos
if find_pos>0 then
read par_order, par_pos
b$=paragraph$(a$, par_order)
if k>0 then if k<par_pos then b$=mid$(b$,k+1) :par_pos-=k
if k>0 then if k>par_pos then b$=Left(b$,k-1)
end if
declare msxml2 "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0"
rem print type$(msxml2)="IXMLHTTPRequest"
Url$ = "http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl"
try ok {
method msxml2, "Open", "GET", url$, false
method msxml2,"Send"
with msxml2,"responseText" as txt$
Print GetTime$(txt$)
If error or not ok then Print Error$
declare msxml2 nothing
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