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Monty Hall problem: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Prolog}}: Adding Prolog)
Line 3,426:
Keep : 3336 (33.36%)
Switch: 6664 (66.64%)</pre>
{{works with|GNU Prolog}}
<lang Prolog>
:- initialization(main).
% Simulate a play.
play(Switch, Won) :-
% Random prize door
random(1, 4, P),
% Random contestant door
random(1, 4, C),
% Random reveal door, not prize or contestant door
random(1, 4, R),
R \= P,
R \= C,
% Final door
Switch, between(1, 3, F), F \= C, F \= R, !;
\+ Switch, F = C
% Check result.
(F = P -> Won = true ; Won = false).
% Count wins.
win_count(0, _, Total, Total).
win_count(I, Switch, A, Total) :-
I > 0,
I1 is I - 1,
play(Switch, Won),
(Won, A1 is A + 1;
\+ Won, A1 is A),
win_count(I1, Switch, A1, Total).
main :-
win_count(1000, true, 0, SwitchTotal),
format('Switching wins ~d out of 1000.\n', [SwitchTotal]),
win_count(1000, false, 0, StayTotal),
format('Staying wins ~d out of 1000.\n', [StayTotal]).
Switching wins 667 out of 1000.
Staying wins 332 out of 1000.
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