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adding Z80 Assembly implementation
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(adding Z80 Assembly implementation)
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=={{header|Z80 Assembly}}==
N is set at beginning of code (valid range 1..150-ish, then you soon run out of memory), sjasmplus syntax, CP/M executable:
<lang z80>; Spiral matrix in Z80 assembly (for CP/M OS - you can use `tnylpo` or `z88dk-ticks` on PC)
OPT --syntax=abf : OUTPUT "spiralmt.com" ; asm syntax for z00m's variant of sjasmplus
ORG $100
ld a,5 ; N matrix size (argument for the code) (valid range: 1..150)
; setup phase
push af
ld l,a
ld h,0
add hl,hl
ld (delta_d),hl ; down-direction address delta = +N*2
ld l,a
ld h,$FF
add hl,hl
ld (delta_u),hl ; up-direction address delta = -N*2
ld hl,matrix
ld de,2 ; delta_r value to move right in matrix
ld bc,0 ; starting value
dec a ; first sequences will be N-1 long
jr z,.finish ; 1x1 doesn't need any sequence, just set last element
call set_sequence ; initial entry sequence has N-1 elements (same as two more)
; main loop - do twice same length sequence, then decrement length, until zero
call set_sequence_twice
dec a
jr nz,.loop
.finish: ; whole spiral is set except last element, set it now
ld (hl),c
inc hl
ld (hl),b
; print matrix - reading it by POP HL (destructive, plus some memory ahead of matrix too)
pop de ; d = N
ld (.oldsp+1),sp
ld sp,matrix ; set stack to beginning of matrix (call/push does damage memory ahead)
ld c,d ; c = N (lines counter)
ld b,d ; b = N (value per row counter)
pop hl
push de
push bc
call print_hl
pop bc
pop de
djnz .print_row
push de
call print_crlf
pop de
dec c
jr nz,.print_rows
ld sp,0
rst 0 ; return to CP/M
ld e,10
call print_char
ld e,13
jr print_char
ld b,' '
ld e,b
call print_char
ld de,-10000
call extract_digit
ld de,-1000
call extract_digit
ld de,-100
call extract_digit
ld de,-10
call extract_digit
ld a,l
ld b,'0'
add a,b
ld e,a
push bc
push hl
ld c,2
call 5
pop hl
pop bc
ld a,-1
inc a
add hl,de
jr c,.digit_loop
sbc hl,de
or a
jr nz,print_digit
ld e,b
jr print_char
call set_sequence
; A = length, HL = next_to_matrix, DE = delta to advance hl, BC = next_value
push af
ld (hl),c
inc hl
ld (hl),b
dec hl ; [HL] = BC
add hl,de ; HL += DE
inc bc ; ++BC
dec a
jr nz,.set_loop
push hl ; change DE for next direction (right->down->left->up->right->...)
.d: ld hl,delta_d ; self-modify-code: pointer to next delta
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ; de = address delta for next sequence
inc hl
ld a,low delta_u+2 ; if hl == delta_u+2 => reset it back to delta_r
cp l
jr nz,.next_delta
ld hl,delta_r
ld (.d+1),hl ; self modify code pointer for next delta value
pop hl
pop af
delta_r: dw +2 ; value to add to move right in matrix
delta_d: dw 0 ; value to add to move down in matrix (set to +N*2)
delta_l: dw -2 ; value to add to move left in matrix
delta_u: dw 0 ; value to add to move up in matrix (set to -N*2)
; following memory is used for NxN matrix of uint16_t values (150x150 needs 45000 bytes)</lang>
$ tnylpo spiralmt.com
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12 11 10 9 8


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