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→‎Not Implemented Tasks by Language: add links for navigation, some minor changes
m (→‎Not Implemented Tasks by Language: add links for navigation, some minor changes)
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*When PHP flag <i>allow_url_fopen</i> is enabled, it is possible to read contents from RC Site via local server. Then, by directly testing with RC Site, many bugs were found;
*''fixed'', it seems that articles in tasks or languages' pages have at least 3 version of url. In most cases, they refer to the same file, but it seems some are not (may be re-direction?). Previously, some url can be accessed while other cannot, if only using one version of url; now all 3 version is tried. The version of '/w/index.php?title=' has highest priority, so that page like C++ will not mistaken by C page;
::''changed'', it seems I'm wrong again. All pages can be accesses by '/wiki/Category:' version's url, only that to not mistaken C++ page with C page, url extracted from RC page have to be encoded 2 times. In most case, this '/wiki/Category:(encoded-url)' can reach the page correctly, only pages like ''PL/I'', ''PL/SQL'' need 1 decode. No more other version of url is needed. -- [[User:Badmadevil|badmadevil]] 09:14, 17 June 2008 (MDT)
*''fixed'', previously, required link nodes to be got by xpath are assumed to be inside a table, but it is found that language page having 7 or less task completed didn't use a table; the later case is dealing with another proper xpath;
*some pages have not any task completed, eg. assembler, pike, JoCaml. They are treated as error loading page, rather than display all tasks from Task-list page;
Line 23 ⟶ 24:
| style="height:36em;float:left;clear:both;overflow:auto;" |
// may be need to enable allow_url_fopen, or change it to local file path
define('RCHost' , 'rosettacode.org') ;
define('ROSETTA', 'http://' . RCHost) ;
// 3 version of url prefix, when loading the Specific Language Page,
// they will be tried one by one
define('SafeURL', ROSETTA . '/w/index.php?title=') ;
define('Prefix', ROSETTA . '/wiki/Category:') ;
define('LastTry', ROSETTA . '/wiki/') ;
define('PAGENAME', 'PAGENAME') ; // if use as a query string key-value pair
define('NA', 'Not Avaliable') ;
define('TaskURL', Prefix . 'Solutions_by_Programming_Task') ;
define('ListURL', Prefix . 'Solutions_by_Programming_Language') ;
define('PAGENAME', 'PAGENAME') ; // if use as a query string key-value pair
define('NA', 'NotAvaliable') ;
$langID = LangId() ;
// $langID has been encoded 2 time so that C++ not mistaken with C
$IDLang = str_replace('_',' ', rawurldecode($langID)) ;
$IDLang = myDecode(myDecode($langID)) ;
// this control how to access this scrtpt
$scriptURL = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['URL'] ;
function ScriptURL($langId = NA){
global $langID, $scriptURL ;
ifreturn $scriptURL . ($langId == NA) $langId? ="" : '?' . myEncode($langIDlangId)) ;
$langId = rawurlencode($langId) ;
function myEncode($langIds) ={ return str_replace('.', '%252E', rawurlencode($langIds)) ; }
function myDecode($s) { return str_replace('_', ' ' , rawurldecode($s)) ; }
return $scriptURL . ($langId == NA ? "" : '?' . $langId) ;
function LangId(){
$langId = NA ;
if(count($_GET) > 0) {
if(array_key_exists(PAGENAME, $_GET) && strlen($_GET[PAGENAME]) > 0)
$langId = $_GET[PAGENAME] ;
else {
$keys = array_keys($_GET) ;
if(count($keys) > 0 && strlen($keys[0]) > 0) $langId = $keys[0] ;
return myEncode($langId) ;
class Page extends DOMDocument {
public $lnk , $id , $hdr, $msg , $tds, $url, $context ;
public $dict = array() , $ok = FALSETRUE ;
public $cnt = 0 , $notCnt = 0 ; // $notCnt = count of not implemented tasks
public $context ;
function __construct($url, $id, $isLangFile = FALSE) {
global $langID ;
if($this->idurl == $idlangID) ;{
if(!@$this->loadHTMLFile($this->url = Prefix . $langID))
if($isLangFile) {
if(!@$this->langURLloadHTMLFile(SafeURL))$this->url //= tryPrefix one. by onemyDecode($langID)))
if( $this->langURL(Prefix))ok = FALSE ;
if($this->ok) $this->context = $this->langURLgetElementById(LastTry$id) ;
} else {
if(@$this->loadHTMLFile($url) ;)
$this->context = $this->getElementById($this->id) ;
if($this->context) {
$xpath = new DOMXPath($this) ;
$this->hdr = $xpath->query('h2', $this->context)->item(0) ;
$this->msg = $xpath->query('p', $this->context)->item(0) ;
$this->lnk = if($xpath->query('table/tr/td/ul/li', $this->context) ;->length)
if( $this->lnk &&= $thisxpath->lnkquery('table/tr/td/ul/li', $this->length > 0context) {;
else // not inside a table
$this->cnt = $this->lnk->length ;
$this->ok = TRUE ;
} else { // not inside a table
$this->lnk = $xpath->query('ul/li', $this->context) ;
$this->cnt = if($this->lnk) { // may be zero task->length completed?;
} else
$this->cnt = $this->lnk->length ;
$this->ok = TRUEFALSE ;
function langURL($prefix) {
global $langID ;
if(@$this->loadHTMLFile($prefix . $langID))
if($this->context = $this->getElementById($this->id))
$FAIL = FALSE ; /*
else {
echo $this->toHTML() ;
exit(-1) ;
return $FAIL ;
function toHTML() {
// not need if this script is inside RC site
Line 111 ⟶ 97:
return $this->saveHTML() ;
function prepare(&$taskList) {
function makeDict(&$taskList) {
global $scriptURL ;
$temp = array() ;
// collect lang's task list
for($i = 0 ; $i < $this->lnk->length ; $i++) {
$alink = $this->lnk->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("a")->item(0) ;
$href = temp[$alink->getAttribute("href")] = TRUE ;
$temp[$href] = TRUE ;
// set diff : total tasks - lang's tasks => not completed tasks
for($i = 0 ; $i < $taskList->length ; $i++) {
$alink = $taskList->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("a")->item(0) ;
$href = if(array_key_exists($alink->getAttribute("href"), ;$temp) === FALSE)
$this->dict[$this->notCnt++] = // import from Tasks into Lang
if(array_key_exists($href, $temp) === FALSE)
$this->dict[$this->notCnt++] = // import from Tasks to Lang
$this->importNode($taskList->item($i),true) ;
$lang->lnk = null ; // release node ref. to be remove
// clone hdr, msg
$hdr = $this->hdr->cloneNode(TRUE) ;
$msg = $this->msg->cloneNode(TRUE) ;
// clear All nodes under $this->context(id)'s node
$context = while($this->context ;->lastChild)
$this->context = ->removeChild($this->context->cloneNode(lastChild) ; // shallow copy, remove all child
// create new hdr, msg
$context->parentNode->replaceChild($this->context, $context) ;
$this->hdr = $this->context->appendChild($this->createElement("h2")) ;
// append hdr, msg back
$this->hdrmsg = $this->context->appendChild($hdrthis->createElement("p")) ;
$this->msg = $this->context->appendChild($msg) ;
// make table
$table = $this->createElement("table") ;
Line 150 ⟶ 128:
$xpath = new DOMXPath($this) ;
$this->tds = $xpath->query('table/tr/td', $this->context) ;
// insert a languages list link
$alink = $this->createElement("a", "Other Languages") ;
$alink->setAttribute("href", $scriptURL) ;
$alink->setAttribute("title", "Not completed tasks by other languages") ;
$style = 'float:right;clear:right;position:relative;top:8px;' .
'background-color:#eec;padding:2px 8px 2px 8px;';
$alink->setAttribute("style", $style) ;
$this->context->insertBefore($alink, $this->hdr) ;
Line 178 ⟶ 148:
$curr = 0 ;
$splitMax = intval(($lang->notCnt + 2) / 3)tds->length ;
$splitMax = intval(($lang->notCnt + $splitMax - 1) / $splitMax) ;
if($splitMax < 5) $splitMax = 5 ;
$capital = '' ;
$lang->lnk = null ; // release node ref. to be remove
for($i = 0 ; $i < $lang->tds->length ; $i++) {
$td = $lang->tds->item($i) ;
$td->setAttribute("width", "33%") ;
$td->setAttribute("valign", "top") ;
Line 217 ⟶ 185:
function process_list(){ // replace languages link with corresponding scriptURL
global $list ;
Line 227 ⟶ 194:
function linkText(&$node, $pre, $href, $text, $post) {
$doc = $node->ownerDocument ;
function LangId(){
if($pre ) $node->appendChild($doc->createElement("span", $pre)) ;
$langId = NA ;
if(count($_GET) > 0href) {
if(!$text) $text = 'null' ;
if(array_key_exists(PAGENAME, $_GET) && strlen($_GET[PAGENAME]) > 0)
$langIdalink = $_GET[PAGENAME]doc->createElement("a", $text) ;
$alink->setAttribute("href", $href) ;
else {
$alink->setAttribute("title", $text) ;
$keys = array_keys($_GET) ;
$node->appendChild($alink) ;
if(count($keys) > 0 && strlen($keys[0]) > 0)
$langId = $keys[0] ;
if($post) $node->appendChild($doc->createElement("span", $post)) ;
return $langId ;
Line 247 ⟶ 212:
if($langID != NA) {
$lang = new Page($langID, 'mw-pages', TRUE) ;
if($lang->ok) {
$task = new Page(TaskURL, 'mw-pages') ;
$lang->makeDictprepare($task->lnk) ;
if($langID != NA && $lang->ok && $task->ok) {
linkText($lang->hdr->nodeValue =, 'Not Completed Tasks by ', .$lang->url, $IDLang, NULL) ;
linkText($lang->hdr, ' ( ', $scriptURL, 'Other Languages', ' ) ') ;
process_task() ;
echo $lang->toHTML() ;
} else {
Line 266 ⟶ 231:
if($langID == NA)
$list->hdr->nodeValue = 'Not Completed Tasks by Languages' ;
else {
$list->hdr->nodeValue = 'Not Completed Tasks by Languages removeChild($list->hdr->lastChild) "';
. linkText($IDLang .list->hdr, '"Not hasn\'tCompleted anyTasks taskby completedLanguages yet )( "' ;,
$lang->url, $IDLang, '" hasn\'t any task completed yet ) ') ;
process_list() ;
echo $list->toHTML() ;
echo '<html><body><br/><br/>
<h3 align=center>Unknown Error,
<a href="' . ROSETTA . '">Return Rosetta Code Main Page</a> or
<h3>Unknown Error,
<a href="' javascript:history.go(-1) ROSETTA . ';">ReturnGo Rosetta Code Main PageBack</a> or.
<a href="javascript:history.go(-1) ;">Go Back </ah3>.
</h3body></html>' ;
</body></html>' ;
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