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Matrix transposition: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: mention shaped arrays
m (→‎Library gonum/matrix: library churn)
m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: mention shaped arrays)
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=={{header|Perl 6}}==
{{worksWorks with|rakudo|20152018.10-4603}}
<lang perl6># Transposition can be done with the reduced zip metaoperator.meta-operator
# on list-of-lists data structures
<lang perl6>say [Z] (<A B C D>, <D E F>,< G H>, <I J K L>)</lang>;
# For native shaped arrays, a more traditional procedure of copying item-by-item
# Here the resulting matrix is also a native shaped array
my @a[3;4] =
[<A B C D>],
[<E F G H>],
[<I J K L>],
(my $n, my $m) = @a.shape;
my @b[$m;$n];
for ^$m X ^$n -> (\i, \j) {
@b[i;j] = @a[j;i];
say @b;</lang>
<pre>((A DE GI) (B EF HJ) (C FG IK) (D H L))</pre>
[[A E I] [B F J] [C G K] [D H L]]</pre>


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