Plot coordinate pairs: Difference between revisions

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Content deleted Content added
Line 37: Line 37:
plot _x _y)
plot _x _y)
x y;
x y;
at_exit close_graph;
close_graph ();


Revision as of 13:53, 21 September 2008

Plot coordinate pairs
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Plot a function represented as `x', `y' numerical arrays.

Post link to your resulting image for input arrays (see Example section for Python language on Query Performance page):

x = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
y = {2.7, 2.8, 31.4, 38.1, 58.0, 76.2, 100.5, 130.0, 149.3, 180.0};

This task is intended as a subtask for Measure relative performance of sorting algorithms implementations.


Library: plot
   load 'plot'
   magnitudes =: 2.7 2.8 31.4 38.1 58.0 76.2 100.5 130.0 149.3 180.0
   'dot; pensize 2.4' plot magnitudes

Output of plot.


(%i1) ".." (m, n) := makelist (i, i, m, n); infix ("..")$
(%i2) x: 0 .. 9$ y:[2.7, 2.8, 31.4, 38.1, 58.0, 76.2, 100.5, 130.0, 149.3, 180.0]$
(%i3) plot2d(['discrete, x, y], [style, [points,5,1,1]], [gnuplot_term, png], [gnuplot_out_file, "qsort-range-10-9.png"])$



<ocaml>let x = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9] and y = [2.7; 2.8; 31.4; 38.1; 58.0; 76.2; 100.5; 130.0; 149.3; 180.0] let round x = int_of_float (floor(x +. 0.5))

open Graphics let () =

 open_graph "";
   (fun x y ->
     (* scale to fit in the window *)
     let _x = x * 20
     and _y = round(y *. 1.5) in
     plot _x _y)
   x y;
  at_exit close_graph;



use GD::Graph::points;

@data = (
  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
  [2.7, 2.8, 31.4, 38.1, 58.0, 76.2, 100.5, 130.0, 149.3, 180.0],
$graph = GD::Graph::points->new(400, 300);
$gd = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error;

# Save as image.
open(OUF, ">qsort-range-10-9.png");
binmode OUF;
print OUF $gd->png;


Library: Imager


use Imager;
use Imager::Plot;

@x = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
@y = (2.7, 2.8, 31.4, 38.1, 58.0, 76.2, 100.5, 130.0, 149.3, 180.0);
$plot = Imager::Plot->new(
  'Width' => 400,
  'Height' => 300,
  'GlobalFont' => 'PATH_TO_TTF_FONT',
  'X' => \@x,
  'Y' => \@y,
  'style' => {
    'marker' => {
      'size' => 2,
      'symbol' => 'circle',
      'color' => Imager::Color->new('red'),
$img = Imager->new(
  'xsize' => 500,
  'ysize' => 400,
$img->box('filled' => 1, 'color' => 'white');
$plot->Render('Image' => $img, 'Xoff' => 50, 'Yoff' => 350);
$img->write('file' => 'qsort-range-10-9.png');



Library: matplotlib
>>> x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> y = [2.7, 2.8, 31.4, 38.1, 58.0, 76.2, 100.5, 130.0, 149.3, 180.0]
>>> import pylab
>>> pylab.plot(x, y, 'bo')
>>> pylab.savefig('qsort-range-10-9.png')

qsort-range-10-9.png (23 KiB)