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Rutgers ALGOL 68: Difference between revisions

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=== Building and running under Windows ===
To build under Windows, download the Linux version from the above link and unpack to a suitable directoryfolder (e.g. \algol\RutgersAlgol68 is assumed here), this will be refered to as the installation folder in the following.
Place the following batch file into the the directoryfolder and execute it. The batch file asumes TCC is being used as the C compiler, change as appropriate. The DEFINES and ALINC variables may also need to be changed.
<lang dos>rem build.bat: build the Linux version of RutgersAlgol68 under Windows
Line 58:
cd ..</lang>
The following batch file can be used to execute the interpreter with an upper-stropping source (as used by most of the samples on RC):
<lang dos>@rem u68.bat: execute an upper-stropping Algol 68 source using Rutgers Algol 68
@set p=%1
@set o2=%2
@rem %p%: program source, o2: -l to suppress listing
@if not exist %p% @if exist %p%.a68 @set p=%p%.a68
@if not exist %p% @echo %p% not found.
@if not exist %p% @exit /b 7
@set rDir=%RUTGERS_HOME%
@if %rDir%. == . @set rDir=\algol\RutgersAlgol68
@set rBin=%rDir%\bin
@set preludeR=%rBin%\_prelude_
@rem construct a temporary source with the additional prelude and postlude added
@rem the postlude ends with ^E^O^F which upperToQoute needs to recognise EOF
@rem as Rutgers Algol 68 does not support transput event routines
@type %rDir%\prelude.r68 > _.tmp
@type %p% >> _.tmp
@type %rDir%\postlude.r68 >> _.tmp
@rem convert the temporary upper-stropping source to Rutgers-style quote-stropping
@%rBin%\la.exe _.lst _.b68 %rDir%\upperToQuote.r68
@if errorlevel 1 @goto :preError
@%rBin%\al.exe %preludeR% _.lst _.b68 _.d68 < _.tmp -l > _.u68
@if errorlevel 1 @goto :preError
@if exist _.lst @del _.lst
@if exist _.b68 @del _.b68
@if exist _.d68 @del _.d68
@%rBin%\la.exe _.lst _.b68 _.u68
@if errorlevel 1 @exit /b 7
@%rBin%\al.exe %preludeR% _.lst _.b68 _.d68 %o2%
@if errorlevel 1 @goto :runError
@ del _.lst _.b68 _.d68 _.u68
@ goto :endR68
@ echo Error pre-processing %p%
@ %rBin%\textual_error.exe _.d68
@ exit /b 7
@ %rBin%\textual_error.exe _.d68
@ %rBin%\dump.exe _.d68
@ exit /b 7
The prelude.r68, postlude.r68 and upperToQuote.r68 soureces used by the above batch-file should be placed in the installation folder (\algolRutgersAlgol8 is assumed here). They are in the following sections on Using upper-stropping and Additional prelude items.
=== Using upper Stropping ===
As mentioned above, Rutgers Algol 68 uses quote-stropping. The following program will convert an upper-stropping source to Rutgers style quote-stropping. This should be placed in the installation folder (\algol\RutgersAlgol68 is assumed here) and called '''upperToQuote.r68'''.
<lang algol68>'begin' # convert an upper-stropped source to Rutgers quote stropping #
'proc' control = ( 'char' letter )'char': 'repr' ( 1 + ( 'abs' letter - 'abs' "A" ) );
'char' ctrlE = control( "E" );
'char' ctrlO = control( "O" );
'char' ctrlF = control( "F" );
'char' ctrlZ = control( "Z" );
'char' quote = """";
'char' briefComment = "#";
'char' nl = 'repr' 10;
'int' lineNumber := 1;
'string' pushback := "";
'bool' atEof := 'false';
'proc' readChar = 'char':
'if' atEof
# reached EOF #
'elif' 'upb' pushback >= 'lwb' pushback
'char' c = pushback[ 'lwb' pushback ];
pushback := pushback[ 'lwb' pushback + 1 : ];
'if' c = nl 'then' lineNumber +:= 1 'fi';
'elif' 'char' c;
'proc' nextChar = 'char':
'char' c;
read( ( c ) );
'end' # nextChar # ;
( c := nextChar ) = ctrlE
# have ^E - possible EOF #
'if' ( c := nextChar ) /= ctrlO
# didn't get ^O after ^E #
c +=: pushback;
'elif' # have ^E^O - could be EOF #
( c := nextChar ) = ctrlF
# have ^E^O^F - i.e. have an EOF marker #
atEof := 'true';
# didn't get ^F after ^E^O #
c +=: pushback;
ctrlO +=: pushback;
# normal character #
'if' c = nl 'then' lineNumber +:= 1 'fi';
'fi' # readChar # ;
'proc' putChar = ( 'char' c )'void': print( ( c ) );
'proc' putWordInLowerCase = ( 'string' word )'void':
'for' cPos 'from' 'lwb' word 'to' 'upb' word
putChar( 'repr' ( ( 'abs' word[ cPos ]
- 'abs' "A"
+ 'abs' "a"
'end' # putWordInLowerCase # ;
'proc' readBoldWord = 'string':
'string' boldWord := c;
'while' c := readChar;
( c >= "A" 'and' c <= "Z" )
boldWord +:= c
'end' # readBoldWord # ;
'char' c := readChar;
'while' c /= ctrlZ
'if' c = quote 'or' c = briefComment
# char/string denotation or brief comment #
'int' startLine = lineNumber;
'char' delimiter = c;
'string' symbolName = 'if' c = quote
'then' "denotation"
'else' "comment"
putChar( c );
'if' delimiter = briefComment
# brief comment - allow newlines #
'while' c := readChar;
c /= delimiter
'and' c /= ctrlZ
putChar( c )
# string/char denotation - do not allow newlines #
'while' c := readChar;
c /= delimiter
'and' c /= ctrlZ
'and' c /= nl
putChar( c )
'if' c = delimiter
# have a closing delimiter #
putChar( c );
c := readChar
# closing delimiter missing #
print( ( newline
, "**** "
, 'if' c = nl 'then' "Newline" 'else' "EOF" 'fi'
, " before closing ["
, delimiter
, "] for the "
, symbolName
, " starting on line "
, startLine
, newline
'elif' c >= "A" 'and' c <= "Z"
# upper-stropping bold-word #
'string' boldWord := readBoldWord;
'if' boldWord /= "CO" 'and' boldWord /= "COMMENT"
'and' boldWord /= "PR" 'and' boldWord /= "PRAGMA"
# not a comment/pragmat - convert the bold-word to lower-case #
# and enclose in single quotes #
putChar( "'" );
putWordInLowerCase( boldWord );
putChar( "'" )
# pragmat or comment #
# pragmats are ignored and converted to brief comments #
'int' startLine = lineNumber;
'string' delimiter = 'if' boldWord = "CO"
'then' "'co' "
'elif' boldWord = "COMMENT"
'then' "'comment' "
'else' briefComment
print( ( delimiter ) );
'while' c /= ctrlZ
'and' ( c <= "A" 'or' c >= "Z" )
putChar( c );
c := readChar
'bool' atEndOfPragment := 'false';
'if' c = ctrlZ
# got eof before the ending delimiter #
print( ( newline
, "**** EOF "
, "before the closing delimiter for the "
, boldWord
, " starting on line "
, startLine
, newline
atEndOfPragment := 'true'
# have a bold character, could be the delimiter #
'string' possibleDelimiter := readBoldWord;
'if' 'not' ( atEndOfPragment := possibleDelimiter = boldWord )
# not at the end of the comment #
print( ( possibleDelimiter ) )
'not' atEndOfPragment
print( ( delimiter ) )
# "normal" character #
putChar( c );
c := readChar
Note that Rutgers Algol 68 does not implement transput event routines, so cannot detect EOF. The above program assumes EOF will be indicated by control-E followed by control-O followed by control-F.
The postlude file (used by the batch file above) in the following section should end wit ^E^O^F.
=== Additional prelude items ===
The following source should be placed in the instalation folder (\algol\RutgersAlgol68 is assumed here) and named '''prelude.r68''':
<lang algol68>'begin' # additional prelude declarations for Rutgers Algol 68 #
'int' max abs char = 255;
'mode' 'complex' = 'compl';
'prio' 'over' = 7;
'op' 'over' = ( 'int' a, b )'int': a % b;
'prio' 'overab' = 1;
'op' 'overab' = ( 'ref''int' a, 'int' b )'ref''int': a := a 'over' b;
'prio' 'modab' = 1;
'op' 'modab' = ( 'ref''int' a, 'int' b )'ref''int': a := a 'mod' b;
'proc' whole = ( 'int' value, width )'string':
[ 1 : 20 ]'char' result;
'int' rpos := 'upb' result + 1;
'int' v := 'abs' value;
'int' w := 'abs' width;
'while' result[ rpos -:= 1 ] := 'repr' ( 'abs' "0" + v 'mod' 10 );
w -:= 1;
( v 'overab' 10 ) > 0
'if' value < 0 'then' result[ rpos -:= 1 ] := "-"; w -:= 1
'elif' width > 0 'then' result[ rpos -:= 1 ] := "+"; w -:= 1
'while' w > 0 'do' result[ rpos -:= 1 ] := " "; w -:= 1 'od';
result[ rpos : 'upb' result ]
'end'; # whole #
'proc' char in string = ( 'char' c, 'ref''int' position, 'string' text )'bool':
'bool' found := 'false';
'for' pos 'from''lwb' text 'to''upb' text 'while''not' found
'if' found := text[ pos ] = c
# found the character - if we have a REF INT to return the #
# position in, set it #
'if''ref''int'( position ) 'isnt''ref''int'( 'nil' )
# have a position #
position := pos
'end'; # char in string #
The following source should be placed in the installaton folder (\algol\RutgersAlgol68 is assumed here) and named '''postlude.r68'''.
'''Note''' that ^E^O^F should be replaced with the seuence of characters control-E, control-O and control-F.
<lang algol68> 'end'


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