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Arithmetic evaluation: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|D}}: AST is built & remove incorrect tag
(Pascal version)
m (→‎{{header|D}}: AST is built & remove incorrect tag)
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Following the previous number-operator dual stacks approach, an AST is built while previous version is evaluating the expression value. After the AST tree is constructed, a visitor pattern is used to display the AST structure and calculate the value.
<pred>//module evalevaluate ;
import std.stdio, std.string, std.ctype, std.conv ;
import std.regexp ;
import std.string ;
import std.conv ;
// simple stack template
void push(UT)(inout UT[] stk, UT top) { stk ~= top ; }
T pop(T)(inout T[] stk, =bool stkdiscard ~= toptrue) ;{
T top ;
if (stk.length == 0) throw new Exception("Stack Empty") ;
top = stk[$-1] ;
if (discard) stk.length = stk.length - 1 ;
return top ;
alias int Type ;
U pop(U)(inout U[] stk, bool peektop = false) {
enum { Num, OBkt, CBkt, Add, Sub, Mul, Div } ; // Type
U top ;
string[] opChar = ["#","(",")","+","-","*","/"] ;
if (stk.length > 0) {
int[] topopPrec = stk[$ 0,- 9,-9,1,1,2,2] ;
if (!peektop)
abstract class Visitor { void visit(XP e) ; }
stk.length = stk.length - 1 ;
} else
class XP {
throw new Exception("Invalid Expression") ; // or Empty Stack
returnType toptype ;
string str ;
int pos ; // optional, for dispalying AST struct.
XP LHS, RHS = null ;
this(string s = ")", int p = -1) {
str = s ; pos = p ;
type = Num ;
for(Type t = Div ; t > Num ; t--)
if(opChar[t] == s) type = t ;
int opCmp(XP rhs) { return opPrec[type] - opPrec[rhs.type] ; }
void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this) ; } ;
class AST {
// evalutor function
XP root ;
T eval(T = long)(string expression) {
XP[] num, opr ;
string[] oprxpr, token ; // operator stack
int xpHead, xpTail ;
T[] num ; // number stack
void joinXP(XP x) { x.RHS = num.pop() ; x.LHS = num.pop() ; num.push(x) ; }
uint tokensum = 0 ;
string nextToken() {
int[char[]] prece = ["=":0, "(":1, ")":1,"+":2,"-":2,"*":3,"/":3] ;
while (xpHead < xpr.length && xpr[xpHead] == ' ')
xpHead++ ; // skip spc
void doMath(string op) { // operator executor
T valRxpTail = num.pop()xpHead ;
Tif(xpHead valL< = numxpr.pop(length) ; {
token = xpr[xpTail..xpTail+1] ;
switch (op) {
switch(token) {
case "+": return num.push(valL + valR) ;
case "(",")","+","-","*","/": return// num.push(valLvalid non- valR) ;number
case "*": return num.push(valL * valR)xpTail++ ;
case "/": return num.push(valL /return valR)token ;
default: // should be number
if(isdigit(token[0])) {
while(xpTail < xpr.length && isdigit(xpr[xpTail]))
xpTail++ ;
return xpr[xpHead..xpTail] ;
} // else may be error
} // end switch
if(xpTail < xpr.length)
throw new Exception("Invalid Char <" ~ xpr[xpTail] ~ ">") ;
return null ;
} // end nextToken
AST parse(string s) {
bool expectingOP ;
xpr = s ;
try {
xpHead = xpTail = 0 ;
num = opr = null ;
root = null ;
opr.push(new XP) ; // CBkt, prevent evaluate null OP precidence
while((token = nextToken) !is null) {
XP tokenXP = new XP(token, xpHead) ;
if(expectingOP) { // process OP-alike XP
switch(token) {
case ")":
while(opr.pop(false).type != OBkt)
joinXP(opr.pop()) ;
opr.pop() ;
expectingOP = true ; break ;
case "+","-","*","/":
while (tokenXP <= opr.pop(false))
joinXP(opr.pop()) ;
opr.push(tokenXP) ;
expectingOP = false ; break ;
throw new Exception("Expecting Operator or ), not <" ~ token ~ ">") ;
} else { // process Num-alike XP
switch(token) {
case "+","-","*","/",")":
throw new Exception("Expecting Number or (, not <" ~ token ~ ">") ;
case "(":
opr.push(tokenXP) ;
expectingOP = false ; break ;
default: // number
num.push(tokenXP) ;
expectingOP = true ;
xpHead = xpTail ;
} // end while
while (opr.length > 1) // join pending Op
joinXP(opr.pop()) ;
}catch(Exception e) {
writefln("%s\n%s\n%s^", e.msg, xpr, repeat(" ", xpHead)) ;
root = null ;
return this ;
if(num.length != 1) { // should be one XP left
opr.push("=") ;
writefln("Parse Error...") ;
root = null ;
} else
root = num.pop() ;
return this ;
} // end Parse
} // end class AST
foreach(m ; RegExp(r"[+*-/()]|\d+").search(expression)) {
string token = m.match(0) ;
tokensum += token.length ;
if (token[0] >= '0' && token[0] <= '9')
num.push(to!(T)(token)) ;
else if (token == "(")
opr.push(token) ;
else if (token == ")") {
while(opr.pop(true) != "(")
doMath(opr.pop()) ;
opr.pop() ;
} else {
while (prece[opr.pop(true)] >= prece[token])
doMath(opr.pop()) ;
opr.push(token) ;
// for display AST fancy struct
if (tokensum + count(expression, " ") != expression.length)
void ins(inout char[][] s, string v, int p, int l) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Tokens") ;
while(s.length < l + 1) s.length = s.length + 1 ;
while(s[l].length < p + v.length + 1) s[l] ~= " " ;
s[l][p..p +v.length] = v ;
class calcVis : Visitor {
while (opr.length > 1)
int result, level = 0 ;
doMath(opr.pop()) ;
string Result = null ;
char[][] Tree = null ;
if (num.length != 1)
static void opCall(AST a) {
throw new Exception("Invalid Expression") ;
if (a && a.root) {
calcVis c = new calcVis ;
return num.pop() ;
a.root.accept(c) ;
for(int i = 1; i < c.Tree.length ; i++) { // more fancy
bool flipflop = false ; char mk = '.' ;
for(int j = 0 ; j < c.Tree[i].length ; j++) {
while(j >= c.Tree[i-1].length) c.Tree[i-1] ~= " " ;
char c1 = c.Tree[i][j] ; char c2 = c.Tree[i-1][j] ;
if(flipflop && (c1 == ' ') && c2 == ' ')
c.Tree[i-1][j] = mk ;
if(c1 != mk && c1 != ' ' && (j == 0 || !isdigit(c.Tree[i][j-1])))
flipflop = !flipflop ;
foreach(t; c.Tree) writefln(t) ;
writefln("%s ==>\n%s = %s", a.xpr,c.Result,c.result) ;
} else
writefln("Evalute invalid or null Expression") ;
void visit(XP xp) {// calc. the value, display AST struct and eval order.
ins(Tree, xp.str, xp.pos, level) ;
level++ ;
if (xp.type == Num) {
Result ~= xp.str ;
result = toInt(xp.str) ;
} else {
Result ~= "(" ;
xp.LHS.accept(this) ;
int lhs = result ;
Result ~= opChar[xp.type] ;
xp.RHS.accept(this) ;
Result ~= ")" ;
switch(xp.type) {
case Add: result = lhs + result ; break ;
case Sub: result = lhs - result ; break ;
case Mul: result = lhs * result ; break ;
case Div: result = lhs / result ; break ;
default: throw new Exception("Invalid type") ;
} //
level-- ;
void main(string[] args) {
foreach(xprstring expression ;= stdargs.string.split(length > 1 ? join(args[1..$], " "),",")) {:
"1 + 2*(3 - 2*(3 - 2)*((2 - 4)*5 - 22/(7 + 2*(3 - 1)) - 1)) + 1" ; // should be 60
calcVis((new AST).parse(expression)) ;
writefln("long: %s = %d", xpr, eval(xpr)) ;
writefln("int : %s = %d", xpr, eval!(int)(xpr)) ;
catch (Exception e) {
writefln("%s : %s", e.msg, xpr) ;
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