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Matrix multiplication: Difference between revisions

(added Ursala)
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0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
ahk [http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic44657-150.html discussion]
<lang autohotkey>Matrix("b"," ; rows separated by ","
, 1 2 ; entries separated by space or tab
, 2 3
, 3 0")
MsgBox % "B`n`n" MatrixPrint(b)
, 1 2 3
, 3 2 1")
MsgBox % "C`n`n" MatrixPrint(c)
MsgBox % "B * C`n`n" MatrixPrint(a)
MsgBox % MatrixMul("x",b,b)
Matrix(_a,_v) { ; Matrix structure: m_0_0 = #rows, m_0_1 = #columns, m_i_j = element[i,j], i,j > 0
Local _i, _j = 0
Loop Parse, _v, `,
If (A_LoopField != "") {
_i := 0, _j ++
Loop Parse, A_LoopField, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
If (A_LoopField != "")
_i++, %_a%_%_i%_%_j% := A_LoopField
%_a% := _a, %_a%_0_0 := _j, %_a%_0_1 := _i
MatrixPrint(_a) {
Local _i = 0, _t
Loop % %_a%_0_0 {
Loop % %_a%_0_1
_t .= %_a%_%A_Index%_%_i% "`t"
_t .= "`n"
Return _t
MatrixMul(_a,_b,_c) {
Local _i = 0, _j, _k, _s
If (%_b%_0_0 != %_c%_0_1)
Return "ERROR: inner dimensions " %_b%_0_0 " != " %_c%_0_1
%_a% := _a, %_a%_0_0 := %_b%_0_0, %_a%_0_1 := %_c%_0_1
Loop % %_c%_0_1 {
_i++, _j := 0
Loop % %_b%_0_0 {
_j++, _k := _s := 0
Loop % %_b%_0_1
_k++, _s += %_b%_%_k%_%_j% * %_c%_%_i%_%_k%
%_a%_%_i%_%_j% := _s
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