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Rosetta Code:Village Pump/Suggest a programming task: Difference between revisions

(Simple OCR)
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Place new items here, if it's unclear where they belong.
=== Simple OCR ===
* Simple OCR ("optical character recognition") - Find text in pictures,
for example comics (like Dilbert), or screenshots. <br>
WRT "simple", we restrict this to chars of known fonts,
e.g. by giving the program some picture(s) with known text-samples. --13:07, 13 December 2014 (UTC)
*=== Page-splitter ===
A bot for splitting pages into sub-pages.
If possible, with only a single captcha-check.<br>
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The Page-splitter should be able to automate such tasks. --[[User:Hajo|Hajo]] ([[User talk:Hajo|talk]]) 07:20, 21 November 2014 (UTC)
=== Reverisible random bit generator ===
* Implement a random bit generator that can be run forward and backward. When run backward it produces bits in reverse order. I suggest using a maximal period minimal cost linear hybrid cellular automaton utilizing rules 90 and 150. -[[User:Zelah|Zelah]] ([[User talk:Zelah|talk]]) 02:35, 7 May 2014 (UTC)
Implement a random bit generator that can be run forward and backward.
* Implement a random bit generator that can be run forward and backward. When run backward it produces bits in reverse order. I suggest using a maximal period minimal cost linear hybrid cellular automaton utilizing rules 90 and 150. -[[User:Zelah|Zelah]] ([[User talk:Zelah|talk]]) 02:35, 7 May 2014 (UTC)
=== Duff's Device ===
* Implement [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duff%27s_device Duff's Device] or a near equivalent [[User:Axtens|Axtens]] ([[User talk:Axtens|talk]]) 03:27, 26 April 2014 (UTC)
===Bank Routing Number Validator===
* Bank Routing Number Validator - allAll banks are assigned one or more 9-digit routing numbers (aka. transit routing number) that are self checking according to this algorithm. from the left, multiply each digit by a corresponding weight (3,7,1,3,7,1,3,7,1) and add all products. if the sum ends in zero, the number is a valid routing number. Try it for 121000248 - it should sum up to 60. Also try it on the 9-digit routing number found at the bottom of your checking account)
Try it for 121000248 - it should sum up to 60. Also try it on the 9-digit routing number found at the bottom of your checking account)
* ===Clipboard Manipulation: Display the clipboard content & Write new content to the clipboard===
Display the clipboard content & Write new content to the clipboard
* Minilight: aA minimal global illumination renderer http://www.hxa.name/minilight/
===Random RC task===
*Random RC task: selectSelect a random task or draft task from RC, filtering out the non-task pages
**Possibly done as a variation on [[Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks]]?
:See [http://irclog.perlgeek.de/rosettacode/2011-11-21#i_4737091 this IRC discussion] for more information -- [[User:Eriksiers|Erik Siers]] 05:46, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
=== Noises ===
* Perlin Noise, Simplex Noise, Worley Noise implementations
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* Perlin Noise, Simplex Noise, Worley Noise implementations for tiling system in video games or other media
*=== Thread safe circular buffer: Using mutexes or semaphores to conduct thread safe and robust read and writes from a circular buffer.===
Using mutexes or semaphores to conduct thread safe and robust read and writes from a circular buffer.
===Henderson Escher Picture Language===
* Henderson Escher Picture Language: [http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/%7Eph/funcgeo.pdf PDF] as made famous by [http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-15.html#%_sec_2.2.4 SICP Section 2.2.4] [http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.001/abelson-sussman-lectures/ Video, Lecture 3a]. Here is an [http://www.frank-buss.de/lisp/functional.html implementation in Lisp] by Frank Buss. --[[User:Alanning|Alanning]] 04:00, 27 May 2011 (UTC)
* Phonecode: Given a list of words, and a telephone number, find all possible encodings of that telephone number by words. This task has already been used in a few comparative studies of language performance and productivity, for example [http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/prechelt/Biblio/jccpprtTR.pdf]
: Thanks so much for that link! I had read the paper some time ago but I probably have the link on an old hard drive somewhere...
: You have to remember though, that the aims of RC are ''very'' different to the authors of that paper and any task would have to be written for RC. If anyone has the number to a cold-calling firm, we could find the most appropriate phrase for their number ;-) or maybe not. --[[User:Paddy3118|Paddy3118]] 08:15, 7 May 2011 (UTC)
:: Here's an easy one. The phone number to the White House [http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact switch board]: 202-456-1414. Nothing specific or political intended here; it's just a published, public number. I do like the task idea, though. --[[User:Short Circuit|Michael Mol]] 13:15, 8 May 2011 (UTC)
* ===Project Euler problems===
* I suggest implementations of various maze generation algorithms, such as Recursive Division or Prim's Algorithm. A website that already does this for Python can be found here: [http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/search?q=maze+generation http://weblog.jamisbuck.org]--[[User:Intercoder|Intercoder]] 12:57, 7 March 2011 (UTC)
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