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Bitwise operations: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|J}}: Added functions to complete expanded requirements.
(→‎{{header|C}}: small correction)
(→‎{{header|J}}: Added functions to complete expanded requirements.)
Line 158:
Actual bitwise calculation occurs in<tt> bwo</tt>. Other definitions provide formatting.
bwo =: 17 b. , 23 b. , 22 b. , 28 b., 33 b.~, (33 b.~ -), (34 b.~ -), 32 b.~, (32 b.~ -)
bwotxt =: title"_ combine bwo
combine =: [ ,. ":@|:@,:@]
titlet =:. >;._2 'Bitwise x AND y: |Bitwise x OR y:|Bitwise x XOR y:|Bitwise NOT-x:|'
title=: t,>;._2'Left shift:|Right shift:|Right signed shift:|Left rotate:|Right rotate:|'
f =: (32#2)&#: { '.x'"_
Examples of execution, with output:
255_255 bwo 1705 NB. numeric output
1 _251 _252 254 _8160 134217720 _8 _8129 268435448
170 255 85 _256
255_255 bwotxt 1705 NB. formatted text with English titling
Bitwise x AND y: 170 1
Bitwise x OR y: 255 _251
Bitwise x XOR y: 85 _252
Bitwise NOT-x: _256 254
Left shift: f 255 bwo 170 NB. 32-bit diagram_8160
Right shift: 134217720
Right signed shift: _8
Left rotate: _8129
Right rotate: 268435448
f _255 bwo 5 NB. 32-bit diagram
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