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Sieve of Eratosthenes: Difference between revisions

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=={{header|VAX Assembly}}==
<lang VAX Assembly> 000F4240 0000 1 n=1000*1000
0000 0000 2 .entry main,0
7E 7CFD 0002 3 clro -(sp) ;result buffer
5E DD 0005 4 pushl sp ;pointer to buffer
10 DD 0007 5 pushl #16 ;descriptor -> len of buffer
0009 6
02 DD 0009 7 pushl #2 ;1st candidate
000B 8 test:
09 46'AF 6E E1 000B 9 bbc (sp), b^bits, found ;bc - bit clear
0010 10 next:
F3 6E 000F4240 8F F2 0010 11 aoblss #n, (sp), test ;+1: limit,index
04 0018 12 ret
0019 13 found:
04 AE 7F 0019 14 pushaq 4(sp) ;-> descriptor by ref
04 AE DF 001C 15 pushal 4(sp) ;-> prime on stack by ref
00000000'GF 02 FB 001F 16 calls #2, g^ots$cvt_l_ti ;convert integer to string
04 AE 7F 0026 17 pushaq 4(sp) ;
00000000'GF 01 FB 0029 18 calls #1, g^lib$put_output ;show result
0030 19
53 6E D0 0030 20 movl (sp), r3
0033 21 mult:
0002 53 6E 000F4240 8F F1 0033 22 acbl #n, (sp), r3, set_mult ;limit,add,index
D1 11 003D 23 brb next
003F 24 set_mult: ;set bits for multiples
EF 46'AF 53 E2 003F 25 bbss r3, b^bits, mult ;branch on bit set & set
ED 11 0044 26 brb mult
0046 27
0001E892 0046 28 bits: .blkl <n+2+31>/32
E892 29 .end main</lang>
To run in console mode with cscript.
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