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Sync subtitles: Difference between revisions

Added various BASIC dialects (BASIC256, Chipmunk Basic and QB64) Moved FreeBASIC to section BASIC
(Added various BASIC dialects (BASIC256, Chipmunk Basic and QB64) Moved FreeBASIC to section BASIC)
Line 159:
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">f = freefile
print "After fast-forwarding 9 seconds:" + chr(10)
call syncSubtitles("movie.srt", "movie_corrected.srt", 9)
open f, "movie_corrected.srt"
while not eof(f)
linea = readline (f)
print linea;
end while
print chr(10) + chr(10)
print "After rolling-back 9 seconds:" + chr(10)
call syncSubtitles("movie.srt", "movie_corrected2.srt", -9)
open f, "movie_corrected2.srt"
while not eof(f)
linea = readline (f)
print linea;
end while
function addSeconds (timestring, secs)
hh = int(mid(timestring, 1, 2))
mm = int(mid(timestring, 4, 2))
ss = int(mid(timestring, 7, 2)) + secs
ttt = int(mid(timestring, 10, 3))
while ss < 0
ss = ss + 60
mm = mm - 1
end while
while mm < 0
mm = mm + 60
hh = hh - 1
end while
while hh < 0
hh = hh + 24
end while
mm = mm + ss \ 60
hh = hh + mm \ 60
ss = ss mod 60
mm = mm mod 60
hh = hh mod 24
return right("0" + string(hh), 2) + ":" + right("0" + string(mm), 2) + ":" + right("0" + string(ss), 2) + "," + right("000" + string(ttt), 3)
end function
subroutine syncSubtitles (fileIn, fileOut, secs)
fmt = "hh:MM:ss,ttt"
f1 = freefile
open f1, fileOut
f2 = freefile
open f2, fileIn
while not eof(f2)
linea = readline (f2)
if instr(linea, "-->") > 0 then
pio = mid(linea, 1, 12)
pio = addSeconds(pio, secs)
fin = mid(linea, 18, 12)
fin = addSeconds(fin, secs)
write f1, pio; " --> "; fin + chr(10)
write f1, linea
end if
end while
end subroutine</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|Chipmunk Basic}}===
{{works with|Chipmunk Basic|3.6.4}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">100 cls
110 print "After fast-forwarding 9 seconds:";chr$(10)
120 syncsubtitles("movie.srt","movie_corrected.srt",9)
130 open "movie_corrected.srt" for input as #1
140 while not eof(1)
150 line input #1,linea$
160 print linea$
170 wend
180 close #1
190 print
200 print "After rolling-back 9 seconds:";chr$(10)
210 syncsubtitles("movie.srt","movie_corrected2.srt",-9)
220 open "movie_corrected2.srt" for input as #1
230 while not eof(1)
240 line input #1,linea$
250 print linea$
260 wend
270 close #1
280 end
290 sub addseconds$(timestr$,secs)
300 hh = val(mid$(timestr$,1,2))
310 mm = val(mid$(timestr$,4,2))
320 ss = val(mid$(timestr$,7,2))+secs
330 ttt = val(mid$(timestr$,10,3))
340 while ss < 0
350 ss = ss+60
360 mm = mm-1
370 wend
380 while mm < 0
390 mm = mm+60
400 hh = hh-1
410 wend
420 while hh < 0
430 hh = hh+24
440 wend
450 mm = mm+int(ss/60)
460 hh = hh+int(mm/60)
470 ss = ss mod 60
480 mm = mm mod 60
490 hh = hh mod 24
500 addseconds$ = right$("0"+str$(hh),2)+":"+right$("0"+str$(mm),2)+":"+right$("0"+str$(ss),2)+","+right$("000"+str$(ttt),3)
510 end sub
520 sub syncsubtitles(filein$,fileout$,secs)
530 fmt$ = "hh:MM:ss,ttt"
540 open fileout$ for output as #1
550 open filein$ for input as #2
560 while not eof(2)
570 line input #2,linea$
580 if instr(linea$,"-->") > 0 then
590 pio$ = mid$(linea$,1,12)
600 pio$ = addseconds$(pio$,secs)
610 fin$ = mid$(linea$,18,12)
620 fin$ = addseconds$(fin$,secs)
630 print #1,pio$;" --> ";fin$
640 else
650 print #1,linea$
660 endif
670 wend
680 close #2
690 close #1
700 end sub</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Function addSeconds(timeStr As String, secs As Integer) As String
Line 237 ⟶ 373:
<pre>Same as Wren entry.</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Dim As String linea
f = FreeFile
Print "After fast-forwarding 9 seconds:"; Chr$(10)
Call syncSubtitles("movie.srt", "movie_corrected.srt", 9)
Open "movie_corrected.srt" For Input As #f
While Not EOF(f)
Line Input #f, linea
Print linea
Close #f
Print Chr$(10); Chr$(10); "After rolling-back 9 seconds:"; Chr$(10)
Call syncSubtitles("movie.srt", "movie_corrected2.srt", -9)
Open "movie_corrected2.srt" For Input As #f
While Not EOF(f)
Line Input #f, linea
Print linea
Close #f
Function addSeconds$ (timeStr As String, secs As Integer)
Dim As Integer hh, mm, ss, ttt
hh = Val(Mid$(timeStr, 1, 2))
mm = Val(Mid$(timeStr, 4, 2))
ss = Val(Mid$(timeStr, 7, 2)) + secs
ttt = Val(Mid$(timeStr, 10, 3))
While ss < 0
ss = ss + 60
mm = mm - 1
While mm < 0
mm = mm + 60
hh = hh - 1
While hh < 0
hh = hh + 24
mm = mm + ss \ 60
hh = hh + mm \ 60
ss = ss Mod 60
mm = mm Mod 60
hh = hh Mod 24
addSeconds$ = Right$("0" + Str$(hh), 2) + ":" + Right$("0" + Str$(mm), 2) + ":" + Right$("0" + Str$(ss), 2) + "," + Right$("000" + Str$(ttt), 3)
End Function
Sub syncSubtitles (fileIn As String, fileOut As String, secs As Integer)
Dim As String linea, pio, fin, fmt
Dim As Integer f1, f2
fmt = "hh:MM:ss,ttt"
f1 = FreeFile
Open fileOut For Output As #f1
f2 = FreeFile
Open fileIn For Input As #f2
While Not EOF(f2)
Line Input #f2, linea
If InStr(linea, "-->") > 0 Then
pio = Mid$(linea, 1, 12)
pio = addSeconds$(pio, secs)
fin = Mid$(linea, 18, 12)
fin = addSeconds$(fin, secs)
Print #f1, pio; " --> "; fin
Print #f1, linea
End If
Close #f2, #f1
End Sub</syntaxhighlight>


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