Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity: Difference between revisions

Line 34:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">withpragma Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IOAda_2022;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
Line 41 ⟶ 43:
with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets;
with Ada.Strings.Less_Case_Insensitive;
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with AWS.Client; use AWS.Client;
with AWS.Messages; use AWS.Messages;
with AWS.Response;
procedure TestRank_Languages_By_Popularity is
use Ada.Strings;
function "+" (S : String) return Unbounded_String renames To_Unbounded_String;
renames To_Unbounded_String;
type A_Language_Count is
Line 57 ⟶ 62:
end record;
function "=" (L, R : A_Language_Count) return Boolean is
Line 64 ⟶ 70:
function "<" (L, R : A_Language_Count) return Boolean is
-- Sort by 'Count' and then by Language name
return L.Count < R.Count
or else (L.Count = R.Count
and then Less_Case_Insensitive (Left => To_String (L.Language),
(Left Right => To_String (RL.Language)));,
Right => To_String (R.Language)));
end "<";
Line 77 ⟶ 84:
procedure Find_Counts (S : String) is
Title_Str : constant String := "title=""Category:";
End_A_Str : constant String := "</a> (";
Title_Atfunction Strip_Character (S : constantString; NaturalC := IndexString) (S,return Title_Str);String is
Comma_At : constant Natural := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (S, C);
if Comma_At = 0 then
return S;
return Strip_Character (S (S'First .. Comma_At - 1)
& S (Comma_At + 1 .. S'Last), C);
end if;
end Strip_Character;
function Ignore_Category (L : String) return Boolean is
type Unbounded_String_Array is array (Positive range <>)
of Unbounded_String;
-- This list is quite comprehensive, but not complete
Categories_To_Ignore : Unbounded_String_Array
:= [+"Pages with syntax highlighting errors",
+"Examples needing attention",
+"Tasks needing attention",
+"Language users",
+"Solutions by ",
+"Collection Members",
+"Pages with too many expensive parser function calls",
+"Garbage collection",
+" User",
+"SQL User",
+"Parameter passing",
+"Execution method",
+"Unimplemented tasks by language",
+"Wolfram Language",
+"Basic language learning",
+"Action! ",
+"Text processing",
+"Image processing",
+"Scala Digital Signal Processing",
+"List processing",
+"Digital signal processing",
+"Processing Python",
+"Classic CS problems and programs",
+"Brainf*** related",
+"Data Structures",
+"Perl modules",
+"Perl 6 related",
+"Flow control",
+"Excessively difficult task",
+"Impl needed",
for I in Categories_To_Ignore'Range loop
Category_At : constant Natural :=
Index (+To_Lower (L),
To_Lower (
To_String (Categories_To_Ignore (I))));
if Category_At /= 0 then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end Ignore_Category;
Title_Str : constant String := "title=""Category:";
End_A_Tag_Str : constant String := "</a>";
Space_Paren_Str : constant String := " (";
Title_At : constant Natural := Index (S, Title_Str);
if Title_At /= 0 then
Bracket_AtClosing_Bracket_At : constant Natural := Index (S (Title_At + Title_Str'Length .. S'Last), ">");
End_A_At : constant Natural := Index (S (Bracket_AtTitle_At + 1 Title_Str'Length .. S'Last), End_A_Str">");
Space_At : constant Natural := Index (S (End_A_At + End_A_Str'Length .. S'Last), " ");
CountEnd_A_Tag_At : constant Natural := Natural'Value (S (End_A_At + End_A_Str'Length .. Space_At - 1));
Language : constant String := Index (S (Title_AtClosing_Bracket_At + Title_Str'Length1 .. Bracket_At -S'Last), 2End_A_Tag_Str);
Language : constant String :=
S (Closing_Bracket_At + 1 .. End_A_Tag_At - 1);
Space_Paren_At : constant Natural :=
Index (S (End_A_Tag_At + 1 .. S'Last), Space_Paren_Str);
Space_At : constant Natural :=
Index (S (Space_Paren_At + Space_Paren_Str'Length + 1
.. S'Last),
" ");
Count : constant Natural :=
Natural'Value (Strip_Character (
S (Space_Paren_At + Space_Paren_Str'Length
.. Space_At - 1),
if Bracket_AtClosing_Bracket_At /= 0 and then End_A_At /= 0 and then Space_At /= 0 then
and then End_A_Tag_At /= 0
and then Space_Paren_At /= 0
and then Space_At /= 0
Counts.Insertif Ignore_Category (New_ItemLanguage) => (Count,False +Language));then
Counts.Insert (New_Item => (Count, +Language));
end if;
when Constraint_Error =>
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Warning: repeated language: " & Language);
-- Ignore repeated results. Language);
-- Ignore repeated results.
end if;
-- Recursively parse the string for languages and counts
Find_Counts (S (Space_At + 1 .. S'Last));
Line 116 ⟶ 229:
Place := Place + 1;
end Display;
Http_Source : constant AWS.Response.Data :=
AWS.Client.Get (""); &
, Follow_Redirection => True);
Status : Status_Code;
Put_Line ("Getting website data...");
Status := AWS.Response.Status_Code (Http_Source);
if Status not in Success then
Put_Line ("Unable to retrieve data => Status Code :" &
Image (Status) &
" Reason :" & Reason_Phrase (Status));
raise Connection_Error;
end if;
Put_Line ("Finding categories...");
Find_Counts (AWS.Response.Message_Body (Http_Source));
Put_Line ("Displaying categories...");
Counts.Reverse_Iterate (Display'Access);
end Test;
Put_Line ("Process complete.");
end Rank_Languages_By_Popularity;
