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Yeha! The mathematicians assertion is correct.
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-- Check the "Mind boggling card trick"
-- J. Carter 2024 May
-- Uses the PragmAda Reusable Components (https://github.com/jrcarter/PragmARC)
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
with PragmARC.Cards.Decks.US;
with PragmARC.Cards.US;
procedure Card_Trick is
package Cards renames PragmARC.Cards.US;
package Decks renames PragmARC.Cards.Decks.US;
function Is_Red (Card : in Cards.Card_Info) return Boolean is
(Card.Suit in Cards.Diamond | Cards.Heart);
function Correct return Boolean;
-- Performs the trick and returns True if the assertion that 'The number of black cards in the "black" pile equals the number
-- of red cards in the "red" pile' holds; False if it does not
function Correct return Boolean is
function Num_Red (Deck : in Decks.Deck_52) return Natural;
-- Returns the number of red cards in Deck
function Num_Black (Deck : in Decks.Deck_52) return Natural;
-- Returns the number of black cards in Deck
function Num_Red (Deck : in Decks.Deck_52) return Natural is
Result : Natural := 0;
begin -- Num_Red
Count : for I in 1 .. Deck.Size loop
if Is_Red (Deck.Value (I) ) then
Result := Result + 1;
end if;
end loop Count;
return Result;
end Num_Red;
function Num_Black (Deck : in Decks.Deck_52) return Natural is
(Deck.Size - Num_Red (Deck) );
Hand : Decks.Deck_52;
Red : Decks.Deck_52;
Black : Decks.Deck_52;
Card : Cards.Card_Info;
begin -- Correct
Decks.Standard_Deck (Item => Hand);
All_Cards : loop
exit All_Cards when Hand.Is_Empty;
Hand.Deal (To => Card);
if Is_Red (Card) then
Hand.Deal (To => Card);
Red.Add (Item => Card);
Hand.Deal (To => Card);
Black.Add (Item => Card);
end if;
end loop All_Cards;
Swap : declare
Number : constant Natural := Integer'Min (Red.Size, Black.Size) - 1;
subtype Bunch_Value is Integer range 1 .. Number;
package Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Result_Subtype => Bunch_Value);
Gen : Random.Generator;
Bunch : Bunch_Value;
begin -- Swap
Random.Reset (Gen => Gen);
Bunch := Random.Random (Gen);
One_Bunch : for I in 1 .. Bunch loop
Red.Deal (To => Card);
Black.Add (Item => Card);
Black.Deal (To => Card);
Red.Add (Item => Card);
end loop One_Bunch;
return Num_Red (Red) = Num_Black (Black);
end Swap;
end Correct;
Total : constant := 10_000;
Good : Natural := 0;
begin -- Card_Trick
Check_All : for I in 1 .. Total loop
if Correct then
Good := Good + 1;
end if;
end loop Check_All;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => Good'Image & " correct out of" & Total'Image & " tries");
end Card_Trick;
10000 correct out of 10000 tries


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