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Sleeping Beauty problem: Difference between revisions

Adds a Fortran example for the Sleeping Beauty problem
m (→‎{{header|Oberon-07}}: make link look nicer)
(Adds a Fortran example for the Sleeping Beauty problem)
Line 436:
Uses random_number from the Fortran 95 standard.
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">
program sleepingbeauty
implicit none
integer :: total_reps
integer :: result_wakings
real :: result_percent
total_reps = 1e6
call sleepingOp(total_reps, result_wakings, result_percent)
print *, "wakings over", total_reps, "reps: ", result_wakings
print *, "percentage probability of heads on wake:", result_percent
subroutine sleepingOp(reps, wakings, percent)
integer, intent(in) :: reps
integer, intent(out) :: wakings
real, intent(out) :: percent
integer :: heads
integer :: i
real :: coin
wakings = 0
heads = 0
do i = 0, reps, 1
call random_number(coin)
wakings = wakings + 1
if (coin > 0.5) then
heads = heads + 1
wakings = wakings + 1
end if
end do
percent = real(heads) / real(wakings)
end subroutine sleepingOp
end program sleepingbeauty
wakings over 1000000 reps: 1500326
percentage probability of heads on wake: 0.333044946


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