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Rosetta Code/Count examples/Full list: Difference between revisions

Sundays are becoming problematic. I may need to switch to Mondays.
m (Update full list output)
m (Sundays are becoming problematic. I may need to switch to Mondays.)
Line 25:
<div style="height:40em;overflow:scroll;">
{|class="wikitable sortable"
|+ As of 2024-0405-22T0006T21:4602:11Z31Z :: Tasks: 1270 ::<span style="background-color:#ffd"> Draft Tasks:404 </span>:: Total Tasks: 1674 :: Total Examples: 9597896059
| 592594
| [[Hello%20world%2FText|Hello world/Text]]
Line 48:
| 308309
| [[Fibonacci%20sequence|Fibonacci sequence]]
| 307308
| [[Factorial|Factorial]]
Line 80:
| 245244
| [[Function%20definition|Function definition]]
Line 152:
| 192193
| [[String%20concatenation|String concatenation]]
Line 184:
| 186187
| [[Palindrome%20detection|Palindrome detection]]
| [[Apply%20a%20callback%20to%20an%20array|Apply a callback to an array]]
| 186
| [[Apply%20a%20callback%20to%20an%20array|Apply a callback to an array]]
| [[Palindrome%20detection|Palindrome detection]]
Line 200:
| 182183
| [[String%20length|String length]]
| 180181
| [[String%20case|String case]]
Line 256:
| 163164
| [[Loops%2FN%20plus%20one%20half|Loops/N plus one half]]
| [[Generic%20swap|Generic swap]]
| 163
| [[Generic%20swap|Generic swap]]
| [[Loops%2FN%20plus%20one%20half|Loops/N plus one half]]
Line 294:
| 156
| [[Generate%20lower%20case%20ASCII%20alphabet|Generate lower case ASCII alphabet]]
| 156
| [[System%20time|System time]]
Line 309 ⟶ 313:
| 155
| [[User%20input%2FText|User input/Text]]
| [[System%20time|System time]]
| 155154
| [[Factors%20of%20an%20integer|Factors of an integer]]
| [[User%20input%2FText|User input/Text]]
Line 322 ⟶ 326:
| 153
| [[ABC%20problem|ABC problem]]
| 153
| [[Factors%20of%20an%20integer|Factors of an integer]]
Line 340:
| 150151
| [[Bitwise%20operations|Bitwise operations]]
Line 445:
| 139
| [[VariablesSubstring|VariablesSubstring]]
| 138139
| [[SubstringVariables|SubstringVariables]]
Line 482:
| 133
| [[Include%20a%20file|Include a file]]
| 133
| [[Letter%20frequency|Letter frequency]]
Line 490 ⟶ 494:
| 132
| [[Babbage%20problem|Babbage problem]]
| 132
| [[Letter%20frequency|Letter frequency]]
Line 518:
| 131
| [[String%20matching|String matching]]
| 130
| [[Real%20constants%20and%20functions|Real constants and functions]]
Line 581 ⟶ 577:
| 126
| [[PerfectFlatten%20numbers20a%20list|PerfectFlatten a numberslist]]
| 125126
| [[FlattenPerfect%20a%20list20numbers|Flatten aPerfect listnumbers]]
Line 634 ⟶ 630:
| 122
| [[Sierpinski%20triangle|Sierpinski triangle]]
| 121
| [[Assertions|Assertions]]
Line 640:
| 120121
| [[Real%20constants%20and%20functions|Real constants and functions]]
| [[Assertions|Assertions]]
Line 657:
| 120
| [[VariadicSearch%20function20a%20list|VariadicSearch a functionlist]]
| 119120
| [[Substring%2FTop%20and%20tail|Substring/Top and tail]]
| [[Search%20a%20list|Search a list]]
| 119120
| [[Variadic%20function|Variadic function]]
| [[String%20interpolation%20%28included%29|String interpolation (included)]]
| 119
| [[String%20interpolation%20%28included%29|String interpolation (included)]]
| [[Substring%2FTop%20and%20tail|Substring/Top and tail]]
Line 682:
| 118
| [[Rename%20a%20file|Rename a file]]
| 118
|data-sort-value="sum multiples of 0B3 and 0B5"| [[Sum%20multiples%20of%203%20and%205|Sum multiples of 3 and 5]]
Line 698 ⟶ 702:
| 117
| [[Reverse%20words%20in%20a%20string|Reverse words in a string]]
| 117
|data-sort-value="sum multiples of 0B3 and 0B5"| [[Sum%20multiples%20of%203%20and%205|Sum multiples of 3 and 5]]
Line 741:
| 115
| [[Program%20name|Program name]]
| [[Sum%20digits%20of%20an%20integer|Sum digits of an integer]]
| 114115
| [[Sum%20digits%20of%20an%20integer|Sum digits of an integer]]
| [[Permutations|Permutations]]
| 114
| [[Program%20namePermutations|Program namePermutations]]
Line 878:
| 105
| [[Show%20ASCII%20table|Show ASCII table]]
| 104
| [[Gray%20code|Gray code]]
Line 922 ⟶ 918:
| 102
| [[Hamming%20numbers|Hamming numbers]]
| 102
| [[Map%20range|Map range]]
Line 934:
| 101
| [[Interactive%20programming%20%28repl%29|Interactive programming (repl)]]
| 101
| [[Map%20range|Map range]]
Line 953 ⟶ 949:
| 100
| [[Sort%20using%20a%20custom%20comparator|Sort using a custom comparator]]
| [[Monty%20Hall%20problem|Monty Hall problem]]
| 100
| [[String%20comparison|String comparison]]
| [[Sort%20using%20a%20custom%20comparator|Sort using a custom comparator]]
Line 970 ⟶ 966:
| 99
| [[Range%20expansion|Range expansion]]
| 99
| [[String%20comparison|String comparison]]
Line 982 ⟶ 974:
| 98
| [[First-class%20functions|First-class functions]]
| 98
| [[Gray%20code|Gray code]]
Line 1,034 ⟶ 1,030:
| 96
| [[Menu|Menu]]
| 96
| [[Monty%20Hall%20problem|Monty Hall problem]]
Line 1,054:
| 95
| [[Number%20names|Number names]]
| 95
| [[Repeat|Repeat]]
Line 1,105 ⟶ 1,109:
| 93
| [[Population%20count|Population count]]
| [[Repeat|Repeat]]
| 93
| [[Simple%20windowed%20application|Simple windowed application]]
| 92
| [[Additive%20primes|Additive primes]]
Line 1,133 ⟶ 1,141:
| 91
| [[Count%20the%20coins|Count the coins]]
| [[Population%20count|Population count]]
| 91
| [[Set|Set]]
| 90
| [[Additive%20primes|Additive primes]]
Line 1,149 ⟶ 1,153:
| 90
| [[Find%20common%20directory%20path|Find common directory path]]
| [[Count%20the%20coins|Count the coins]]
Line 1,190 ⟶ 1,194:
| 90
| [[Window%20creation|Window creation]]
| 89
| [[Find%20common%20directory%20path|Find common directory path]]
Line 1,210:
| 89
| [[Word%20wrap|Word wrap]]
| 88
|data-sort-value="0D100 prisoners"| [[100%20prisoners|100 prisoners]]
Line 1,250 ⟶ 1,254:
| 88
| [[Walk%20a%20directory%2FRecursively|Walk a directory/Recursively]]
| 87
|data-sort-value="0D100 prisoners"| [[100%20prisoners|100 prisoners]]
Line 1,334:
| 85
| [[Find%20the%20missing%20permutation|Find the missing permutation]]
| 85
| [[Jensen%27s%20Device|Jensen's Device]]
Line 1,358 ⟶ 1,354:
| 84
| [[Monte%20Carlo%20methods|Monte Carlo methods]]
| 84
| [[Pi|Pi]]
Line 1,398:
| 83
| [[Pernicious%20numbers|Pernicious numbers]]
| 83
| [[Pi|Pi]]
Line 1,442 ⟶ 1,438:
| 82
| [[Currying|Currying]]
| 82
| [[Damm%20algorithm|Damm algorithm]]
Line 1,494 ⟶ 1,486:
| 81
| [[Flow-control%20structures|Flow-control structures]]
| 81
| [[Jensen%27s%20Device|Jensen's Device]]
Line 1,554 ⟶ 1,550:
| 79
| [[Four%20bit%20adder|Four bit adder]]
| 79
| [[General%20FizzBuzz|General FizzBuzz]]
Line 1,566:
| 79
| [[List%20comprehensions|List comprehensions]]
| 79
| [[Maze%20generation|Maze generation]]
Line 1,578 ⟶ 1,582:
| 79
| [[Sort%20three%20variables|Sort three variables]]
| 79
| [[Square%20but%20not%20cube|Square but not cube]]
Line 1,589 ⟶ 1,597:
| 78
| [[Damm%20algorithm|Damm algorithm]]
|data-sort-value="execute hq0B9+"| [[Execute%20HQ9%2B|Execute HQ9+]]
| 78
|data-sort-value="execute hq0B9+"| [[Execute%20HQ9%2B|Execute HQ9+]]
| [[Maze%20generation|Maze generation]]
Line 1,618 ⟶ 1,626:
| 77
| [[Enforced%20immutability|Enforced immutability]]
| 77
| [[General%20FizzBuzz|General FizzBuzz]]
Line 1,706 ⟶ 1,710:
| 75
| [[Special%20variables|Special variables]]
| 75
| [[Square%20but%20not%20cube|Square but not cube]]
Line 1,882:
| 71
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20insertion|Singly-linked list/Element insertion]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 71
| [[Two%20identical%20strings|Two identical strings]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 1,926 ⟶ 1,930:
| 70
| [[Sort%20stability|Sort stability]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 70
| [[Two%20identical%20strings|Two identical strings]]
Line 2,066:
| 67
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 67
| [[Longest%20common%20prefix|Longest common prefix]]
Line 2,103 ⟶ 2,107:
| [[Inheritance%2FMultiple|Inheritance/Multiple]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 66
| [[Ludic%20numbers|Ludic numbers]]
| [[Longest%20common%20prefix|Longest common prefix]]
Line 2,150 ⟶ 2,154:
| 65
| [[Knight%27s%20tour|Knight's tour]]
| 65
| [[Ludic%20numbers|Ludic numbers]]
Line 2,178:
| 64
| [[DNS%20query|DNS query]]
| 64
| [[Discordian%20date|Discordian date]]
Line 2,198 ⟶ 2,202:
| 64
| [[Loops%2FIncrement%20loop%20index%20within%20loop%20body|Loops/Increment loop index within loop body]]
| 64
| [[Nim%20game|Nim game]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 2,214 ⟶ 2,222:
| 63
| [[Days%20between%20dates|Days between dates]]
| 63
| [[Discordian%20date|Discordian date]]
Line 2,281 ⟶ 2,285:
| 62
| [[Random%20number%20generator%20%28device%29|Random number generator (device)]]
| [[Nim%20game|Nim game]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 62
| [[Smallest%20square%20that%20begins%20with%20n|Smallest square that begins with n]]
| 62
Line 2,329 ⟶ 2,337:
| 61
| [[Pointers%20and%20references|Pointers and references]]
| [[Random%20number%20generator%20%28device%29|Random number generator (device)]]
Line 2,335 ⟶ 2,343:
| [[Scope%20modifiers|Scope modifiers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 61
| [[Smallest%20square%20that%20begins%20with%20n|Smallest square that begins with n]]
| 61
Line 2,363 ⟶ 2,367:
| [[Words%20containing%20%22the%22%20substring|Words containing "the" substring]]
| 60
| [[Abbreviations%2C%20automatic|Abbreviations, automatic]]
| 60
Line 2,390 ⟶ 2,398:
| 60
| [[Perfect%20shuffle|Perfect shuffle]]
| 60
| [[Pointers%20and%20references|Pointers and references]]
Line 2,409 ⟶ 2,413:
| 60
| [[Singleton|Singleton]]
| [[Stem-and-leaf%20plot|Stem-and-leaf plot]]
| 5960
| [[Stem-and-leaf%20plot|Stem-and-leaf plot]]
| [[Abbreviations%2C%20automatic|Abbreviations, automatic]]
Line 2,446 ⟶ 2,450:
| 59
| [[Perfect%20totient%20numbers|Perfect totient numbers]]
| 59
| [[Singleton|Singleton]]
Line 2,462:
| 59
| [[Universal%20Turing%20machine|Universal Turing machine]]
| 58
| [[Compare%20length%20of%20two%20strings|Compare length of two strings]]
| 58
| [[Egyptian%20division|Egyptian division]]
Line 2,474 ⟶ 2,482:
| 58
| [[Hofstadter%20Figure-Figure%20sequences|Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences]]
| 58
| [[Kronecker%20product|Kronecker product]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 58
| [[Modulinos|Modulinos]]
| 58
| [[Rate%20counter|Rate counter]]
Line 2,518 ⟶ 2,534:
| 57
| [[Bioinformatics%2Fbase%20count|Bioinformatics/base count]]
| 57
| [[Compare%20length%20of%20two%20strings|Compare length of two strings]]
| 57
| [[Determine%20if%20a%20string%20has%20all%20unique%20characters|Determine if a string has all unique characters]]
| 57
| [[Egyptian%20division|Egyptian division]]
Line 2,542 ⟶ 2,550:
| 57
| [[Heronian%20triangles|Heronian triangles]]
| 57
| [[Kronecker%20product|Kronecker product]]
Line 2,557 ⟶ 2,561:
| 57
| [[Polynomial%20regression|Polynomial regression]]
| [[Rate%20counter|Rate counter]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 2,581 ⟶ 2,585:
| 56
| [[Longest%20increasing%20subsequence|Longest increasing subsequence]]
| [[Non-continuous%20subsequences|Non-continuous subsequences]]
| 56
| [[Non-continuous%20subsequences|Non-continuous subsequences]]
| [[Polynomial%20regression|Polynomial regression]]
Line 2,614 ⟶ 2,618:
| 55
| [[Casting%20out%20nines|Casting out nines]]
| 55
| [[Longest%20increasing%20subsequence|Longest increasing subsequence]]
Line 2,635:
| [[Spinning%20rod%20animation%2FText|Spinning rod animation/Text]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 55
| [[Sum%20of%20the%20digits%20of%20n%20is%20substring%20of%20n|Sum of the digits of n is substring of n]]
| 55
Line 2,699 ⟶ 2,703:
| [[Odd%20and%20square%20numbers|Odd and square numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 54
| [[Substitution%20cipher|Substitution cipher]]
| [[Sum%20of%20the%20digits%20of%20n%20is%20substring%20of%20n|Sum of the digits of n is substring of n]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 54
Line 2,743 ⟶ 2,747:
| [[Make%20directory%20path|Make directory path]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 53
| [[Matrix%20with%20two%20diagonals|Matrix with two diagonals]]
| [[Musical%20scale|Musical scale]]
| 53
| [[Musical%20scale|Musical scale]]
| [[Substitution%20cipher|Substitution cipher]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 2,770 ⟶ 2,774:
| 52
| [[GUI%20component%20interaction|GUI component interaction]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 52
| [[Matrix%20with%20two%20diagonals|Matrix with two diagonals]]
Line 2,830:
| 51
| [[History%20variables|History variables]]
| 51
| [[Last%20letter-first%20letter|Last letter-first letter]]
Line 2,839 ⟶ 2,843:
| [[Polymorphic%20copy|Polymorphic copy]]
| 51
| [[Send%20an%20unknown%20method%20call|Send an unknown method call]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 51
Line 2,887 ⟶ 2,895:
| [[Lah%20numbers|Lah numbers]]
| 50
| [[Last%20letter-first%20letter|Last letter-first letter]]
| 50
| [[Send%20an%20unknown%20method%20call|Send an unknown method call]]
| 50
Line 2,934:
| 49
| [[Deepcopy|Deepcopy]]
| 49
| [[Display%20a%20linear%20combination|Display a linear combination]]
Line 3,067 ⟶ 3,071:
| [[Speech%20synthesis|Speech synthesis]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 48
| [[Steady%20squares|Steady squares]]
| 48
Line 3,122 ⟶ 3,130:
| 47
|data-sort-value="show the (decimal) value of a number of 0B1s appended with a 0B3, then squared"| [[Show%20the%20%28decimal%29%20value%20of%20a%20number%20of%201s%20appended%20with%20a%203%2C%20then%20squared|Show the (decimal) value of a number of 1s appended with a 3, then squared]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 47
| [[Steady%20squares|Steady squares]]
Line 3,162 ⟶ 3,166:
| 46
| [[Compiler%2Flexical%20analyzer|Compiler/lexical analyzer]]
| 46
| [[Display%20a%20linear%20combination|Display a linear combination]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,275:
|data-sort-value="find squares n where n+0B1 is prime"| [[Find%20squares%20n%20where%20n%2B1%20is%20prime|Find squares n where n+1 is prime]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 45
|data-sort-value="first 0B9 prime fibonacci number"| [[First%209%20prime%20Fibonacci%20number|First 9 prime Fibonacci number]]
| 45
Line 3,414 ⟶ 3,418:
| 43
| [[Find%20palindromic%20numbers%20in%20both%20binary%20and%20ternary%20bases|Find palindromic numbers in both binary and ternary bases]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 43
|data-sort-value="first 0B9 prime fibonacci number"| [[First%209%20prime%20Fibonacci%20number|First 9 prime Fibonacci number]]
Line 3,494:
| 42
| [[Fibonacci%20word%2Ffractal|Fibonacci word/fractal]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 42
| [[Length%20of%20an%20arc%20between%20two%20angles|Length of an arc between two angles]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 42
| [[Longest%20common%20suffix|Longest common suffix]]
Line 3,558 ⟶ 3,566:
| 41
| [[Draw%20a%20rotating%20cube|Draw a rotating cube]]
| 41
| [[Entropy%2FNarcissist|Entropy/Narcissist]]
Line 3,569 ⟶ 3,581:
| 41
| [[Harmonic%20series|Harmonic series]]
| [[LU%20decomposition|LU decomposition]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 41
| [[LU%20decomposition|LU decomposition]]
| [[Length%20of%20an%20arc%20between%20two%20angles|Length of an arc between two angles]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 41
| [[Longest%20common%20suffix|Longest common suffix]]
Line 3,595 ⟶ 3,603:
| [[Minimum%20multiple%20of%20m%20where%20digital%20sum%20equals%20m|Minimum multiple of m where digital sum equals m]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 41
| [[Minimum%20number%20of%20cells%20after%2C%20before%2C%20above%20and%20below%20NxN%20squares|Minimum number of cells after, before, above and below NxN squares]]
| 41
Line 3,663 ⟶ 3,675:
| [[Common%20list%20elements|Common list elements]]
| 40
| [[Constrained%20genericity|Constrained genericity]]
| 40
Line 3,670 ⟶ 3,686:
| 40
| [[Doomsday%20rule|Doomsday rule]]
| 40
| [[Entropy%2FNarcissist|Entropy/Narcissist]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,690 ⟶ 3,702:
| 40
|data-sort-value="first power of 0B2 that has leading decimal digits of 0C12"| [[First%20power%20of%202%20that%20has%20leading%20decimal%20digits%20of%2012|First power of 2 that has leading decimal digits of 12]]
| 40
| [[Harmonic%20series|Harmonic series]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
| [[Maximum%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20elements%20of%20list|Maximum difference between adjacent elements of list]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
| [[Minimum%20number%20of%20cells%20after%2C%20before%2C%20above%20and%20below%20NxN%20squares|Minimum number of cells after, before, above and below NxN squares]]
Line 3,759 ⟶ 3,763:
| [[Conjugate%20transpose|Conjugate transpose]]
| 39
| [[Constrained%20genericity|Constrained genericity]]
| 39
Line 3,950:
| 37
| [[Death%20Star|Death Star]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 37
| [[Decimal%20floating%20point%20number%20to%20binary|Decimal floating point number to binary]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,962 ⟶ 3,966:
| 37
| [[Generate%20random%20numbers%20without%20repeating%20a%20value|Generate random numbers without repeating a value]]
| 37
| [[Giuga%20numbers|Giuga numbers]]
Line 4,027 ⟶ 4,035:
| [[Day%20of%20the%20week%20of%20Christmas%20and%20New%20Year|Day of the week of Christmas and New Year]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 36
|data-sort-value="deconvolution/0B1d"| [[Deconvolution%2F1D|Deconvolution/1D]]
| [[Decimal%20floating%20point%20number%20to%20binary|Decimal floating point number to binary]]
Line 4,042 ⟶ 4,050:
| 36
| [[Faulhaber%27s%20formula|Faulhaber's formula]]
| 36
| [[Giuga%20numbers|Giuga numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 4,074 ⟶ 4,078:
| 36
| [[Random%20Latin%20squares|Random Latin squares]]
| 36
| [[Reflection%2FList%20properties|Reflection/List properties]]
Line 4,102 ⟶ 4,110:
| 35
| [[Decision%20tables|Decision tables]]
| 35
|data-sort-value="deconvolution/0B1d"| [[Deconvolution%2F1D|Deconvolution/1D]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 4,134 ⟶ 4,138:
| 35
| [[Monads%2FMaybe%20monad|Monads/Maybe monad]]
| 35
| [[Multiplicative%20order|Multiplicative order]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 4,139 ⟶ 4,147:
| [[Odd%20words|Odd words]]
| 35
| [[Parallel%20brute%20force|Parallel brute force]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 35
Line 4,150 ⟶ 4,162:
| 35
|data-sort-value="pseudo-random numbers/pcg0C32"| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FPCG32|Pseudo-random numbers/PCG32]]
| 35
| [[Reflection%2FList%20properties|Reflection/List properties]]
Line 4,243 ⟶ 4,251:
| [[Largest%20five%20adjacent%20number|Largest five adjacent number]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
| [[Last%20list%20item|Last list item]]
| [[Multiplicative%20order|Multiplicative order]]
| 34
Line 4,255 ⟶ 4,263:
| [[Odd%20squarefree%20semiprimes|Odd squarefree semiprimes]]
| 34
| [[Parallel%20brute%20force|Parallel brute force]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 34
Line 4,310 ⟶ 4,314:
| 33
| [[Cistercian%20numerals|Cistercian numerals]]
| 33
| [[Compiler%2Fvirtual%20machine%20interpreter|Compiler/virtual machine interpreter]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 4,334 ⟶ 4,342:
| 33
| [[First%20class%20environments|First class environments]]
| 33
| [[Go%20Fish|Go Fish]]
Line 4,347 ⟶ 4,359:
| [[Kronecker%20product%20based%20fractals|Kronecker product based fractals]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 33
| [[Last%20list%20item|Last list item]]
| 33
Line 4,387 ⟶ 4,395:
| [[Sum%20of%20square%20and%20cube%20digits%20of%20an%20integer%20are%20primes|Sum of square and cube digits of an integer are primes]]
| 32
| [[Arena%20storage%20pool|Arena storage pool]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 32
Line 4,402 ⟶ 4,414:
| 32
| [[Generate%20random%20chess%20position|Generate random chess position]]
| 32
| [[Go%20Fish|Go Fish]]
Line 4,435 ⟶ 4,443:
| [[Own%20digits%20power%20sum|Own digits power sum]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 32
| [[Palindromic%20primes|Palindromic primes]]
| 32
Line 4,442 ⟶ 4,454:
| 32
| [[Ramsey%27s%20theorem|Ramsey's theorem]]
| 32
| [[Reflection%2FList%20methods|Reflection/List methods]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 4,483 ⟶ 4,499:
| [[Anadromes|Anadromes]]
| 31
| [[Arena%20storage%20pool|Arena storage pool]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 31
Line 4,498 ⟶ 4,510:
| 31
| [[Collect%20and%20sort%20square%20numbers%20in%20ascending%20order%20from%20three%20lists|Collect and sort square numbers in ascending order from three lists]]
| 31
| [[Compiler%2Fvirtual%20machine%20interpreter|Compiler/virtual machine interpreter]]
Line 4,535 ⟶ 4,543:
| [[Numeric%20separator%20syntax|Numeric separator syntax]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 31
| [[Palindromic%20primes|Palindromic primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 31
| [[Prime%20words|Prime words]]
| 31
| [[Reflection%2FList%20methods|Reflection/List methods]]
| 31
Line 4,622:
| 30
| [[Function%20frequency|Function frequency]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 30
| [[Longest%20substrings%20without%20repeating%20characters|Longest substrings without repeating characters]]
Line 4,722 ⟶ 4,726:
| 29
| [[Largest%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20primes|Largest difference between adjacent primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 29
| [[Longest%20substrings%20without%20repeating%20characters|Longest substrings without repeating characters]]
Line 4,838:
| 28
| [[Euclid-Mullin%20sequence|Euclid-Mullin sequence]]
| 28
| [[File%20size%20distribution|File size distribution]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 4,902 ⟶ 4,906:
| 28
| [[Self%20numbers|Self numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 28
| [[Sierpinski%20curve|Sierpinski curve]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
Line 4,946:
| 27
| [[Composite%20numbers%20k%20with%20no%20single%20digit%20factors%20whose%20factors%20are%20all%20substrings%20of%20k|Composite numbers k with no single digit factors whose factors are all substrings of k]]
| 27
| [[File%20size%20distribution|File size distribution]]
Line 4,967 ⟶ 4,963:
|data-sort-value="main step of gost 0F28147-0C89"| [[Main%20step%20of%20GOST%2028147-89|Main step of GOST 28147-89]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 27
| [[Markov%20chain%20text%20generator|Markov chain text generator]]
| 27
Line 4,979:
| [[Reverse%20the%20gender%20of%20a%20string|Reverse the gender of a string]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 27
| [[Sierpinski%20curve|Sierpinski curve]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 27
Line 5,018 ⟶ 5,022:
| 26
| [[List%20rooted%20trees|List rooted trees]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
| [[Markov%20chain%20text%20generator|Markov chain text generator]]
Line 5,031:
| [[Monads%2FWriter%20monad|Monads/Writer monad]]
| 26
| [[Nested%20templated%20data|Nested templated data]]
| 26
Line 5,055 ⟶ 5,059:
| [[Solve%20a%20Numbrix%20puzzle|Solve a Numbrix puzzle]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
| [[Solve%20triangle%20solitaire%20puzzle|Solve triangle solitaire puzzle]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 26
Line 5,090 ⟶ 5,098:
| 25
| [[Eertree|Eertree]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 25
| [[Find%20duplicate%20files|Find duplicate files]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
Line 5,203 ⟶ 5,215:
| [[Erd%C5%91s-Nicolas%20numbers|Erdős-Nicolas numbers]]
| 24
| [[Find%20duplicate%20files|Find duplicate files]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 24
Line 5,235 ⟶ 5,243:
| [[Pandigital%20prime|Pandigital prime]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 24
| [[Peaceful%20chess%20queen%20armies|Peaceful chess queen armies]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 24
Line 5,259 ⟶ 5,271:
| [[Sokoban|Sokoban]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 24
| [[Solve%20triangle%20solitare%20puzzle|Solve triangle solitare puzzle]]
| 24
Line 5,306 ⟶ 5,314:
| 23
| [[Names%20to%20numbers|Names to numbers]]
| 23
| [[Nested%20templated%20data|Nested templated data]]
Line 5,323 ⟶ 5,327:
| [[Pairs%20with%20common%20factors|Pairs with common factors]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 23
| [[Peaceful%20chess%20queen%20armies|Peaceful chess queen armies]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 23
Line 5,467:
| [[Just%20in%20time%20processing%20on%20a%20character%20stream|Just in time processing on a character stream]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Longest%20palindromic%20substrings|Longest palindromic substrings]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 21
| [[Pell%20numbers|Pell numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
Line 5,495 ⟶ 5,503:
| [[Self-hosting%20compiler|Self-hosting compiler]]
|①||②||O||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Simulated%20annealing|Simulated annealing]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Transportation%20problem|Transportation problem]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 21
| [[Tree%20from%20nesting%20levels|Tree from nesting levels]]
| 21
Line 5,551 ⟶ 5,567:
| [[P-value%20correction|P-value correction]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 20
| [[Pell%20numbers|Pell numbers]]
| 20
Line 5,575 ⟶ 5,587:
| [[SQL-based%20authentication|SQL-based authentication]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 20
| [[Simulated%20annealing|Simulated annealing]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 20
Line 5,595 ⟶ 5,603:
| [[Three%20word%20location|Three word location]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 20
| [[Tree%20from%20nesting%20levels|Tree from nesting levels]]
| 20
Line 5,663 ⟶ 5,667:
| [[Home%20primes|Home primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
| [[Longest%20palindromic%20substrings|Longest palindromic substrings]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 19
Line 5,699:
| [[Bioinformatics%2FSubsequence|Bioinformatics/Subsequence]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
| [[Even%20numbers%20which%20cannot%20be%20expressed%20as%20the%20sum%20of%20two%20twin%20primes|Even numbers which cannot be expressed as the sum of two twin primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
Line 5,719 ⟶ 5,723:
| [[Non-transitive%20dice|Non-transitive dice]]
| 18
| [[Pan%20base%20non-primes|Pan base non-primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
Line 5,803 ⟶ 5,811:
| [[Canny%20edge%20detector|Canny edge detector]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 17
| [[Even%20numbers%20which%20cannot%20be%20expressed%20as%20the%20sum%20of%20two%20twin%20primes|Even numbers which cannot be expressed as the sum of two twin primes]]
| 17
Line 5,910 ⟶ 5,914:
| 16
| [[Isograms%20and%20heterograms|Isograms and heterograms]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 16
| [[Pan%20base%20non-primes|Pan base non-primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 6,155:
| [[Singular%20value%20decomposition|Singular value decomposition]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 13
| [[Sort%20an%20outline%20at%20every%20level|Sort an outline at every level]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
Line 6,227 ⟶ 6,231:
| [[Rosetta%20Code%2FTasks%20without%20examples|Rosetta Code/Tasks without examples]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 12
| [[Sort%20an%20outline%20at%20every%20level|Sort an outline at every level]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 12
Line 6,299:
| [[Worthwhile%20task%20shaving|Worthwhile task shaving]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
| [[Black%20box|Black box]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤||⑥|| || ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
Line 6,371 ⟶ 6,375:
| [[B-spline|B-spline]]
|①||②||③||④|| || ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 9
| [[Black%20box|Black box]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤||⑥|| || ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 9
Line 6,455:
| [[Lucas-Carmichael%20numbers|Lucas-Carmichael numbers]]
|①||②||③||④|| || ||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 8
| [[P-Adic%20square%20roots|P-Adic square roots]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || || || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
Line 6,467 ⟶ 6,471:
| [[Remote%20agent%2FSimulation|Remote agent/Simulation]]
|①||②||③|| || ||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
| [[Selection%20bias%20in%20clinical%20sciences|Selection bias in clinical sciences]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 8
Line 6,551 ⟶ 6,559:
| [[Roots%20of%20a%20cubic%20polynomial|Roots of a cubic polynomial]]
|①||②||③||④|| || || || ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
| [[Selection%20bias%20in%20clinical%20sciences|Selection bias in clinical sciences]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
Line 6,567 ⟶ 6,571:
| [[CLI-based%20maze-game|CLI-based maze-game]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Carmichael%20lambda%20function|Carmichael lambda function]]
|①||②||③||④|| || || ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
Line 6,595 ⟶ 6,603:
| [[OLE%20automation|OLE automation]]
|①||②|| || || ||⑥|| ||⑧||O||O
| 6
| [[P-Adic%20square%20roots|P-Adic square roots]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
Line 6,631 ⟶ 6,635:
| [[Visitor%20pattern|Visitor pattern]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
| [[Carmichael%20lambda%20function|Carmichael lambda function]]
|①||②|| ||④|| || || ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5


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