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Partition an integer x into n primes: Difference between revisions

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Line 100:
Partitioned 22699 with 4 primes: 2+3+43+22651
Partitioned 40355 with 3 primes: 3+139+40213
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">
BEGIN # find the lowest n distinct primes that sum to an integer x #
INT max number = 100 000; # largest number we will consider #
# sieve the primes to max number #
[ 1 : max number ]BOOL prime; FOR i TO UPB prime DO prime[ i ] := ODD i OD;
prime[ 1 ] := FALSE;
prime[ 2 ] := TRUE;
FOR s FROM 3 BY 2 TO ENTIER sqrt( max number ) DO
IF prime[ s ] THEN
FOR p FROM s * s BY s TO UPB prime DO prime[ p ] := FALSE OD
[ 1 : 0 ]INT no partition; # empty array - used if can't partition #
# returns n partitioned into p primes or an empty array if n can't be #
# partitioned into p primes, the first prime to try is in start #
PROC partition from = ( INT n, p, start )[]INT:
IF p < 1 OR n < 2 OR start < 2 THEN # invalid parameters #
no partition
ELIF p = 1 THEN # partition into 1 prime - n must be prime #
IF NOT prime[ n ] THEN no partition ELSE n FI
ELIF p = 2 THEN # partition into a pair of primes #
INT half n = n OVER 2;
INT p1 := 0, p2 := 0;
BOOL found := FALSE;
FOR p pos FROM start TO UPB prime WHILE NOT found AND p pos < half n DO
IF prime[ p pos ] THEN
p1 := p pos;
p2 := n - p pos;
found := prime[ p2 ]
IF NOT found THEN no partition ELSE ( p1, p2 ) FI
ELSE # partition into 3 or more primes #
[ 1 : p ]INT p2;
INT half n = n OVER 2;
INT p1 := 0;
BOOL found := FALSE;
FOR p pos FROM start TO UPB prime WHILE NOT found AND p pos < half n DO
IF prime[ p pos ] THEN
p1 := p pos;
[]INT sub partition = partition from( n - p1, p - 1, p pos + 1 );
IF found := UPB sub partition = p - 1 THEN
# have p - 1 primes summing to n - p1 #
p2[ 1 ] := p1;
p2[ 2 : p ] := sub partition
IF NOT found THEN no partition ELSE p2 FI
FI # partition from # ;
# returns the partition of n into p primes or an empty array if that is #
# not possible #
PROC partition = ( INT n, p )[]INT: partition from( n, p, 2 );
# show the first partition of n into p primes, if that is possible #
PROC show partition = ( INT n, p )VOID:
[]INT primes = partition( n, p );
STRING partition info = whole( n, -6 ) + " with " + whole( p, -2 )
+ " prime" + IF p = 1 THEN " " ELSE "s" FI + ": ";
IF UPB primes < LWB primes THEN
print( ( "Partitioning ", partition info, "is not possible" ) )
print( ( "Partitioned ", partition info ) );
print( ( whole( primes[ LWB primes ], 0 ) ) );
FOR p pos FROM LWB primes + 1 TO UPB primes DO
print( ( "+", whole( primes[ p pos ], 0 ) ) )
print( ( newline ) )
END # show partition # ;
# test cases #
show partition( 99809, 1 );
show partition( 18, 2 );
show partition( 19, 3 );
show partition( 20, 4 );
show partition( 2017, 24 );
show partition( 22699, 1 );
show partition( 22699, 2 );
show partition( 22699, 3 );
show partition( 22699, 4 );
show partition( 40355, 3 )
Partitioned 99809 with 1 prime : 99809
Partitioned 18 with 2 primes: 5+13
Partitioned 19 with 3 primes: 3+5+11
Partitioning 20 with 4 primes: is not possible
Partitioned 2017 with 24 primes: 2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23+29+31+37+41+43+47+53+59+61+67+71+73+79+97+1129
Partitioned 22699 with 1 prime : 22699
Partitioned 22699 with 2 primes: 2+22697
Partitioned 22699 with 3 primes: 3+5+22691
Partitioned 22699 with 4 primes: 2+3+43+22651
Partitioned 40355 with 3 primes: 3+139+40213
Line 139 ⟶ 244:
Partition 22699 with 4 primes: 2+3+43+22651
Partition 40355 with 3 primes: 3+139+40213</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="bcpl">get "libhdr"
let sieve(n, prime) be
$( let i = 2
0!prime := false
1!prime := false
for i = 2 to n do i!prime := true
while i*i <= n
$( let j = i*i
while j <= n
$( j!prime := false
j := j+i
i := i+1
let partition(x, n, prime, p, part) =
p > x -> false,
n = 1 -> valof $( !part := x; resultis x!prime $),
$( p := p+1 repeatuntil p!prime
!part := p
if partition(x-p, n-1, prime, p, part+1) resultis true
resultis partition(x, n, prime, p, part)
let showpart(n, part) be
$( writef("%N", !part)
unless n=1 do
$( wrch('+')
showpart(n-1, part+1)
let show(x, n, prime) be
$( let part = vec 32
writef("Partitioned %N with %N prime%S: ", x, n, n=1->"", "s")
test partition(x, n, prime, 1, part)
do showpart(n, part)
or writes("not possible")
let start() be
$( let prime = getvec(100000)
let tests = table 99809,1, 18,2, 19,3, 20,4, 2017,24,
22699,1, 22699,2, 22699,3, 22699,4, 40355,3
sieve(100000, prime)
for t = 0 to 9 do show(tests!(t*2), tests!(t*2+1), prime)
<pre>Partitioned 99809 with 1 prime: 99809
Partitioned 18 with 2 primes: 5+13
Partitioned 19 with 3 primes: 3+5+11
Partitioned 20 with 4 primes: not possible
Partitioned 2017 with 24 primes: 2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23+29+31+37+41+43+47+53+59+61+67+71+73+79+97+1129
Partitioned 22699 with 1 prime: 22699
Partitioned 22699 with 2 primes: 2+22697
Partitioned 22699 with 3 primes: 3+5+22691
Partitioned 22699 with 4 primes: 2+3+43+22651
Partitioned 40355 with 3 primes: 3+139+40213</pre>
{{works with|C99}}
Line 625 ⟶ 798:
Partitioned 22699 with 4 primes: 2+3+43+22651
Partitioned 40355 with 3 primes: 3+139+40213</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="cowgol">include "cowgol.coh";
const MAXPRIM := 100000;
const MAXPRIM_B := (MAXPRIM >> 3) + 1;
var primebits: uint8[MAXPRIM_B];
typedef ENTRY_T is @indexof primebits;
sub pentry(n: uint32): (ent: ENTRY_T, bit: uint8) is
ent := (n >> 3) as ENTRY_T;
bit := (n & 7) as uint8;
end sub;
sub setprime(n: uint32, prime: uint8) is
var ent: ENTRY_T;
var bit: uint8;
(ent, bit) := pentry(n);
var one: uint8 := 1;
primebits[ent] := primebits[ent] & ~(one << bit);
primebits[ent] := primebits[ent] | (prime << bit);
end sub;
sub prime(n: uint32): (prime: uint8) is
var ent: ENTRY_T;
var bit: uint8;
(ent, bit) := pentry(n);
prime := (primebits[ent] >> bit) & 1;
end sub;
sub sieve() is
MemSet(&primebits[0], 0xFF, @bytesof primebits);
setprime(0, 0);
setprime(1, 0);
var p: uint32 := 2;
while p*p <= MAXPRIM loop
var c := p*p;
while c <= MAXPRIM loop
setprime(c, 0);
c := c + p;
end loop;
p := p + 1;
end loop;
end sub;
sub nextprime(p: uint32): (r: uint32) is
r := p;
r := r + 1;
if prime(r) != 0 then break; end if;
end loop;
end sub;
sub partition(x: uint32, n: uint8, part: [uint32]): (r: uint8) is
record State is
x: uint32;
n: uint8;
p: uint32;
part: [uint32];
end record;
var stack: State[128];
var sp: @indexof stack := 0;
sub Push(x: uint32, n: uint8, p: uint32, part: [uint32]) is
stack[sp].x := x;
stack[sp].n := n;
stack[sp].p := p;
stack[sp].part := part;
sp := sp + 1;
end sub;
sub Pull(): (x: uint32, n: uint8, p: uint32, part: [uint32]) is
sp := sp - 1;
x := stack[sp].x;
n := stack[sp].n;
p := stack[sp].p;
part := stack[sp].part;
end sub;
r := 0;
Push(x, n, 1, part);
while sp > 0 loop
var p: uint32;
(x, n, p, part) := Pull();
p := nextprime(p);
if x < p then
end if;
if n == 1 then
if prime(x) != 0 then
r := 1;
[part] := x;
end if;
[part] := p;
Push(x, n, p, part);
Push(x-p, n-1, p, @next part);
end if;
end loop;
r := 0;
end sub;
sub showpartition(x: uint32, n: uint8) is
print("Partitioning ");
print(" with ");
print(" primes: ");
var part: uint32[64];
if partition(x, n, &part[0]) != 0 then
var i: @indexof part := 1;
while i < n as @indexof part loop
i := i + 1;
end loop;
print("Not possible");
end if;
end sub;
record Test is
x: uint32;
n: uint8;
end record;
var tests: Test[] := {
{99809, 1}, {18, 2}, {19, 3}, {20, 4}, {2017, 24},
{22699, 1}, {22699, 2}, {22699, 3}, {22699, 4}, {40355, 3}
var test: @indexof tests := 0;
while test < @sizeof tests loop
showpartition(tests[test].x, tests[test].n);
test := test + 1;
end loop;</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Partitioning 99809 with 1 primes: 99809
Partitioning 18 with 2 primes: 5+13
Partitioning 19 with 3 primes: 3+5+11
Partitioning 20 with 4 primes: Not possible
Partitioning 2017 with 24 primes: 2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23+29+31+37+41+43+47+53+59+61+67+71+73+79+97+1129
Partitioning 22699 with 1 primes: 22699
Partitioning 22699 with 2 primes: 2+22697
Partitioning 22699 with 3 primes: 3+5+22691
Partitioning 22699 with 4 primes: 2+3+43+22651
Partitioning 40355 with 3 primes: 3+139+40213</pre>


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