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Palindrome detection: Difference between revisions

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Line 2,018:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">(defun palindrome (s)
(string= s (reverse s)))</syntaxhighlight>
The version below will work correctly with inexact palindromes, as defined in this exercise:
}</syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(defun test-if-palindrome (text)
(setq text (replace-regexp-in-string "[[:space:][:punct:]]" "" text)) ; remove spaces and punctuation, by replacing them with nothing
(string-equal-ignore-case text (reverse text))) ; ignore case when looking at reversed text
(test-if-palindrome "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama")
Line 3,245 ⟶ 3,259:
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">val .ispal = f len(.s) > 0 and .s == s2s .s, len(.s)..1
val ispal = fn s:len(s) > 0 and s == reverse(s)
val .tests = h{
"": false,
"z": true,
Line 3,264 ⟶ 3,279:
for .word in sort(keys .(tests)) {
val .foundpal = .ispal(.word)
writeln .word, ": ", .foundpal, if(.foundpal == .tests[.word]: ""; " (FAILED TEST)")
Line 4,115 ⟶ 4,131:
writeln('input was not palindrome');
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
function IsPalindrome(s: string) := s = s[::-1];
Line 5,195 ⟶ 5,226:
'ingirumimusnocteetconsumimurigni palindrome? n:put
<syntaxhighlight lang="refal">$ENTRY Go {
= <Test 'rotor'>
<Test 'racecar'>
<Test 'RACEcar'>
<Test 'level'>
<Test 'rosetta'>
<Test 'A man, a plan, a canal: Panama'>
<Test 'Egad, a base tone denotes a bad age'>
<Test 'This is not a palindrome'>;
Test {
e.W, <Palindrome e.W> <InexactPalindrome e.W>: {
True s.1 = <Prout e.W ': exact palindrome'>;
s.1 True = <Prout e.W ': inexact palindrome'>;
False False = <Prout e.W ': not a palindrome'>;
InexactPalindrome {
e.W = <Palindrome <Filter ('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') <Upper e.W>>>;
Filter {
(e.Keep) = ;
(e.Keep) s.C e.W, e.Keep: {
e.1 s.C e.2 = s.C <Filter (e.Keep) e.W>;
e.1 = <Filter (e.Keep) e.W>;
Palindrome {
= True;
s.C = True;
s.C e.W s.C = <Palindrome e.W>;
e.X = False;
<pre>rotor: exact palindrome
marinus@frankenstein:~/refal$ refc palin && refgo palin
Refal-5 Compiler. Version PZ Jan 25 2024
Copyright: Refal Systems Inc.
rotor: exact palindrome
racecar: exact palindrome
RACEcar: inexact palindrome
level: exact palindrome
rosetta: not a palindrome
A man, a plan, a canal: Panama: inexact palindrome
Egad, a base tone denotes a bad age: inexact palindrome
This is not a palindrome: not a palindrome</pre>
Line 5,374 ⟶ 5,457:
=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">data "My dog has fleas", "Madam, I'm Adam.", "1 on 1", "In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni"
for i = 1 to 4
read w$
print w$;" is ";isPalindrome$(w$);" Palindrome"
FUNCTIONfunction isPalindrome$(str$)
for i = 1 to len(str$)
a$ = upper$(mid$(str$,i,1))
if (a$ >= "A" and a$ <= "Z") or (a$ >= "0" and a$ <= "9") then b$ = b$ + a$: c$ = a$ + c$
next i
if b$ <> c$ then isPalindrome$ = "not"</syntaxhighlight>
end function</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>My dog has fleas is not Palindrome
Line 5,925 ⟶ 6,009:
console.log(isPalindrome('Я иду с мечем судия'))
Does not ignore spaces.
<syntaxhighlight lang="uiua">≍⇌."tacocat"</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|UNIX Shell}}==


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