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Legendre prime counting function: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Nim}}: Added Mojo Partial Sieving version...
(→‎{{header|FreeBASIC}}: incorrect; doesn't fill requirements of task...)
(→‎{{header|Nim}}: Added Mojo Partial Sieving version...)
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Currently, Mojo does not allow many forms of recursion so the simple recursive solutions are not possible; however, those are much slower than the solution by partial sieving anyway, as per the following code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="mojo">from time import (now)
alias cLIMIT: UInt64 = 100_000_000_000
fn mkMasks() -> DTypePointer[DType.uint8]:
let rslt = DTypePointer[DType.uint8].alloc(8)
for i in range(8): rslt.offset(i).store(1 << i)
return rslt
let masksp = mkMasks()
fn intsqrt(n: UInt64) -> UInt64:
if n < 4:
if n < 1: return 0 else: return 1
var x: UInt64 = n; var qn: UInt64 = 0; var r: UInt64 = 0
while qn < 64 and (1 << qn) <= n:
qn += 2
var q: UInt64 = 1 << qn
while q > 1:
if qn >= 64:
q = 1 << (qn - 2); qn = 0
q >>= 2
let t: UInt64 = r + q
r >>= 1
if x >= t:
x -= t; r += q
return r
fn countPrimes(n: UInt64) -> Int64:
if n < 3:
if n < 2: return 0
else: return 1
let rtlmt: Int = intsqrt(n).to_int() # precision limits range to maybe 1e16!
let mxndx = (rtlmt - 1) >> 1
fn half(n: Int64) -> Int64 : return ((n - 1) // 2)
fn divide(nm: UInt64, d: UInt64) -> Int64: return ((nm * 1.0) / (d * 1.0)).to_int()
let smalls = # current accumulated counts of odd primes 1 to sqrt range
DTypePointer[DType.uint32].alloc(mxndx + 1)
# initialized for no sieving whatsoever other than odds-only - partial sieved by 2:
# 0 odd primes to 1; 1 odd prime to 3, etc....
for i in range(mxndx + 1): smalls.offset(i).store(i)
let roughs = # current odd k-rough numbers up to sqrt of range; k = 2
DTypePointer[DType.uint32].alloc(mxndx + 1)
# initialized to all odd positive numbers 1, 3, 5, ... sqrt range...
for i in range(mxndx + 1): roughs.offset(i).store(i + i + 1)
# array of current phi counts for above roughs...
# these are not strictly `phi`'s since they also include the
# count of base primes in order to match the above `smalls` definition!
let larges = # starts as size of counts just as `roughs` so they align!
DTypePointer[DType.uint64].alloc(mxndx + 1)
# initialized for current roughs after accounting for even prime of two...
for i in range(mxndx + 1): larges.offset(i).store((n // (i + i + 1) - 1) // 2)
# cmpsts is a bit-packed boolean array representing
# odd composite numbers from 1 up to rtlmt used for sieving...
# initialized as "zeros" meaning all odd positives are potentially prime
# note that this array starts at (and keeps) 1 to match the algorithm even
# though 1 is not a prime, as 1 is important in computation of phi...
let cmpsts = DTypePointer[DType.uint8].alloc((mxndx + 8) // 8)
memset_zero(cmpsts, (mxndx + 8) // 8)
# number of found base primes and current highest used rough index...
var npc: Int = 0; var mxri: Int = mxndx
for i in range(1, mxndx + 1): # start at index for 3; i will never reach mxndx...
let sqri = (i + i) * (i + 1) # computation of square index!
if sqri > mxndx: break # stop partial sieving due to square index limit!
if (cmpsts.offset(i >> 3).load() & masksp.offset(i & 7).load()) != 0: continue # if not prime
# culling the base prime from cmpsts means it will never be found again
let cp = cmpsts.offset(i >> 3)
cp.store(cp.load() | masksp.offset(i & 7).load()) # cull base prime
let bp = i + i + 1 # base prime from index!
for c in range(sqri, mxndx + 1, bp): # SoE culling of all bp multiples...
let cp = cmpsts.offset(c >> 3); cp.store(cp.load() | masksp.offset(c & 7).load())
# partial sieving to current base prime is now completed!
var ri: Int = 0 # to keep track of current used roughs index!
for k in range(mxri + 1): # processing over current roughs size...
# q is not necessarily a prime but may be a
# product of primes not yet culled by partial sieving;
# this is what saves operations compared to recursive Legendre:
let q: UInt64 = roughs.offset(k).load().to_int(); let qi = q >> 1 # index of always odd q!
# skip over values of `q` already culled in the last partial sieve:
if (cmpsts.offset(qi >> 3).load() & masksp.offset(qi & 7).load()) != 0: continue
# since `q` cannot be equal to bp due to cull of bp and above skip;
let d: UInt64 = bp * q # `d` is odd product of some combination of odd primes!
# the following computation is essential to the algorithm's speed:
# see above description in the text for how this works:
larges.offset(ri).store(larges.offset(k).load() -
(larges.offset(smalls.offset(d >> 1).load().to_int() - npc).load() if d <= rtlmt
else smalls.offset(half(divide(n, d))).load().to_int()) + npc)
# eliminate rough values that have been culled in partial sieve:
# note that `larges` and `roughs` indices relate to each other!
roughs.offset(ri).store(q.to_int()); ri += 1 # update rough value; advance rough index
var m = mxndx # adjust `smalls` counts for the newly culled odds...
# this is faster than recounting over the `cmpsts` array for each loop...
for k in range(((rtlmt // bp) - 1) | 1, bp - 1, -2): # k always odd!
# `c` is correction from current count to desired count...
# `e` is end limit index no correction is necessary for current cull...
let c = smalls.offset(k >> 1).load() - npc; let e = (k * bp) >> 1
while m >= e:
let cp = smalls.offset(m)
cp.store(cp.load() - c); m -= 1 # correct over range down to `e`
mxri = ri - 1; npc += 1 # set next loop max roughs index; count base prime
# now `smalls` is a LUT of odd prime accumulated counts for all odd primes;
# `roughs` is exactly the "k-roughs" up to the sqrt of range with `k` the
# index of the next prime above the quad root of the range;
# `larges` is the partial prime counts for each of the `roughs` values...
# note that `larges` values include the count of the odd base primes!!!
# `cmpsts` are never used again!
# the following does the top most "phi tree" calculation:
var result: Int64 = larges.load().to_int() # the answer to here is all valid `phis`
for i in range(1, mxri + 1): result -= larges.offset(i).load().to_int() # combined here by subtraction
# compensate for the included odd base prime counts over subracted above:
result += ((mxri + 1 + 2 * (npc - 1)) * mxri // 2)
# This loop adds the counts due to the products of the `roughs` primes,
# of which we only use two different ones at a time, as all the
# combinations with lower primes than the cube root of the range have
# already been computed and included with the previous major loop...
# see text description above for how this works...
for j in range(1, mxri + 1): # for all `roughs` (now prime) not including one:
let p: UInt64 = roughs.offset(j).load().to_int()
let m: UInt64 = (n // p) # `m` is the `p` quotient
# so that the end limit `e` can be calculated based on `n`/(`p`^2)
let e: Int = smalls.offset(half((m // p).to_int())).load().to_int() - npc
# following break test equivalent to non-memoization/non-splitting optmization:
if e <= j: break # stop at about `p` of cube root of range!
for k in range(j + 1, e + 1): # for all `roughs` greater than `p` to end limit:
result += smalls.offset(half(divide(m, roughs.offset(k).load().to_int()))).load().to_int()
# compensate for all the extra base prime counts just added!
result -= ((e - j) * (npc + j - 1))
result += 1 # include the count for the only even prime of two
smalls.free(); roughs.free(); larges.free(); cmpsts.free()
return result
fn main():
var pow: Int = 1
for i in range(10):
print('10^', i, '=', countPrimes(pow))
pow *= 10
let start = now()
let answr = countPrimes(cLIMIT)
let elpsd = (now() - start) / 1000000
print("Found", answr, "primes up to", cLIMIT, "in", elpsd, "milliseconds.")</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>10^ 0 = 0
10^ 1 = 4
10^ 2 = 25
10^ 3 = 168
10^ 4 = 1229
10^ 5 = 9592
10^ 6 = 78498
10^ 7 = 664579
10^ 8 = 5761455
10^ 9 = 50847534
Found 4118054813 primes up to 100000000000 in 16.696860000000001 milliseconds.</pre>
This is as run on an AMD 7840HS single-thread boosted to 5.1 GHz. It is over twice as slow as when run from the Nim code it is translated from, likely due to LLVM not handling this algorithm as well as the GCC compiler that did the final "back-end" compilation for the Nim code.
Line 2,617 ⟶ 2,791:
for i in 0..9:
echo "π(10^$1) = $2".format(i, π(n))
n *= 10</syntaxhighlight></syntaxhighlight>
This is not quite as fast as the Nim version or other languages whose back end is C as the LLVM-based back ends don't compile to quite the same optimization level for this algorithm than does GCC.


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