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De Bruijn sequences: Difference between revisions

added Easylang
(Add Scala implementation)
(added Easylang)
Line 1,403:
PIN number 5814 missing
PIN number 8145 missing</pre>
global a[] seq[] k n .
proc db t p . .
if t > n
if n mod p = 0
for i = 1 to p
seq[] &= a[i + 1]
a[t + 1] = a[t - p + 1]
db t + 1 p
j = a[t - p + 1] + 1
while j < k
a[t + 1] = j mod 256
db t + 1 t
j += 1
func$ debruijn k0 n0 .
k = k0
n = n0
a[] = [ ]
len a[] k * n
seq[] = [ ]
db 1 1
for v in seq[]
buf$ &= v
buf$ &= substr buf$ 1 n - 1
return buf$
func alldigits s$ .
for c$ in strchars s$
if strcode c$ < 48 or strcode c$ > 57
return 0
return 1
proc validate db$ . .
len found[] 10000
for i = 1 to len db$ - 3
s$ = substr db$ i 4
if alldigits s$ = 1
n = number s$
found[n + 1] += 1
for i = 1 to 10000
if found[i] = 0
errs$[] &= " PIN number " & i - 1 & " missing"
elif found[i] > 1
errs$[] &= " PIN number " & i - 1 & " occurs " & found[i] & " times"
if len errs$[] = 0
print " No errors found"
for s$ in errs$[]
print s$
proc main . .
db$ = debruijn 10 4
print "The length of the de Bruijn sequence is " & len db$
print ""
write "The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: "
print substr db$ 1 130
print ""
write "The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: "
print substr db$ -130 130
print ""
print "Validating the de Bruijn sequence:"
validate db$
print ""
print "Validating the reversed de Bruijn sequence:"
for i = len db$ downto 1
dbr$ &= substr db$ i 1
validate dbr$
print ""
db$ = substr db$ 1 4443 & "." & substr db$ 4445 -1
print "Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:"
validate db$
print ""


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