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Smith numbers: Difference between revisions

Added Uiua solution
(Added Uiua solution)
(11 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 268:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ABC">HOW TO RETURN factors n:
PUT {} IN factors
PUT 2 IN factor
WHILE n >= factor:
n mod factor = 0:
INSERT factor IN factors
PUT n/factor IN n
PUT factor+1 IN factor
RETURN factors
HOW TO RETURN digit.sum n:
PUT 0 IN sum
WHILE n > 0:
PUT sum + (n mod 10) IN sum
PUT floor (n/10) IN n
HOW TO REPORT smith.number n:
PUT factors n IN facs
IF #facs = 1: FAIL
PUT 0 IN fac.dsum
FOR fac IN facs:
PUT fac.dsum + digit.sum fac IN fac.dsum
REPORT fac.dsum = digit.sum n
PUT 0 IN col
FOR i IN {1..9999}:
IF smith.number i:
WRITE (i>>5)
PUT col+1 IN col
IF col=16:
PUT 0 IN col
WRITE /</syntaxhighlight>
<pre> 4 22 27 58 85 94 121 166 202 265 274 319 346 355 378 382
391 438 454 483 517 526 535 562 576 588 627 634 636 645 648 654
663 666 690 706 728 729 762 778 825 852 861 895 913 915 922 958
985 1086 1111 1165 1219 1255 1282 1284 1376 1449 1507 1581 1626 1633 1642 1678
1736 1755 1776 1795 1822 1842 1858 1872 1881 1894 1903 1908 1921 1935 1952 1962
1966 2038 2067 2079 2155 2173 2182 2218 2227 2265 2286 2326 2362 2366 2373 2409
2434 2461 2475 2484 2515 2556 2576 2578 2583 2605 2614 2679 2688 2722 2745 2751
2785 2839 2888 2902 2911 2934 2944 2958 2964 2965 2970 2974 3046 3091 3138 3168
3174 3226 3246 3258 3294 3345 3366 3390 3442 3505 3564 3595 3615 3622 3649 3663
3690 3694 3802 3852 3864 3865 3930 3946 3973 4054 4126 4162 4173 4185 4189 4191
4198 4209 4279 4306 4369 4414 4428 4464 4472 4557 4592 4594 4702 4743 4765 4788
4794 4832 4855 4880 4918 4954 4959 4960 4974 4981 5062 5071 5088 5098 5172 5242
5248 5253 5269 5298 5305 5386 5388 5397 5422 5458 5485 5526 5539 5602 5638 5642
5674 5772 5818 5854 5874 5915 5926 5935 5936 5946 5998 6036 6054 6084 6096 6115
6171 6178 6187 6188 6252 6259 6295 6315 6344 6385 6439 6457 6502 6531 6567 6583
6585 6603 6684 6693 6702 6718 6760 6816 6835 6855 6880 6934 6981 7026 7051 7062
7068 7078 7089 7119 7136 7186 7195 7227 7249 7287 7339 7402 7438 7447 7465 7503
7627 7674 7683 7695 7712 7726 7762 7764 7782 7784 7809 7824 7834 7915 7952 7978
8005 8014 8023 8073 8077 8095 8149 8154 8158 8185 8196 8253 8257 8277 8307 8347
8372 8412 8421 8466 8518 8545 8568 8628 8653 8680 8736 8754 8766 8790 8792 8851
8864 8874 8883 8901 8914 9015 9031 9036 9094 9166 9184 9193 9229 9274 9276 9285
9294 9296 9301 9330 9346 9355 9382 9386 9387 9396 9414 9427 9483 9522 9535 9571
9598 9633 9634 9639 9648 9657 9684 9708 9717 9735 9742 9760 9778 9840 9843 9849
9861 9880 9895 9924 9942 9968 9975 9985</pre>
Calculations on a real Atari 8-bit computer take quite long time. It is recommended to use an emulator capable with increasing speed of Atari CPU.
Line 467 ⟶ 529:
resultado={}, primos="", suma1=0, suma2=0 , i=1
fijar separador 'NULO'
Line 473 ⟶ 536:
iterar para ( num=4, #(num<=10000), ++num )
ir por el siguiente si ' es primo(num) '
obtener divisores de (num), mover a 'resultado';
luego obtener los primos de esto para 'primos'
son primos (resultado), por 'resultado', compactar esto
guardar en 'primos'
obtenersumar los dígitos de 'num',; calcularguardar sumatoria,en 'suma2'
guardar en 'suma2'
/* análisis p-ádico */
temp_primos=0, guardar 'primos' en 'temp_primos'
iterar para(q=1, #( q<=length(temp_primos) ) , ++q )
iterar para( r=12, #( (num % (temp_primos[q]^r)) == 0 ), ++r )
cuando( #(r>1) ){ #(temp_primos[q]); meter en 'primos' }
'primos',sumar convertirdígitos ade cadena,cada guardarnúmero ende una cadena;'primos'
separarla, convertir a número, guardar en 'primossuma1'
sumatoria de 'primos', guardar en 'suma1'
'suma1' respecto a 'suma2' son iguales?
_muestra número encontrado( 'num)'
Line 741 ⟶ 800:
<syntaxhighlight lang="gwbasicbasic">10 DEFINT A-Z
20 DIM F(32)
30 FOR I=2 TO 9999
Line 1,576 ⟶ 1,635:
9861 9880 9895 9924 9942 9968 9975 9985
Found 376 Smith numbers.</pre>
func[] primfact x .
p = 2
if x mod p = 0
r[] &= p
x = x div p
p += 1
until x = 1
return r[]
func digsum x .
while x > 0
sum += x mod 10
x = x div 10
return sum
for i = 2 to 9999
pf[] = primfact i
if len pf[] >= 2
sum = 0
for e in pf[]
sum += digsum e
if digsum i = sum
write i & " "
Line 1,693 ⟶ 1,788:
9895 9924 9942 9968 9975 9985
<syntaxhighlight lang="focal">01.10 S C=0
01.20 T %4
01.30 F I=1,10000;D 4
01.40 T !
01.50 Q
02.10 S Z=N
02.20 S S=0
02.30 S Y=FITR(Z/10)
02.40 S S=S+(Z-Y*10)
02.50 S Z=Y
02.60 I (-Z)2.3
03.05 S V=0;S Z=N
03.10 S Y=FITR(Z/2)
03.15 I (Z-Y*2)3.3,3.2,3.3
03.20 S V=V+1;S V(V)=2
03.25 S Z=Y;G 3.1
03.30 S X=3
03.35 I (Z-X)3.65,3.4,3.4
03.40 S Y=FITR(Z/X)
03.45 I (Z-Y*X)3.6,3.5,3.6
03.50 S V=V+1;S V(V)=X
03.55 S Z=Y;G 3.35
03.60 S X=X+2;G 3.35
03.65 R
04.10 S N=I;D 3
04.20 I (V-1)4.3,4.9,4.3
04.30 D 2;S A=S
04.40 S B=0
04.50 F K=1,V;S N=V(K);D 2;S B=B+S
04.60 I (A-B)4.9,4.7,4.9
04.70 T I;S C=C+1;I (C-FITR(C/13)*13)4.9,4.8,4.9
04.80 T !
04.90 R</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>= 4= 22= 27= 58= 85= 94= 121= 166= 202= 265= 274= 319= 346
= 355= 378= 382= 391= 438= 454= 483= 517= 526= 535= 562= 576= 588
= 627= 634= 636= 645= 648= 654= 663= 666= 690= 706= 728= 729= 762
= 778= 825= 852= 861= 895= 913= 915= 922= 958= 985= 1086= 1111= 1165
= 1219= 1255= 1282= 1284= 1376= 1449= 1507= 1581= 1626= 1633= 1642= 1678= 1736
= 1755= 1776= 1795= 1822= 1842= 1858= 1872= 1881= 1894= 1903= 1908= 1921= 1935
= 1952= 1962= 1966= 2038= 2067= 2079= 2155= 2173= 2182= 2218= 2227= 2265= 2286
= 2326= 2362= 2366= 2373= 2409= 2434= 2461= 2475= 2484= 2515= 2556= 2576= 2578
= 2583= 2605= 2614= 2679= 2688= 2722= 2745= 2751= 2785= 2839= 2888= 2902= 2911
= 2934= 2944= 2958= 2964= 2965= 2970= 2974= 3046= 3091= 3138= 3168= 3174= 3226
= 3246= 3258= 3294= 3345= 3366= 3390= 3442= 3505= 3564= 3595= 3615= 3622= 3649
= 3663= 3690= 3694= 3802= 3852= 3864= 3865= 3930= 3946= 3973= 4054= 4126= 4162
= 4173= 4185= 4189= 4191= 4198= 4209= 4279= 4306= 4369= 4414= 4428= 4464= 4472
= 4557= 4592= 4594= 4702= 4743= 4765= 4788= 4794= 4832= 4855= 4880= 4918= 4954
= 4959= 4960= 4974= 4981= 5062= 5071= 5088= 5098= 5172= 5242= 5248= 5253= 5269
= 5298= 5305= 5386= 5388= 5397= 5422= 5458= 5485= 5526= 5539= 5602= 5638= 5642
= 5674= 5772= 5818= 5854= 5874= 5915= 5926= 5935= 5936= 5946= 5998= 6036= 6054
= 6084= 6096= 6115= 6171= 6178= 6187= 6188= 6252= 6259= 6295= 6315= 6344= 6385
= 6439= 6457= 6502= 6531= 6567= 6583= 6585= 6603= 6684= 6693= 6702= 6718= 6760
= 6816= 6835= 6855= 6880= 6934= 6981= 7026= 7051= 7062= 7068= 7078= 7089= 7119
= 7136= 7186= 7195= 7227= 7249= 7287= 7339= 7402= 7438= 7447= 7465= 7503= 7627
= 7674= 7683= 7695= 7712= 7726= 7762= 7764= 7782= 7784= 7809= 7824= 7834= 7915
= 7952= 7978= 8005= 8014= 8023= 8073= 8077= 8095= 8149= 8154= 8158= 8185= 8196
= 8253= 8257= 8277= 8307= 8347= 8372= 8412= 8421= 8466= 8518= 8545= 8568= 8628
= 8653= 8680= 8736= 8754= 8766= 8790= 8792= 8851= 8864= 8874= 8883= 8901= 8914
= 9015= 9031= 9036= 9094= 9166= 9184= 9193= 9229= 9274= 9276= 9285= 9294= 9296
= 9301= 9330= 9346= 9355= 9382= 9386= 9387= 9396= 9414= 9427= 9483= 9522= 9535
= 9571= 9598= 9633= 9634= 9639= 9648= 9657= 9684= 9708= 9717= 9735= 9742= 9760
= 9778= 9840= 9843= 9849= 9861= 9880= 9895= 9924= 9942= 9968= 9975= 9985</pre>
Line 5,054 ⟶ 5,217:
...9760 9778 9840 9843 9849 9861 9880 9895 9924 9942 9968 9975 9985
(376 total)</pre>
{{Works with|Uiua|0.12.0-dev.1}}
[https://www.uiua.org/pad?src=0_12_0-dev_1__TiDihpAgMTAwMDAKUHJpbWVzIOKGkCDih4zil4zijaIo4oqDKOKWveKJoDDil7_iiqIuLnziioLiiqIpfD4w4qe7KeKKmVtd4oaYMuKHoU4KQ2FuZGlkYXRlcyDihpAg4pa9wqziiIo6UHJpbWVzLuKGmDLih6EgIyBFeGNsdWRlIHByaW1lcwpTdW1EIOKGkCAvK-KJoeKLlcKw4ouVClByaW1lRGl2aXNvcnMg4oaQIOKXjOKXjOKNoijin5wow7cvw5cp4p-cKOKKmeKKgjop4pa9OuKfnCg9MOKXvyniipkufOKLhSg-MSkpUHJpbWVzIOKKmVtdClNtaXRoIOKGkCDilr3iirjiiaEoPeKKgyhTdW1EfC8r4omhU3VtRCBQcmltZURpdmlzb3JzKSkK4p-c4qe7IFNtaXRoIENhbmRpZGF0ZXMgTgo= Run it in Uiua Pad!]
<syntaxhighlight lang="uiua">
N ← 10000
Primes ← ⇌◌⍢(⊃(▽≠0◿⊢..|⊂⊢)|>0⧻)⊙[]↘2⇡N
Candidates ← ▽¬∊:Primes.↘2⇡ # Exclude primes
SumD ← /+≡⋕°⋕
PrimeDivisors ← ◌◌⍢(⟜(÷/×)⟜(⊙⊂:)▽:⟜(=0◿)⊙.|⋅(>1))Primes ⊙[]
Smith ← ▽⊸≡(=⊃(SumD|/+≡SumD PrimeDivisors))
⟜⧻ Smith Candidates N
[4 22 27 58 85 94 121 166 202 265 ...etc... 9942 9968 9975 9985]
=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
Line 5,149 ⟶ 5,330:
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./math" for Int
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascript">import "./mathfmt" for IntFmt
import "/fmt" for Fmt
import "/seq" for Lst
var sumDigits = Fn.new { |n|
Line 5,173 ⟶ 5,352:
for (chunk in Lst.chunks(smiths, 16)) Fmt.printtprint("$4d", chunksmiths, 16)</syntaxhighlight>


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