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Sorting algorithms/Quicksort: Difference between revisions

Guarded against Arithmetic Overflow.
(Opted for linear interpolation, to remove the dependency on Math.Random, when obtaining samples for estimation of a median by pivot(). The median is now returned and passed via locals, rather than a property.)
m (Guarded against Arithmetic Overflow.)
Line 1,849:
/// An<summary>Return an odd sample size isproportional chosen based onto the log of thea large interval size.</summary>
private static Int32 sampleSize(Int32 length, Int32 max = SAMPLES_MAX) {
var logLen = (Int32)Math.Log10(length);
var samples = Math.Min(2 * logLen + 1, SAMPLES_MAXmax);
// An odd sample size is chosen based on the log of the interval size.
// The median of a randomly chosen set of samples is then returned as
// an estimate of the true median.
var samples = Math.Min(2 * logLen + 1, SAMPLES_MAX);
return Math.Min(samples, length);
/// <summary>Estimate the median value of entries[Left:Right]</summary>
/// <remarks>The sample median is used as an estimate the true median.</remarks>
private T pivot(T[] entries) {
var length = Right + 1 - Left;
var samples = sampleSize(length);
// Sample Linearly:
for (var sample = 0; sample < samples; sample++) {
// SampleGuard Linearlyagainst Arithmetic Overflow:
var index = (Int64)length * sample / samples + Left;
Samples[sample] = entries[index];
InsertionSort<T>.Sort(Samples, 0, samples - 1);
var middle = samples / 2;


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