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Dijkstra's algorithm: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Minor tidy)
(8 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 3,302:
5: distance = 11, 0 --> 2 --> 5
global con[][] n .
proc read . .
s$ = input
until s$ = ""
a = (strcode substr s$ 1 1) - 96
b = (strcode substr s$ 3 1) - 96
d = number substr s$ 5 9
if a > len con[][]
len con[][] a
con[a][] &= b
con[a][] &= d
con[][] &= [ ]
n = len con[][]
len cost[] n
len prev[] n
proc dijkstra . .
for i = 2 to len cost[]
cost[i] = 1 / 0
len todo[] n
todo[1] = 1
min = 1 / 0
a = 0
for i to len todo[]
if todo[i] = 1 and cost[i] < min
min = cost[i]
a = i
until a = 0
todo[a] = 0
for i = 1 step 2 to len con[a][] - 1
b = con[a][i]
c = con[a][i + 1]
if cost[a] + c < cost[b]
cost[b] = cost[a] + c
prev[b] = a
todo[b] = 1
func$ gpath nd$ .
nd = strcode nd$ - 96
while nd <> 1
s$ = " -> " & strchar (nd + 96) & s$
nd = prev[nd]
return "a" & s$
print gpath "e"
print gpath "f"
a b 7
a c 9
a f 14
b c 10
b d 15
c d 11
c f 2
d e 6
e f 9
=={{header|Emacs Lisp}}==
Line 3,481 ⟶ 3,559:
Some [A; C; D; E]
Some [A; C; F]
{{trans|Commodore BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="FORTH">\ utility routine to increment a variable
: 1+! 1 swap +! ;
\ edge data
variable edge-count
0 edge-count !
create edges
'a , 'b , 7 , edge-count 1+!
'a , 'c , 9 , edge-count 1+!
'a , 'f , 14 , edge-count 1+!
'b , 'c , 10 , edge-count 1+!
'b , 'd , 15 , edge-count 1+!
'c , 'd , 11 , edge-count 1+!
'c , 'f , 2 , edge-count 1+!
'd , 'e , 6 , edge-count 1+!
'e , 'f , 9 , edge-count 1+!
\ with accessors
: edge 3 * cells edges + ;
: edge-from edge ;
: edge-to edge 1 cells + ;
: edge-weight edge 2 cells + ;
\ vertex data and acccessor
create vertex-names edge-count @ 2 * cells allot
: vertex-name cells vertex-names + ;
variable vertex-count
0 vertex-count !
\ routine to look up a vertex by name
: find-vertex
-1 swap
vertex-count @ 0 ?do
dup i vertex-name @ = if swap drop i swap leave then
\ routine to add a new vertex name if not found
: add-vertex
dup find-vertex dup -1 = if
swap vertex-count @ vertex-name !
vertex-count dup @ swap 1+!
swap drop
\ routine to add vertices to name table and replace names with indices in edges
: get-vertices
edge-count @ 0 ?do
i edge-from @ add-vertex i edge-from !
i edge-to @ add-vertex i edge-to !
\ call it
\ variables to hold state during algorithm run
create been-visited
vertex-count @ cells allot
: visited cells been-visited + ;
create prior-vertices
vertex-count @ cells allot
: prior-vertex cells prior-vertices + ;
create distances
vertex-count @ cells allot
: distance cells distances + ;
variable origin
variable current-vertex
variable neighbor
variable current-distance
variable tentative
variable closest-vertex
variable minimum-distance
variable vertex
\ call with origin vertex name on stack
: dijkstra ( origin -- )
find-vertex origin !
been-visited vertex-count @ cells 0 fill
prior-vertices vertex-count @ cells -1 fill
distances vertex-count @ cells -1 fill
0 origin @ distance ! \ distance to origin is 0
origin @ current-vertex ! \ current vertex is the origin
edge-count @ 0 ?do
i edge-from @ current-vertex @ = if \ if edge is from current
i edge-to @ neighbor ! \ neighbor vertex
neighbor @ distance @ current-distance !
current-vertex @ distance @ i edge-weight @ + tentative !
current-distance @ -1 = tentative @ current-distance @ < or if
tentative @ neighbor @ distance !
current-vertex @ neighbor @ prior-vertex !
1 current-vertex @ visited ! \ current vertex has now been visited
-1 closest-vertex !
vertex-count @ 0 ?do
i visited @ 0= if
-1 minimum-distance !
closest-vertex @ dup -1 <> if
distance @ minimum-distance !
i distance @ -1 <>
minimum-distance @ -1 = i distance @ minimum-distance @ < or
and if
i closest-vertex !
closest-vertex @ current-vertex !
current-vertex @ -1 = until
." Shortest path to each vertex from " origin @ vertex-name @ emit ': emit cr
vertex-count @ 0 ?do
i origin @ <> if
i vertex-name @ emit ." : " i distance @ dup
-1 = if
." ∞ (unreachable)"
'( emit
i vertex !
vertex @ vertex-name @ emit
vertex @ origin @ <> while
." ←"
vertex @ prior-vertex @ vertex !
') emit
<pre>'a dijkstra
Shortest path to each vertex from a:
b: 7 (b←a)
c: 9 (c←a)
f: 11 (f←c←a)
d: 20 (d←c←a)
e: 26 (e←d←c←a)
'b dijkstra
Shortest path to each vertex from b:
a: ∞ (unreachable)
c: 10 (c←b)
f: 12 (f←c←b)
d: 15 (d←b)
e: 21 (e←d←b)
<syntaxhighlight lang="FORTRAN">
program main
! Demo of Dijkstra's algorithm.
! Translation of Rosetta code Pascal version
implicit none
! PARAMETER definitions
integer , parameter :: nr_nodes = 6 , start_index = 0
! Derived Type definitions
enum , bind(c)
enumerator :: SetA , SetB , SetC
end enum
type tnode
integer :: nodeset
integer :: previndex ! previous node in path leading to this node
integer :: pathlength ! total length of path to this node
end type tnode
! Local variable declarations
integer :: branchlength , j , j_min , k , lasttoseta , minlength , nrinseta , triallength
character(5) :: holder
integer , dimension(0:nr_nodes - 1 , 0:nr_nodes - 1) :: lengths
character(132) :: lineout
type (tnode) , dimension(0:nr_nodes - 1) :: nodes
! character(2) , dimension(0:nr_nodes - 1) :: node_names
character(15),dimension(0:nr_nodes-1) :: node_names
! Correct values
!Shortest paths from node a:
! b: length 7, a -> b
! c: length 9, a -> c
! d: length 20, a -> c -> d
! e: length 26, a -> c -> d -> e
! f: length 11, a -> c -> f
nodes%nodeset = 0
nodes%previndex = 0
nodes%pathlength = 0
node_names = (/'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' , 'e' , 'f'/)
! lengths[j,k] = length of branch j -> k, or -1 if no such branch exists.
lengths(0 , :) = (/ - 1 , 7 , 9 , -1 , -1 , 14/)
lengths(1 , :) = (/ - 1 , -1 , 10 , 15 , -1 , -1/)
lengths(2 , :) = (/ - 1 , -1 , -1 , 11 , -1 , 2/)
lengths(3 , :) = (/ - 1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , 6 , -1/)
lengths(4 , :) = (/ - 1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , 9/)
lengths(5 , :) = (/ - 1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1/)
do j = 0 , nr_nodes - 1
nodes(j)%nodeset = SetC
! Begin by transferring the start node to set A
nodes(start_index)%nodeset = SetA
nodes(start_index)%pathlength = 0
nrinseta = 1
lasttoseta = start_index
! Transfer nodes to set A one at a time, until all have been transferred
do while (nrinseta<nr_nodes)
! Step 1: Work through branches leading from the node that was most recently
! transferred to set A, and deal with end nodes in set B or set C.
do j = 0 , nr_nodes - 1
branchlength = lengths(lasttoseta , j)
if (branchlength>=0) then
! If the end node is in set B, and the path to the end node via lastToSetA
! is shorter than the existing path, then update the path.
if (nodes(j)%nodeset==SetB) then
triallength = nodes(lasttoseta)%pathlength + branchlength
if (triallength<nodes(j)%pathlength) then
nodes(j)%previndex = lasttoseta
nodes(j)%pathlength = triallength
! If the end node is in set C, transfer it to set B.
elseif (nodes(j)%nodeset==SetC) then
nodes(j)%nodeset = SetB
nodes(j)%previndex = lasttoseta
nodes(j)%pathlength = nodes(lasttoseta)%pathlength + branchlength
! Step 2: Find the node in set B with the smallest path length,
! and transfer that node to set A.
! (Note that set B cannot be empty at this point.)
minlength = -1
j_min = -1
do j = 0 , nr_nodes - 1
if (nodes(j)%nodeset==SetB) then
if ((j_min== - 1).or.(nodes(j)%pathlength<minlength)) then
j_min = j
minlength = nodes(j)%pathlength
nodes(j_min)%nodeset = SetA
nrinseta = nrinseta + 1
lasttoseta = j_min
print* , 'Shortest paths from node ',trim(node_names(start_index))
do j = 0 , nr_nodes - 1
if (j/=start_index) then
k = j
lineout = node_names(k)
pete_loop: do
k = nodes(k)%previndex
lineout = trim(node_names(k)) // ' -> ' // trim(lineout)
if (k==start_index) exit pete_loop
enddo pete_loop
write (holder , '(i0)') nodes(j)%pathlength
lineout = trim(adjustl(node_names(j))) // ': length ' // trim(adjustl(holder)) // ', ' // trim(lineout)
print * , lineout
end program main
Shortest paths from node a
b: length 7, a -> b
c: length 9, a -> c
d: length 20, a -> c -> d
e: length 26, a -> c -> d -> e
f: length 11, a -> c -> f
Line 4,172 ⟶ 4,564:
NB. verbs and adverb
parse_table=: ;:@:(LF&= [;._2 -.&CR)
mp=: $:~ :(+/ .*)~~ NB. matrix product
min=: <./ NB. minimum
Index=: (i.`)(`:6) NB. Index adverb


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