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Call a function: Difference between revisions

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<b>Subroutines</b> are provided for compatibility with older, unstructured dialects of BASIC; otherwise they are never really used. They require statements to be numbered, and they can neither receive arguments nor return values: they can only manipulate global variables. The <tt>GOSUB</tt> and <tt>RETURN</tt> statements in fact mirror assembly language 'jump to subroutine' and 'return from subroutine' instructions quite closely.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic">200 GOSUB 30050</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Binary Lambda Calculus}}==
Function calling is the sole primitive in the Lambda Calculus. The application of function f on argument a is denoted 01 f a in Binary Lambda Calculus. Multi argument functions are achieved by currying, i.e. a function of the first argument returns a function of the 2nd argument, etc. A good example is the Church numeral 2, which given a function f and an argument x, applies f twice on x: C2 = \f. \x. f (f x). This is written in BLC as
<pre>00 00 01 110 01 110 01</pre>
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'''Using a function in statement context'''
The assignment to a local variable (e.g. <tt>(2*2) as $two</tt>) is similar to a statement context in that the expression as a whole does nothing to the flow of values from its input to its output.
'''Using a function in first-class context within an expression'''
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See [[Currying#jq]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">
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Functions are first-order, and may be passed around, whether user-defined or built-in.
User-defined and built-in functions can be called using parentheses.
There are several ways to call a function in langur.
Built-in functions can also be called using an "unbounded list," which ends at a line return, EOF, closing parenthesis, curly brace, or square bracket, or before a comma preceding a line return.
=== parentheses ===
You can always call a function using parentheses.
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">.x()
# call user-defined function</syntaxhighlight lang="langur">
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">write(.key, ": ", .value)
# call built-in with parentheses</syntaxhighlight>
=== unbounded argument lists ===
In statement context, you can call a function with an unbounded list of arguments.
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">write .key, ": ", .value
# call built-in with unbounded list</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">writeln "numbers: ", join ", ", [.a1, .a2, .a3, .a4]
writeln a, b, c
# unbounded lists on writeln and join
# later function join takes remaining arguments</syntaxhighlight>
=== forwarding operator ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">writeln "numbers: ", join(", ", [.a1, .a2, .a3, .a4]), " === "
When passing a single argument, you can use the forwarding operator.
# unbounded list on writeln
# join using parentheses so it doesn't take remaining arguments</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">val .sum = foldfrom(
a -> len
f(.sum, .i, .c) .sum + toNumber(.c, 36) x .weight[.i],
# passes a to the len() function
pseries len .code,
split ZLS, .code,
=== recursion ===
Use the fn token with double parentheses for recursion.
# split, pseries, and len using unbounded lists, ending before comma preceding line return</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">.x()
val fibonacci = fn x:if x < 2 { x } else { fn((x - 1)) + fn((x - 2)) }
=== argument expansion ===
Use the expansion operator (...) to pass a list as multiple arguments. The following example works if wordsets is a list of lists, and passes each list as a separate argument to the mapX function.
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">write .key, ": ", .value
mapX(amb, wordsets...)
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">for .key in sort(keys .tests) {
# unbounded list on keys bounded by closing parenthesis of sort</syntaxhighlight>
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* There is no distinction made in LFE/Erlang between functions that are built-in and those that are not.
* "Built-in" for LFE/Erlang usually can be figured out: if a function has the module name <code>erlang</code>, e.g., <code>(: erlang list_to_integer ... )</codcode>, then it's built-in.
* Most of the functions that come with LFE/Erlang are not even in the <code>erlang</code> module, but exist in other modules (e.g., <code>io</code>, <code>math</code>, etc.) and in OTP.
* One uses user/third-party modules in exactly the same way as one uses built-ins and modules that come with the Erlang distribution.
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* Not explicitly.
* However, one can use <code>lambda</code>s to achieve the same effect.
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">
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Here are some examples:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">var f1 = Fn.new { System.print("Function 'f1' with no arguments called.") }
var f2 = Fn.new { |a, b|
System.print("Function 'f2' with 2 arguments called and passed %(a) & %(b).")
Line 6,542 ⟶ 6,559:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">; call a function (procedure) with no arguments:


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