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Suffix tree: Difference between revisions

2,093 bytes added ,  10 months ago
Added Elixir code for suffix tree construction
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Added Elixir code for suffix tree construction)
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== Elixir ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="elixir">defmodule STree do
defstruct branch: []
defp suffixes([]), do: []
defp suffixes(w), do: [w | suffixes tl(w)]
defp lcp([], _, acc), do: acc
defp lcp(_, [], acc), do: acc
defp lcp([c | u], [a | w], acc) do
if c == a do
lcp(u, w, acc + 1)
else acc
defp g([], aw), do: [{{aw, length aw}, nil}]
defp g(cusnes, aw) do
[cusn | es] = cusnes
{cus, node} = cusn
{cu, culen} = cus
cpl = case node do
nil -> lcp cu, aw, 0
_ -> lcp (Enum.take cu, culen), aw, 0
x = Enum.drop cu, cpl
xlen = culen - cpl
y = Enum.drop aw, cpl
ex = {{x, xlen}, node}
ey = {{y, length y}, nil}
cond do
hd(aw) > hd(cu) -> [cusn | g(es, aw)]
hd(aw) < hd(cu) -> [{{aw, length aw}, nil} | cusnes]
nil != node && xlen == 0 -> [{cus, insert_suffix(y, node)} | es]
hd(x) < hd(y) -> [{{cu, cpl}, %STree{branch: [ex, ey]}} | es]
true -> [{{cu, cpl}, %STree{branch: [ey, ex]}} | es]
defp insert_suffix(aw, node), do: %STree{branch: g(node.branch, aw)}
def naive_insertion(t), do: List.foldl(suffixes(t), %STree{}, &insert_suffix/2)
defp f(nil, _, label), do: IO.puts("╴ #{label}")
defp f(%STree{branch: children}, pre, label) do
IO.puts "┐ #{label}"
|> Enum.take(length(children) - 1)
|> Enum.each(fn c ->
IO.write(pre <> "├─")
{ws, len} = elem(c, 0)
f(elem(c, 1), pre <> "│ ", Enum.join(Enum.take ws, len))
IO.write(pre <> "└─")
c = List.last(children)
{ws, len} = elem(c, 0)
f(elem(c, 1), pre <> " ", Enum.join(Enum.take ws, len))
def visualize(n), do: f(n, "", "")
def main do
|> String.graphemes
|> naive_insertion
|> visualize
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