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Abelian sandpile model: Difference between revisions

FutureBasic solution added
(add RPL)
(FutureBasic solution added)
Line 1,380:
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
_mFile = 1
begin enum
end enum
_window = 1
begin enum 1
end enum
void local fn BuildMenu
menu _mFile,,, @"File"
menu _mFile, _iClose,, @"Close", @"w"
MenuItemSetAction( _mFile, _iClose, @"performClose:" )
end fn
void local fn BuildWindow
window _window, @"Abelian Sandpile Model", (0,0,513,360), NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable + NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
subclass view _gridView, (20,20,320,320)
textlabel _gridSizeLabel, @"Grid size:", (385,322,61,16)
textfield _gridSizeFld,, @"5", (452,319,41,21)
ControlSetFormat( _gridSizeFld, @"0123456789", YES, 4, 0 )
textlabel _centerNumLabel, @"Center number:", (347,285,99,16)
textfield _centerNumFld,, @"32", (452,282,41,21)
ControlSetFormat( _centerNumFld, @"0123456789", YES, 4, 0 )
radiobutton _colorRadio,, NSControlStateValueOn, @"Color", (367,249,59,18)
radiobutton _monoRadio,, NSControlStateValueOff, @"Mono", (432,249,61,18)
button _avalancheBtn,,, @"Avalanche", (375,13,96,32)
WindowMakeFirstResponder( _window, _gridSizeFld )
end fn
void local fn ViewDrawRect
long gridSize = fn ControlIntegerValue(_gridSizeFld)
CGRect bounds = fn ViewBounds( _gridView )
CGFloat cellSize = bounds.size.width/gridSize
ColorRef col0 = fn ColorWhite, col1, col2, col3
long r, c, value
CGFloat x = 0, y = 0
ColorRef color
if ( fn ButtonState( _colorRadio ) == NSControlStateValueOn )
col1 = fn ColorRed
col2 = fn ColorGreen
col3 = fn ColorBlue
col1 = fn ColorWithRGB( 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0 )
col2 = fn ColorWithRGB( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 )
col3 = fn ColorWithRGB( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0 )
end if
for r = 0 to gridSize-1
for c = 0 to gridSize-1
value = mda_integer(r,c)
select ( value )
case 1 : color = col1
case 2 : color = col2
case 3 : color = col3
case else : color = col0
end select
BezierPathFillRect( fn CGRectMake( x, y, cellSize, cellSize ), color )
x += cellSize
x = 0
y += cellSize
end fn
void local fn AvalancheAction
long r, c, gridSize = fn ControlIntegerValue(_gridSizeFld)
long centerNum = fn ControlIntegerValue(_centerNumFld)
long midNum = gridSize/2
long limit = gridSize-1
BOOL stable = NO
long value
// initialize array
for r = 0 to gridSize-1
for c = 0 to gridSize-1
mda(r,c) = 0
mda(midNum,midNum) = centerNum
// collapse
while ( stable == NO )
stable = YES
for r = 0 to gridSize-1
for c = 0 to gridSize-1
value = mda_integer(r,c)
if ( value > 3 )
mda(r,c) = @(mda_integer(r,c)-4)
if ( r > 0 ) then mda(r-1,c) = @(mda_integer(r-1,c) + 1)
if ( r < limit ) then mda(r+1,c) = @(mda_integer(r+1,c) + 1)
if ( c > 0 ) then mda(r,c-1) = @(mda_integer(r,c-1) + 1)
if ( c < limit ) then mda(r,c+1) = @(mda_integer(r,c+1) + 1)
stable = NO : break
end if
if ( stable == NO ) then break
ViewSetNeedsDisplay( _gridView )
end fn
void local fn DoAppEvent( ev as long )
select ( ev )
case _appWillFinishLaunching
fn BuildMenu
fn BuildWindow
fn AvalancheAction
case _appShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed : AppEventSetBool(YES)
end select
end fn
void local fn DoDialog( ev as long, tag as long, wnd as long, obj as CFTypeRef )
select ( ev )
case _btnClick
select ( tag )
case _avalancheBtn : fn AvalancheAction
case _gridSizeFld, _centerNumFld : fn AvalancheAction
case _colorRadio, _monoRadio : ViewSetNeedsDisplay( _gridView )
end select
case _viewDrawRect : fn ViewDrawRect
end select
end fn
on appevent fn DoAppEvent
on dialog fn DoDialog


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