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Circles of given radius through two points: Difference between revisions

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// distance between two points
function distance(p1, p2) = sqrt((difference(p2.x, p1.x)) ^ 2 + (difference(p2.y, p1.y) ^ 2));
// difference between two values in any order
function difference(a, b) = let(x = a > b ? a - b : b - a) x;
// function to find the circles of given radius through two points
function circles_of_given_radius_through_two_points(p1, p2, radius) =
let(mid = (p1 + p2)/2, q = norm distance(p1 -, p2), X=0, Y=1, x_dist = sqrt(radius ^ 2 - (q / 2) ^ 2) * (p1[Y].y - p2[Y].y) / q, y_dist = sqrt(radius^2-(q/2)^2)*(p2[X]-p1[X])/q)
y_dist = sqrt(radius ^ 2 - (q / 2) ^ 2) * (p2.x - p1.x) / q)
// point 1 and point 2 must not be the same point
assert(p1 != p2)
// radius must be more than 0
assert(radius > 0)
// distance between points cannot be more than diameter
assert(q < radius * 2)
// return both qualifying centres
[mid + [ x_dist, y_dist ], mid - [ x_dist, y_dist ]];
// test module for circles_of_given_radius_through_two_points
module test_circles_of_given_radius_through_two_points(){
radius = 100;
starttests = [1,1];
[ [ -10, -10, 0 ], [ 50, 0, 0 ], 100 ], [ [ 200, 0, 0 ], [ 220, -20, 0 ], 30 ],
end = [100,100];
[ [ 300, 100, 0 ], [ 350, 200, 0 ], 80 ]
//plotfor start(t and= end dotstests)
color("green") translate(start) cylinder(h=3, r=4);
let(start = t[0], end = t[1], radius = t[2])
color("green") translate(end) cylinder(h=3, r=4);
// plot start and end dots - these should be at the intersections of the circles
color("green") translate(start) cylinder(h = 3, r = 4);
color("green") translate(end) cylinder(h = 3, r = 4);
// call function
centres = circles_of_given_radius_through_two_points([0start,0],[100,101] end, radius);
echo("centres", centres);
//plot bothplot results
color("yellow") translate(centres[0]) cylinder(h = 1, r = radius);
color("red") translate(centres[1]) cylinder(h = 2, r = radius);
// The following tests will stop all execution. To run them, uncomment one at a time
// should fail - same points
// echo(circles_of_given_radius_through_two_points([0,0],[0,0],1));
// should fail - points are more than diameter apart
// echo(circles_of_given_radius_through_two_points(p1 = [0,0], p2 = [0,101], radius = 50));
// should fail - radius must be greater than 0
// echo(circles_of_given_radius_through_two_points(p1= [1,1], p2 = [10,1], radius = 0));


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